Claude France

出生 : 1893-03-09,

死亡 : 1928-01-03


Island of Love
André Cornelis
The Madonna of the Sleeping Cars
Lady Diana Wynham
The main occupation of the beautiful Lady Diana Winham is to travel through Europe in luxury trains. She also owns a uranium mine that is of interest to many people.
Lady Harrington
L'Abbé Constantin
Mrs. Scott
Poor abbé Contantin, he is devastated at the news: to think that two American ladies have bought the local manor where he has always been welcome! Worse, Mrs. Scott and her cousin Bettina are protestant. But the good priest soon realizes there is no cause for alarm. The two ladies are charming and open-minded. They insist on Constantin sticking to his old habits and he gladly resumes his visits to the manor. Paul,his nephew, will even fall in love with Bettina and the priest will unite the two young people in the village of mirth.
The Duke's Motto
The Prince of Gonzague kills the Duke of Nevers and tries to marry his widow, Aurore de Nevers, so he can get his hand on his fortune. The Chevalier Lagardère takes the child Irène de Nevers with him to Spain only to return disguised as a hunchback years later to unmask the Prince for the villain he is.
Le prince charmant
Unkwown to the vast majority, Count Patrice is the crown prince of Simenia. One day he sails for the East on his yacht "Bengal" in the company of Christiane, a beautiful princess, in love with him. Chance has it that Patrice sets Anar, an Oriental beauty, free from the harem where she is held captive. Love is born between the two young people, which infuriates Christiane. Mad with jealousy, the vexed woman sets about preventing Patrice and Anar from marrying... by all means fair or foul!
Boarding House Groonen
a silent movie by Robert Wiene
Mme de Pompadour
Moderne Ehen
Le Père Goriot
Le Carnaval des vérités
Comtesse Della Gentia and her lover Paul attempt to seduce and blackmail a rich neighbour Juan, who is in love with a naïve young friend of theirs, Clarisse. Their plot fails; the Comtesse kills herself at a ball, and her lover re-covers her face with its mask.