Fernand Coquet


Serie Noire
Le Hell's Angel
Franck Poupart is a slightly neurotic door-to-door salesman in a sinister part of Paris' suburbs. He meets Mona, a teenager, who's been made a prostitute by her own aunt. Franck would like to change his life and also save Mona from her aunt. Murder is the only solution.
Love in the Afternoon
The last of Rohmer's Six Moral Tales. Frederic leads a bourgeois life; he is a partner in a small Paris office and is happily married to Helene, a teacher expecting her second child. In the afternoons, Frederic daydreams about other women, but has no intention of taking any action. One day, Chloe, who had been a mistress of an old friend, begins dropping by his office. They meet as friends, irregularly in the afternoons, till eventually Chloe decides to seduce Frederic, causing him a moral dilemma.
Bill Poster (uncredited)
Paula Nelson goes to Atlantic City to meet her lover, Richard Politzer, but finds him dead and decides to investigate his death. In her hotel room, she meets Typhus, whom she ends up knocking out. His corpse is later found in the apartment of David Goodis, a writer. Paula is arrested and interrogated. From then on, she encounters many gangsters.
Twelve episodic tales in the life of a Parisian woman and her slow descent into prostitution.
ジュールとジムは、情熱的で奔放な女性カトリーヌに恋をする。ジムへの想いを胸に秘めたままジュールと結婚した彼女だが、ジムとの再会で再び二人に愛の炎が燃え上がる。しかし、小さな食い違いでジムは彼女から離れていく。ある日出かけた河岸で、カトリーヌはジムをドライブに誘い、壊れた橋に向かってスピードを上げた。 三角関係の心理を見事に描いた本作は、ジャンヌ・モローの輝くばかりの美しさが圧倒的な魅力となった一遍。