This is a family story that covers thirty years in the life of the Freytag family (narrated by the grandson, Robert). When his grandfather returns from Russia in 1949, he becomes part of the German "economic miracle" by producing garden gnomes. Klaus, Robert's father, wants to become a writer. He marries Gisela who almost immediately gets pregnant with Robert - but the marriage doesn't work. Both parents abandon the child, and Robert goes on living with both pairs of grand parents. While his father belongs to the 1968 generation that rebels against their fathers he falls in love with the neighbor's's daughter Laura.
Philipp Halbe can not read and write. He avoids life, works in a bar at night and does not engage in serious relationships. One day when his daughter Lily, whose mother died in a car accident, is about to die, he has to face the challenges of life and fight for custody. The aim of the film is to raise awareness of the problem of illiteracy and thus to contribute to the de-tabulation.
Der 17-Jährige Gymnasiast Oliver Rother bringt seine Gedanken, Gefühle und Erlebnisse gern in Hip-Hop-Texten zum Ausdruck. Als ihm seine Lehrerin Selma Vollrath eine Sechs für eine Deutscharbeit über "Die Leiden des jungen Werther" gibt, die er im Stil eines Rappers getextet hat, verlässt er enttäuscht und wutentbrannt die Klasse. Dabei verliert er einen Zettel, auf dem er in einem drastischen Song ankündigt, Frau Vollrath töten zu wollen. Aus Angst, einen potenziellen Amokläufer im Haus zu haben, informiert die Schulleitung die Polizei. Als diese bei der Hausdurchsuchung auf Olivers Computer gewalttätige Videos findet und sich der Jugendliche nicht eindeutig von seinen Sprüchen distanziert, nimmt ein ungeahntes Drama seinen Lauf.
A woman travels to New Zealand for the purpose of visiting his daughter. Give the fact that your company is interested in buying the farm where the girl works. But when her daughter announces the unexpected commitment to the son of the owner of the farm, a series of unexpected events completely change the two families.
The story of the first cloned human being - told in her own words: At the age of thirty the world-famous composer Iris Sellin learns that she has an incurable illness. She - a person who wanted to live for ever - does however not give in. In order to preserve her art and also herself, beyond death, for all posterity, she has herself cloned. Her daughter Siri, whom, in this way, she turns into her virtual twin, learns as a child that she is the world's first cloned human being. In fact a blueprint: a blueprint of her mother. From that moment on nothing is as it was before...
Thirteen-year-old Paula lives with her mother on a well-kept estate in a small town surrounded by nice neighbours. But Paula's view of normality has been sharpened by her extensive and consistent diet of horror movies.