Clare Grant

Clare Grant

出生 : 1979-08-23, Memphis, Tennessee, USA


Clare Grant is a Memphis born actress who grew up heavily involved in the local theater scene. Upon graduating from the University of Memphis for Theater Performance, she had a short modeling career overseas before she began acting professionally after booking a small but pivotal role in Walk the Line, after which, she moved to LA to pursue acting full time. While in Memphis, Clare met local director, Craig Brewer, who cast her in several independent films before casting her in his first studio film Black Snake Moan & then later in his MTV series $5 Cover. Since then, Clare has found luck in LA, booking leading roles in the Emmy award winning Showtime series Masters of Horror as well as several other films and television shows, including voicing characters on Robot Chicken. As a producer, Clare created & starred in the short film Saber, which won two awards in the LucasFilm Star Wars Fan Film Awards. With her creative partners, Team Unicorn, she has helped to create and produce viral sensations such as G33K & G4M3R Girls, A Very Zombie Holiday and Super Harmony.


Clare Grant
Clare Grant
Clare Grant
Clare Grant
Clare Grant
Clare Grant
Clare Grant
Clare Grant
Clare Grant


The Private Eye
Private investigator Mort Madison's life begins spiraling downward when a beguiling, slightly familiar woman hires him for his most unusual case.
ガーディアンズ・オブ・ギャラクシー:VOLUME 3
Crying Krylorian Citizen
Lethal Love Letter
As Amelia dives back into her intense relationship with Mark and leaves Becca to her own devices at work, suspicious activities and online threats make Amelia question whether the people closest to her have her best interests at heart.
Two sisters have been driving all night when they come across a dilapidated roadside park and bathroom. Horrific events follow when one of them stumbles upon a strange message and a mischievous resident that wants to play a terrifying game.
Follow two estranged best friends on an epic, life-changing adventure in Thailand as they're reminded that there's no problem that friendship and a few rounds in a Muay Thai boxing ring can't fix.
ゴジラ キング・オブ・モンスターズ
Fighter Pilot (uncredited)
Dance Baby Dance
Have you ever had a dream? Jimmy did and now it's his turn to dance. Will he be able to rise above all the competition, and his own shortcomings, to dance the performance of his life? If so, then his lifelong dream will be realized.
Sara Gunderson
An anthology feature film that puts a uniquely dark and original spin on some of the most iconic and beloved holidays of all time by challenging our folklore, traditions and assumptions.
Mega Shark vs. Kolossus
Clare - Team Unicorn
In search of a new energy source, Russia accidentally reawakens the Kolossus - a giant robot doomsday device from the Cold War. At the same time, a new Mega Shark appears, threatening global security.
Robot Chicken: Christmas Specials
This DVD release features six Christmas special episodes from Robot Chicken's hilariously outrageous 6 seasons, plus comes loaded with holiday-themed bonus content like deleted scenes, deleted animatics, commentary, and more! This [adult swim] holiday release is available at a great value, and will be an instant holiday classic for fans and collectors.
She Makes Comics
She Makes Comics traces the fascinating history of women in the comics industry. Despite popular assumptions about the comics world, women have been writing, drawing, and reading comics since the medium’s beginnings in the late 19th century. And today, there are scores of women involved in comics and its vibrant fan culture. Featuring dozens of interviews with such vital figures as Ramona Fradon, Trina Robbins, Joyce Farmer, Karen Berger, Kelly Sue DeConnick, and Becky Cloonan, She Makes Comics is the first film to bring together the most influential women of the comics world.
ビデオゲーム THE MOVIE
From executive producer Zach Braff and director Jeremy Snead, "Video Games: The Movie" is an epic feature length documentary chronicling the meteoric rise of video games from nerd niche to multi-billion dollar industry. Narrated by Sean Astin and featuring in-depth interviews with the godfathers who started it all, the icons of game design, and the geek gurus who are leading us into the future, "Video Games: The Movie" is a celebration of gaming from Atari to Xbox and an eye-opening look at what lies ahead.
