Genica Missirio


A silent adaptation of the 1778 Beaumarchais play The Marriage of Figaro, with material also used from its two sequels.
Joachim Murat
A biopic of Napoleon Bonaparte, tracing the Corsican's career from his schooldays (where a snowball fight is staged like a military campaign) to his flight from Corsica, through the French Revolution (where a real storm is intercut with a political storm) and the Terror, culminating in his triumphant invasion of Italy in 1797. Originally intended to be the first of six films, director Abel Gance realized the full project would be nigh impossible, and never raised the money to complete the other five. The film's legendary reputation is due to the astonishing range of techniques that Gance uses to tell his story, culminating in the final twenty-minute triptych sequence, which alternates widescreen panoramas with complex multiple- image montages projected simultaneously on three screens.
Maurice de Thouars
Belphégor deals with a series of mysterious appearances by a masked-and-robed figure in the Louvre; a security guard is murdered, and a later police trap is foiled when the phantom—“Belphégor” (the name of a legendary demon)—uses knock-out gas. Journalist Jacques Bellegarde of “Le Petit Parisien” (the real-life newspaper which published the original story in serial installments), investigates, and eventually discovers famous detective Chantecoq and his vivacious daughter Colette are also on the case.
Le chemin de la gloire
The Poster
A mother sells a photo of her daughter to the press for publicity, and a daughter suddenly dies leaving the mother desperate surrounding by portraits of her daughter all around town.
François Vidocq has deserted to go back to his wife and kids, so he becomes a thief. Unfortunately, he finds she had become Manon-la-blonde, mistress of a rich man named Ouvrard, and his children have disappeared. He offers his services to the chief of intelligence service and begins a fight against the Aristo, chief of the gang of the children of the sun. After a few years, he dismantles the gang, and finds both his sons. One has become a blackguard, the other a famous organist who is about to be knighted and will soon get married to his beloved.
Les ailes s'ouvrent
Capt. Aymard
Two men, lost in the desert, meet Queen Antinea, ruler of Atlantis.