Dan O'Bannon

Dan O'Bannon

出生 : 1946-09-30, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

死亡 : 2009-12-17


Daniel Thomas "Dan" O'Bannon (September 30, 1946 – December 17, 2009) was an American screenwriter and director of science fiction and horror films. He is best known for his work on "Alien" (1979), "The Return of the Living Dead" (1985) and "Total Recall" (1990).


Dan O'Bannon
Dan O'Bannon


Unleashed from the video vaults of the American Genre Film Archive (AGFA), AGFA MYSTERY MIXTAPE #1 is a brand new compilation of the most electrifying found footage mayhem that you’ll see this week. For our kick-off tape, we’ve curated an hour-long joyride through the hallowed halls of “behind the scenes” horror. Our team has been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support during these difficult times. So this is our way of saying thanks! The price is set at 99 cents, which is the lowest possible option that Vimeo offers. We want everyone to be able to enjoy this. But if you’re able to donate more to our non-profit mission, there’s also an option to pay what you want. Thank you for your continued support, and remember: “DIDN’T YOU USED TO BE SATAN?”
Alien: Specimen
It’s the night shift in a colony greenhouse, and Julie, a botanist, does her best to contain suspicious soil samples that have triggered her sensitive lab dog. Despite her best efforts the lab unexpectedly goes into full shutdown and she is trapped inside. Little does she know, an alien specimen has escaped the mysterious cargo, and a game of cat and mouse ensues as the creature searches for a host. Alien: Specimen is one of six short films produced to celebrate the 40th anniversary of 1979's Alien.
Alien: Ore
As a hard-working miner of a planet mining colony, Lorraine longs to make a better life for her daughter and grandchildren. When her shift uncovers the death of a fellow miner under mysterious circumstances, Lorraine is forced to choose between escape or defying management orders and facing her fears to fight for the safety of her family. Alien: Ore is one of six short films produced to celebrate the 40th anniversary of 1979's Alien.
Alien: Harvest
The surviving crew of a damaged deep-space harvester have minutes to reach the emergency evacuation shuttle. A motion sensor is their only navigation tool leading them to safety while a creature in the shadows terrorizes the crew. However, the greatest threat might have been hiding in plain sight all along. Alien: Harvest is one of six short films produced to celebrate the 40th anniversary of 1979's Alien.
Alien: Containment
When an escape pod detaches from a compromised colony spaceship, the sole four survivors, stranded in deep space, must determine what has happened and if someone among them is infected by a mysterious organism. Alien: Containment is one of six short films produced to celebrate the 40th anniversary of 1979's Alien.
Alien: Night Shift
When a missing space trucker is discovered hungover and disoriented, his co-worker suggests a nightcap as a remedy. Near closing time, they are reluctantly allowed inside the colony supply depot where the trucker’s condition worsens, leaving a young supply worker alone to take matters into her own hands. Alien: Night Shift is one of six short films produced to celebrate the 40th anniversary of 1979's Alien.
Alien: Alone
Hope, an abandoned crew member aboard the derelict chemical hauler Otranto, has spent a year trying to keep her ship and herself alive as both slowly fall apart. After discovering hidden cargo, she risks it all to power up the broken ship in search of human life. Alien: Alone is one of six short films produced to celebrate the 40th anniversary of 1979's Alien.
Memory: The Origins of Alien
Self (archival footage)
The untold origin story behind Ridley Scott's Alien - rooted in Greek and Egyptian mythologies, underground comics, the art of Francis Bacon, and the dark visions of Dan O'Bannon and H.R. Giger. A contemplation on the symbiotic collaborative process of movie-making, the power of myth, and our collective unconscious.
Shock Value: The Movie — How Dan O’Bannon and Some USC Outsiders Helped Invent Modern Horror
Image Archive archivist Dino Everett assembled a feature-length compilation of SCA student works from the late ’60s and ’70s. The compilation features recently uncovered and previously unseen student films by Dan O’Bannon and John Carpenter. • BLOOD BATH (1969, written and directed by Dan O’Bannon) B/W (original 16mm) 7 min. • THE DEMON (1970, written and directed by Charles Adair) B/W (original 16mm) 19 min. • GOOD MORNING DAN (1968, written and directed by Dan O’Bannon, camera by John Carpenter) Color (original 8mm) 19 min. • CAPTAIN VOYEUR (1969, written and directed by John Carpenter) B/W (original 16mm) 7 min. • BLOOD BATH (1976, written and directed by Dan O’Bannon) Red tint (original 16mm blown up to 35mm) 8 min. • JUDSON'S RELEASE (1971, written by Alec Lorimore, directed by Terence H. Winkless) (original 16mm) Color 15 min. Total program time: 80 minutes.
