Olivier Cruveiller

Olivier Cruveiller

出生 : 1959-09-06, Créteil, Val-de-Marne, France


Olivier Cruveiller


Le Tigre et le Président
1920. Georges Clémenceau just lost the french presidential elections to the unknown Paul Deschanel, an idealistic who wants to change the country. But, one day, Deschanel falls from a train and disappear. At daybreak, France is looking for its president, a great chance for the « Tiger » Georges Clémenceau.
Le bruit des trousseaux
Sandoz Directeur centre scolaire
Alexis Pasquier, a young French teacher, begins his first day of classes at the Nancy prison. There he meets Léa, a young woman with whom he falls madly in love. Two worlds open up to him: true love and the prison environment. He will never be the same anymore.
Silver Hair
Not on My Watch
Patron Brasserie
Nathalie is a jeweler who has just moved to Paris for a new job and a new life with her two sons. But the jewelry store manager suddenly changes his mind and tells her the job is no longer hers. Nathalie wants to protect her children and decides to say nothing. This first lie will spark others and soon Nathalie is entangled in a dangerous spiral.
An average guy meets an actress who is more beautiful than he could ever imagine. But then a pesky girl materializes to make his life a living hell. His perfect girlfriend now thinks that he is involved with this Caprice.
La rupture
Pierre Juillet
Upon the sudden death of President Georges Pompidou, the French right is taken aback. Who will succeed him? It is finally Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, aged 48, elected with the support of Jacques Chirac, who is then appointed Prime Minister. Their alliance seems strong, but it will quickly crack.
le père de Joséphine
Josephine doesn't like her job and keeps on having relationships without a future. Her sister and parents keep pushing her to find a good husband. To shut them up, she creates a handsome Brazilian millionaire but her little white lie has a flip side - she loses everything to find the love of her life.
François' father
A French woman mourning over the death of her husband three years prior is courted by a Swedish co-worker.
Commissaire Herranz
The story of Venezuelan revolutionary, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, who founded a worldwide terrorist organization and raided the OPEC headquarters in 1975 before being caught by the French police.
I've Loved You So Long
A woman struggles to interact with her family and find her place in society after spending fifteen years in prison.
Very Well, Thank You
The tough lives of two ordinary individuals: Alex, an accountant and his wife Béatrice, a taxi driver.
Inspector Guillaume
巨匠ジャック・リヴェット監督が、カンヌでパルムドールを獲得した「美しき諍い女」に続き、再びエマニュエル・ベアールをヒロインに迎えて撮り上げた愛の物語。中年の時計技師とミステリアスな美女との不思議な愛の軌跡を官能的に描く。共演は「鉄の男」のイエジー・ラジヴィオヴィッチ。  一匹の猫と静かな生活を送っていた時計技師の中年男ジュリアン。彼はある日、1年前に知り合った美しい女性マリーと再会、互いに惹かれ合うものを感じる。一方でジュリアンは、マダムXが取り扱っている中国産シルクの偽造証明書を入手し、彼女から金をゆすり取る計画を進めていた。ある時、ジュリアンは突然マリーから夕食へ招待され、その夜彼女の部屋ではじめて一夜を共にする。しかし翌朝ベッドにマリーの姿はなく、帰宅したジュリアンは自分の部屋が荒らされているのに呆然とする。とっさにマダムXとマリーの共謀を疑うジュリアンだったが…。
The Adversary
Based on the 2000 book of the same name by Emmanuel Carrère, it is inspired by the real-life story of Jean-Claude Romand. L'Adversaire's protagonist Jean-Marc Faure (Auteuil) pursues an imaginary career as a doctor of medicine in a plot more closely based on Romand's life and Carrère's book than was Laurent Cantet's 2001 film L'Emploi du Temps. The film was nominated for a Palme d'Or at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival.
François, Claire's boyfriend
A chance meeting with Aie, a waitress with a strange name, will drive a 50 year old neurotic man, Robert, crazy.
ジャンヌ・ダルク 愛と自由の天使
Jean de Metz
「彼女たちの舞台」などで知られるヌーヴェル・バーグのJ・リヴェットが、15世紀フランスに実在した非運の英雄、ジャンヌ・ダルクの波乱に満ちた生涯を、前編の本作と、後半の「ジャンヌ/薔薇の十字架」の全編約四時間に及ぶスケールで描いた超大作。本編では神の啓示により、自らが王国を救う使命を帯びた存在であることを知った彼女が、王太子シャルルの信頼の下、オルレアンを解放するまでを描く。  尚、本編はオリジナルより約一時間短い二時間の短縮バージョンである。真の完全版は「ジャンヌ・ダルク/I戦闘 II牢獄」としてこの後に公開されている。
Summer of 1964. The professor Carlos and the couple Dário and Alda spend time together in the beach during vacations. Away from the colonial war, everything seems lost in time.
L'homme-métal (Voice)
On the planet Gandahar where peace reigns and poverty is unknown, this utopian lifestyle is upset by reports of people at the outlying frontiers being turned to stone. Sylvain is sent to investigate this mysterious threat.
On the day Jean Gabin dies, a kidnaper who also takes a fortune in jewels heisted from Cartiers murders Simon Verini's wife. (Simon was fencing the jewels for a youthful gang who robbed Cartiers; he suspects them of the murder.) He's framed for the theft and spends ten years in prison, writing to his daughter, Marie-Sophie, who's 11 when he's sent away. Released, he reconnects to Marie-Sophie and to the young thieves, seeks revenge, and is quickly arrested again. She doesn't know what to make of her father, retreats to her Swiss fiancé, and is flummoxed when one of the young thieves falls for her. Is resolution possible when crime cuts across families and romance?
Ling (voice)
Wang Fo, the greatest master of medieval China, aided by his assistant who has given up everything to follow him, desperately seeks aesthetic perfection. A day comes when he thinks he has achieved it. But his genius arouses both the curiosity and the jealousy of the Emperor. Wang Fo will be able to escape the Emperor's vindictiveness only by going to the limit of his talents.