Wes Chatham

Wes Chatham

出生 : 1978-10-11, Georgia, USA


Wes Chatham was born October 11, 1978 and grew up in North Georgia. Wes's parents divorced when he was two and he spent most of his childhood with his Mom, sister and brother. On a whim, Wes's mother took his sister to a audition for a Tide commercial in Savannah, Georgia and brought Wes along. While waiting for his sister in the lobby, the casting director discovered Wes and at the age of five, he was offered a national campaign for Tide. At the age of thirteen, Wes moved in with his father and without a lot of supervision and as a restless and rebellious teen, he was kicked out of high school and sent to the Gift Center in Lawrencville, GA to finish school. The Gift Center was a second chance school for troubled youth, offering very small classes and a higher standard of education than public school. While attending classes, a professional theater company out of Atlanta started a mentoring program with the school and Wes was chosen to write a play that was later performed by his classmates. It was from this experience that Wes found his passion for the arts. After graduating high school, Wes joined the military. He worked as an aviation firefighter on the flight deck of the USS Essex, working in crash and salvage for four years. Wes' break into acting came just three months before his tour was finished when Denzel Washington chose his ship to shoot the movie Antwone Fisher. While searching for some authentic military guys for the movie, Wes was discovered by casting director Robi Reed and given his first movie making experience. That's when he decided he wanted to pursue his life long dream of acting. Following Antwone Fisher, Robi convinced Wes to make the move to Hollywood and shortly thereafter cast him in his first series regular role on Showtime's Barbershop. Wes really started to get attention when Paul Haggis cast him along side Tommy Lee Jones as Corporal Steve Penning in In the Valley of Elah. Tommy Lee Jones was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role. In 2009, Wes would go on to work with Oliver Stone in W. as Frank Benedict, George W's Fraternity brother. The following year, Wes landed another series regular role on CBS' hit TV show The Unit as new Unit team member Staff Sergeant Sam McBride aka Whiplash, working with David Mamet and Shawn Ryan. Wes also starred as Brian Danielson in Brett Simmons' Husk. In 2011, Wes's was a part of the SAG Award Winning Ensemble Cast in DreamWork's The Help starring Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Jessica Chastain, Allison Janney, Mike Vogel and Sissy Spacek. Cast in the role of Carleton Phelan, Wes played Emma Stone's brother in the film. In February 2012, the film received four Academy Award nominations including Best Picture, Best Actress for Viola Davis, Best Supporting Actress for Jessica Chastain and a win for Best Supporting Actress for Octavia Spencer. In 2012, Wes landed his first title role in Joel Silver's The Philly Kid. A fan of mixed martial arts, Wes really dived into the character of Dillion McGwire, performing all of his own stunts. The film debuted in theaters May of 2012. Following The Philly Kid, Wes starred in This Thing With Sarah, which was recently accepted to the San Diego Film Festival. In 2013 Wes wrapped two studio films, Broken Horses and The Town That Dreaded Sundown. Both are due in theaters late 2013 early 2014.


Wes Chatham
Wes Chatham
Wes Chatham
Wes Chatham


TENET テネット
満席の観客で賑わうウクライナのオペラハウスで、テロ事件が勃発。罪もない人々の大量虐殺を阻止するべく、特殊部隊が館内に突入する。部隊に参加していた名もなき男(ジョン・デヴィッド・ワシントン)は、仲間を救うため身代わりとなって捕えられ、毒薬を飲んでしまう…しかし、その薬は何故か鎮痛剤にすり替えられていた。昏睡状態から目覚めた名もなき男は、フェイと名乗る男から“あるミッション”を命じられる。それは、未来からやってきた敵と戦い、世界を救うというもの。未来では、“時間の逆行”と呼ばれる装置が開発され、人や物が過去へと移動できるようになっていた。 ミッションのキーワードは<TENET(テネット)>。「その言葉の使い方次第で、未来が決まる」。謎のキーワード、TENET(テネット)を使い、第三次世界大戦を防ぐのだ。突然、巨大な任務に巻き込まれた名もなき男。彼は任務を遂行する事ができるのか?
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This Thing with Sarah
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