Jodorowsky's Dune
Self (voice) (archive footage)
Shot in France, England, Switzerland and the United States, this documentary covers director Alejandro Jodorowsky (El Topo, Holy Mountain, Santa Sangre) and his 1974 Quixotic attempt to adapt the seminal sci-fi novel Dune into a feature film. After spending 2 years and millions of dollars, the massive undertaking eventually fell apart, but the artists Jodorowsky assembled for the legendary project continued to work together. This group of artists, or his “warriors” as Jodorowsky named them, went on to define modern sci-fi cinema with such films as Alien, Blade Runner, Star Wars and Total Recall.
21世紀末の世界大戦により人類は大量の化学兵器を使用した。その結果地上の大半は居住不可能となり富裕層はヨーロッパを中心としたブリテン連邦(the United Federation of Britain、通称UFB)に住み、貧困層は反対側のオーストラリアを中心としたコロニーに居住する事になり、コロニーの住民はUFBの労働力の為にフォールと呼ばれる巨大なエレベーターに乗りUFBに通勤し働いていた。やがてUFBからの独立と解放を目的とするリーダーのマサイアスを中心としたレジスタンスと呼ばれる反体制派のテロ活動が盛んになり、UFB代表のコーヘイゲンはロボット警官のシンセティックの増産を唱える。
More Brains! A Return to the Living Dead
Retrospective documentary about the making of the horror cult classic "The Return of the Living Dead."
Let There Be Light: The Odyssey of Dark Star
Himself (Archival Footage)
Exploring the controversial story behind John Carpenter (Halloween & The Thing) and writer Dan O Bannon's (Alien & Return of the Living Dead) from first feature film. From its humble beginnings as a USC student film, to its modern day status as a cult masterpiece. It also offers a rare glimpse inside the creative minds of two USC film students... who would eventually go on to change the way horror films are made.
AVP2 エイリアンズ VS. プレデター
南極に存在したピラミッドでの死闘の末、宇宙船の中でプレデターの体内からチェストバスターが誕生するという衝撃のラストシーンで前作は終わった……。しかし、それはこれから地球で起こる惨劇の序章でしかなかった! プレデターから飛び出たチェストバスター=ニュー・エイリアンは、宇宙船の中で“プレデリアン”へと成長し、プレデターを次々と殺戮していく。コントロール不能となった宇宙船はコロラドの森へ墜落し、“プレデリアン”をはじめ、宇宙船に潜んでいた無数のエイリアンたちが獲物を求めて飛び出していった。一方、宇宙船の異変に気づいた、エイリアンを駆逐することを生業とするニュー・プレデター<ザ・クリーナー>が地球へと乗りこんでくる。そして遂に始まった、人類の眼前で次々と繰り広げられる壮絶かつ凄惨な戦い……。史上最も恐ろしい2大モンスターの激突の行方は? そして人類を巻き込んだ戦いの果てに待ちうける、驚愕の結末とは? 人類が最も恐れていた悪夢が現実となる……。果たして地球に明日はあるのか?
Moebius Redux: A Life in Pictures
French artist and author Jean Giraud is one of the most famous and influential comic strip illustrators and authors of all time. He achieved his greatest fame as Moebius - not so much a pseudonym as an alter ego. With his triple-split personality - Jean Giraud, Moebius, Gir - he succeeded in making his work accessible in popular comic strip series like Blueberry, in metaphysical fantasies like John Difool and, not least, to a broad public, with set designs for films such as The Fifth Element. In Moebius Redux - A Life in Pictures an exceptional artist tells his life's and work's story. Extraordinary views on Paris, Los Angeles and the Mexican desert build a visual link between his life and his artistic universe, accompanied by the electronic soundtrack composed by "Kraftwerk" legend Karl Bartos.