Robot Chicken DC Comics Special II: Villains in Paradise
Catwoman / Poison Ivy / Little Girl (voice)
The Robot Chicken crew takes a peek at what happens when the DC villains end up on the same beach as the DC heroes on spring break!
The Insomniac
Martha Collins
John Figg has a great career and a gorgeous fiancée. When he inherits a nice house in a quiet neighborhood, he finally starts to feel like his life is coming together. Trouble arises, however, when John's house is burglarized, and the thieves steal one of his most prized possessions.
Wonder Woman
It's one hundred and fifty seconds of pure fantasy.
Voice of Anathema
A battle-weary ex-Special Forces Operative buys a ranch in remote American West to flee from the world, and encounters a strange series of trespassers, including a beautiful elf princess and a Native American mystic and Orcs. When the Orcs invade his property, John must give up his isolation to become a hero, before the Orcs unleash their dragon god on our world.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Darth Maul Returns
Latts Razzi (voice)
After Dathomir falls prey to a merciless attack by General Grievous, Asajj Ventress survives to join a bounty hunter clan led by a young Boba Fett. Meanwhile, the dark warrior Savage Opress returns to his creator, the witch Mother Talzin, who gives him a sinister mission: to search the galaxy for his brother, Sith Apprentice Darth Maul. Believed dead for over a decade after falling to the sword of then Jedi Apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul is nearly unrecognizable, residing in the bowels of a ruined planet and fueled by hatred. Savage Opress delivers the shattered Maul to Mother Talzin to restore his former powers, and the brothers vow an oath of vengeance against Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Joshua Tree, 1951: A Portrait of James Dean
Part period melodrama, part film noir, part 50s road movie "JOSHUA TREE, 1951" is a portrait of screen legend and outsider icon James Dean as you have never seen him before.
Daylight Fades
Elizabeth and Johnny, each of whose pasts have been sorrowful, find salvation in each the other. Theirs is a romance that knows no bounds until an accident leaves one in a coma and their burgeoning love ripped apart. Enter the guarded Seth who has been keeping a watch over the shattered Elizabeth. He resolves to do what it takes to save Johnny even if that means the only way to prolong his life, which hangs in the balance, is by turning him into a vampire. Shot in Memphis Tennessee from a reinvigorating fresh perspective, Daylight Fades conjures a heartbreaking experience of love found and lost and reborn, the depths of despair and the profound connections we break in the mending of our hearts.
The Graves
Megan Graves
Two inseparable sister's visit to a remote mine town turns into a mind-bending fight for survival against menaces both human and supernatural.
A God-fearing bluesman takes to a wild young woman who, as a victim of childhood sexual abuse, is looking everywhere for love, but never quite finding it.
Valerie on the Stairs
Taken from a Clive Barker original screen story, tells the tale of a novelist who discovers there are fates worse than literary anonymity in this sexually-charged tale of terror.
Lissome Girl
1944年、アメリカ。12歳のジョニーは兄のジャックと共に両親の畑仕事を手伝っていた。しかし、一家の貧しい生活は一向に楽にならず、父は酒に溺れる日々だった。そんなジョニーの心のなぐさめとなったのは、兄ジャックの優しさと、ラジオから流れてくるゴスペルやカントリー音楽だった。ある時、最愛の兄が突然の事故でこの世を去ってしまう。出来のいい息子を失ったショックでますます荒れる父親とジョニーとの確執は広がっていく。そして、空軍に入隊したジョニーは実家を離れ、ドイツに駐屯する。除隊後に初恋の女性ヴィヴィアンと結婚、子供も授かった。訪問セールスの仕事の合間に友人とゴスペル・バンドを組んで音楽を楽しむジョニーだったが、家計は苦しく、徐々に夫婦の仲も冷え切っていく。 そんなある日、ジョニーは街角で偶然見かけたレコード会社で、オーディションの機会を得る。そこで空軍時代に書いた囚人の心の叫びとも言える歌を熱唱し、その実力を認められる。そして瞬く間にプロのミュージシャンとしての第一歩を踏み出すことになった。早速、同じレコード会社のジェリー・リー・ルイスやエルヴィス・プレスリーらと全米中をツアーでまわっていた時、ジョニーは少年時代からの憧れだったジューン・カーターと出会い、すぐに意気投合する。この出会いが、これからの彼らの長い運命の始まりとなるのだった……。
The Island of Dr. Moreau
Fox Lady
A shipwrecked sailor stumbles upon a mysterious island and is shocked to discover that a brilliant scientist and his lab assistant have found a way to combine human and animal DNA—with horrific results.
Hanky Panky
A man and his sentient napkin friend save the world from a dark evil in a cabin deep in the Utah mountains, and also learn to love. Based on the short of a same name filmed in 2014.