Moebius Redux: A Life in Pictures
French artist and author Jean Giraud is one of the most famous and influential comic strip illustrators and authors of all time. He achieved his greatest fame as Moebius - not so much a pseudonym as an alter ego. With his triple-split personality - Jean Giraud, Moebius, Gir - he succeeded in making his work accessible in popular comic strip series like Blueberry, in metaphysical fantasies like John Difool and, not least, to a broad public, with set designs for films such as The Fifth Element. In Moebius Redux - A Life in Pictures an exceptional artist tells his life's and work's story. Extraordinary views on Paris, Los Angeles and the Mexican desert build a visual link between his life and his artistic universe, accompanied by the electronic soundtrack composed by "Kraftwerk" legend Karl Bartos.
Vision of a Future Passed: The Prophecy of 2001
This documentary about "2001: A Space Odyssey" looks at some of the things that seemed fanciful in 1968, which don't seem quite as much anymore.
In Search of Moebius
Documentary about Frenchman Jean Giraud, one of the most influential comic strip illustrators and authors of all time and also one of the genre's best kept secrets. He achieved his greatest fame under the pseudonym/alter ego Moebius, and his artistic influence extends beyond Europe to the USA and Japan. Features interviews with Giraud himself, Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee, American comic book artists Jim Lee and Mike Mignolla and many others.
Ride with the Angels: Making 'Blue Thunder'
Making of 'Blue Thunder'
エイリアン VS. プレデター
億万長者の実業家ウェイランド(ランス・ヘンリクセン)は、考古学者、科学者、セキュリティのエキスパートからなる国際チームを招集し、環境問題専門家で女性冒険家のレックス(サナ・レイサン)にガイドを頼み、南極の地下深くから放出されている謎の“熱源”の調査を敢行する。そして、600mの地底で目撃したものに、彼らは興奮し、次に恐れを抱く。彼らが発見したのは、アステカ、エジプト、カンボジアの各文明が交じりあった巨大なピラミッドだった。ピラミッドの内部に様々な部屋を見つけ、その進んだ技術が数千年前から地球外文明の影響を受けてきたことが明らかになる。 そのとき突如、部屋の壁が動いて閉じこめられただけでなく、その動く壁の迷路によってチームのメンバーは分断されてしまう。部屋から部屋へと移動しているうち、象形文字からついに恐ろしい真実が明かされる。プレデター種族は、100年周期で生きたまま凍らせたクイーン・エイリアンに卵を産ませ、若いプレデターの戦士は、生まれたエイリアンと対決する試練を受ける。この信じがたい成長の儀式――エイリアン対プレデターの戦いの真っ直中に、レックスたちは足を踏みこんでしまったのだ、生け贄として……。
エイリアン VS. プレデター
億万長者の実業家ウェイランド(ランス・ヘンリクセン)は、考古学者、科学者、セキュリティのエキスパートからなる国際チームを招集し、環境問題専門家で女性冒険家のレックス(サナ・レイサン)にガイドを頼み、南極の地下深くから放出されている謎の“熱源”の調査を敢行する。そして、600mの地底で目撃したものに、彼らは興奮し、次に恐れを抱く。彼らが発見したのは、アステカ、エジプト、カンボジアの各文明が交じりあった巨大なピラミッドだった。ピラミッドの内部に様々な部屋を見つけ、その進んだ技術が数千年前から地球外文明の影響を受けてきたことが明らかになる。 そのとき突如、部屋の壁が動いて閉じこめられただけでなく、その動く壁の迷路によってチームのメンバーは分断されてしまう。部屋から部屋へと移動しているうち、象形文字からついに恐ろしい真実が明かされる。プレデター種族は、100年周期で生きたまま凍らせたクイーン・エイリアンに卵を産ませ、若いプレデターの戦士は、生まれたエイリアンと対決する試練を受ける。この信じがたい成長の儀式――エイリアン対プレデターの戦いの真っ直中に、レックスたちは足を踏みこんでしまったのだ、生け贄として……。
The Beast Within: Making 'Alien'
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of “Alien,” the terrifying classic about a spaceship crew trapped with a hideous monster that's hunting them one by one.
Dan O'Bannon: Crafting Fear
Documentary about Dead & Buried.
Return of the Living Dead: Designing the Dead
The Alien Legacy
A behind the scenes look at the making of 'Alien'
A man with an unknown disease travels to an island with his girlfriend where his relatives once lived, hoping to find a cure to his illness. Although his relatives were all thought to be dead, he finds them living underground.
SIRIUS 6B, Year 2078. On a distant mining planet ravaged by a decade of war, scientists have created the perfect weapon: a blade-wielding, self-replicating race of killing devices known as Screamers designed for one purpose only -- to hunt down and destroy all enemy life forms.
Aliens: Ride at the Speed of Fright
This short film combines footage from "Aliens" with new material. It played before and during a motion-simulation theme park ride in the mid-1990s.
The Resurrected
Charles Dexter Ward's wife enlists the help of a private detective to find out what her husband is up to in a remote cabin owned by his family for centuries. The husband is a chemical engineer, and the smells from his experiments (and the delivery of what appear to be human remains at all hours) are beginning to arouse the attention of neighbors and local law enforcement officials.
In this remake of the classic 50s SF tale, a boy tries to stop an invasion of his town by aliens who take over the the minds of his parents, his least-liked schoolteacher and other townspeople. With the aid of the school nurse the boy enlists the aid of the U.S. Marines.
Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors
Actors, directors and special effects technicians are interviewed at a horror-film convention.
来るロサンゼルスオリンピックに向けてのテロ対策と警備強化を名目に、カリフォルニア州当局は陸軍と合同で秘密裏に攻撃ヘリコプター「ザ・スペシャル」ことブルーサンダーを開発し、ロサンゼルス市警察に配備した。 州当局の意向で運用試験のパイロットに選ばれたベトナム帰りの警察航空隊員フランク・マーフィーは、コンビを組む航空観測員・ライマングッドを伴ったブルーサンダーのテスト飛行中に、連邦地方庁舎の一室で行なわれていた州政府関係者の密議を盗聴、録画してしまう。それは、ブルーサンダーの能力をアピールするためのヒスパニック地区での暴動煽動、また反対派を暗殺する「ソア(THOR= Tactical Helicopter Offensive Response 戦術ヘリ攻撃対応)計画:騒乱鎮圧への軍用ヘリ活用」に関するものだった。しかも、ベトナム時代の上官でブルーサンダーの開発にも携わる陸軍大佐・コクランが陰謀に一枚噛んでおり、直前に起きていた市議会委員長殺害事件に絡む謎の言葉“THOR”はこの陰謀の事だった。 コクランらは証拠隠滅のためにライマングッドを殺害、マーフィーにその容疑がかけられる。マーフィーはブルーサンダーを強奪して逃走すると、別居中の妻ケイトにライマングッドが死の直前に隠した密議の録画ビデオをテレビ局の報道キャスター・ヒューイットに渡すよう託し、自らはロサンゼルス上空で権力と、そしてコクランの乗る軍用ヘリとの孤独な闘いを繰り広げる。
Dead & Buried
After a series of gory murders commited by mobs of townspeople against visiting tourists, the corpses appear to be coming back to life and living normally as locals in the small town.
Production Design
Special Effects
Sgt. Pinback alias Bill Fruge
Judson's Release
Dan O’Bannon stars in one of the first iterations of the classic "the babysitter and the man upstairs" urban legend that would go on to influence such films as "Black Christmas" (1974), "Halloween" (1978) and "When a Stranger Calls" (1979).
Blood Bath
A disturbed man makes a few terrible decisions that lead to an unexpected bath.
Blood Bath
A disturbed man makes a few terrible decisions that lead to an unexpected bath.
Good Morning, Dan
Set in the future of 2006, an old man forced into a daily routine by an automated system reminisces about his younger years.
Good Morning, Dan
Set in the future of 2006, an old man forced into a daily routine by an automated system reminisces about his younger years.
Good Morning, Dan
Set in the future of 2006, an old man forced into a daily routine by an automated system reminisces about his younger years.
Good Morning, Dan
Set in the future of 2006, an old man forced into a daily routine by an automated system reminisces about his younger years.
Untitled Alien Movie
A group of young people on a distant world find themselves in a confrontation with the most terrifying lifeform in the universe.