Katsuji Mori
出生 : 1945-07-10, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
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Katsuji Mori (森 功至 Mori Katsuji, born July 10, 1945) is a Japanese voice actor from Tokyo. He is most known for the roles of Go Mifune (Mach GoGoGo), Joe Shimamura/009 (Cyborg 009 [1960's]), Ken the Eagle (Science Ninja Team Gatchaman), Jouji Minami (Tekkaman: The Space Knight), and Garma Zabi (Mobile Suit Gundam). His former stage name is Setsuya Tanaka (田中 雪弥 Tanaka Setsuya).
Renault Berlioz
Bunjirou Narusawa (voice)
第四次ティアマト会戦からアスターテ会戦までの期間を描いた劇場用作品。「銀河英雄伝説 わが征くは星の大海」の続編。 銀河帝国の若き大将ラインハルト・フォン・ミューゼルは、第四次ティアマト会戦を勝利に導いた功績で、名門ローエングラム伯爵家を継ぐことに決定。しかし、彼をこころよく思わない門閥貴族たちは、ラインハルトを戦場で殺してしまおうと企むのだった。
Astra (voice)
Keith, George, Edward, Yang and Shaw are Platoon #801, the five-man team formed to protect their homeworld in the Inferious galaxy from alien invasion. Gazaria's evil emperor Vince conquers the neighbor worlds of Kal and Granad, and suddenly only Platoon #801, also known as Condition Green, stands between him and the conquest of Emerald Earth.
Beezlebub (voice)
Jaow (voice)
Garma Zabi
A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.
Wolfgang Mittermeyer
Restauranter (voice)
The cockroaches of Saito's apartment live in peace with their human host, who gives them lots of space to breed and plenty of leftovers to munch on. In the midst of these high living times, Naomi and Ichiro plan to get married and start a family. But when a hard-bitten stranger roach named Hans appears with news of war with the humans across the lawn, it foretells disruption-not only of Naomi and Ichiro's relationship, but of the hive's entire way of life.
Carson D. Carson
Once upon a time, there was a certain family having strong influence on the rule of the Imperial Court. They had their own might called “Kidou,” and yet got hated because of the might itself. At last, the patriarch of the family was entrapped to his death, and all the family was doomed to ruin... The present day — the survived descendants of this family, now calling themselves “Kidousyuu,” schemed to resurrect their murdered patriarch once again, and the ferocious evil spell went into action.
Tanguin (voice)
Lek and Flene are warriors of the Han tribe who live in a post-apocalyptic world. They must fight Tanguin, a powerful enemy who keeps kidnapping women from their village. After the last attack, the villagers demand that both Lek and Flene go directly to Tanguin's home base to face him. To assist the two warriors, two volunteers from the village offer their help: Corola, who had his sister kidnapped, and Syril, who's girlfriend was abducted. They also gain the aid of Klee, a magical being who accidentally got struck by Tanguin on his last assault. - Anime News Network
Mitsuo Itami
Odin centers around the novice crew of the laser sailing space schooner Starlight as they embark on an historic interstellar test flight. They are intercepted by what seems to be a wrecked spaceship only to find that it contains a lone survivor; a young woman named Sara Cyanbaker. Unknown to the crew at this time, a mechanized space fleet approaches Earth and a scout vessel from that fleet was responsible for the destruction of Sara's ship.
Cemen Bond (voice)
Seiji Yoshida (voice)
物語は、広島県広島市舟入本町(現在の広島市中区舟入本町)に住む国民学校2年生の主人公・中岡元(なかおか げん “以下、ゲン”)が、当時日本と交戦していたアメリカ軍により1945年8月6日に投下された原爆で、父・大吉(だいきち)、姉・英子(えいこ)、弟・進次(しんじ)の3人を亡くしながらも、たくましく生きる姿を描く。
Mr. Matsuzawa is a novelist who lives in Chiba Prefecture. Only his daughter Kazuko knows that the family dog, Don Matsugorou, can talk. Don is wounded in a fight with the neighbors' dog, King, a nouveau-riche mongrel with ideas above his station. At the vet, however, he falls in love with a little patchwork puppy called Chotaro. (Source: The Anime Encyclopedia)
Smirnov (voice)
An American scientist constructs a laser satellite with hopes of preventing any nuclear conflicts from occurring. However, after a fatal error from both the US and the USSR governments, war breaks out and humanity faces a new bloodshed.
東京・椎名町に所在するアパート「トキワ荘」に入居し、後年一世を風靡する作品を手掛けた漫画家達の青春群像を描いた作品。本作では、石森(石ノ森)章太郎、藤子不二雄(藤子・F・不二雄、藤子不二雄Ⓐ)、赤塚不二夫の4名を中心に描かれていた。 キャラクターデザインは石森章太郎が手掛け、監督はやはりトキワ荘住人の一人で、アニメーターである鈴木伸一が担当した。また劇中では、住人が手掛けた漫画のキャラクターが、狂言回し役や街の人役として端役出演するというお遊びもある。その中には、当時他局(テレビ朝日)で放送中だったドラえもん、怪物くんのキャラクターが登場した(オリジナル版と声優は異なる)。
Up in Heaven, Yuki’s grandparents decide that, having turned thirteen years old, she must go down to Earth to a village that is torn by bandits and intervene to save its people. However if she does not succeed within one year she will become as insubstantial as the wind. Down in the village, Yuki is befriended by a group of orphans whose parents have all been killed by the bandits and who now subsist by begging. Yuki amazes them by taming the wild horse Blizzard. She is instrumental in getting the orphans and farmers to stand up to first the warring bandits and then Goemon, the greedy lord that owns the region. But Yuki must face her greatest challenge yet when the displeased Demon God that lives in the volcano emerges to destroy those who live beneath.
Garma Zabi (voice)
宇宙世紀0079。宇宙植民地(スペースコロニー)サイド3はジオン公国を名乗り、連邦軍に独立戦争をしかけてきた。 サイド7に住む15歳の少年アムロは、ジオン軍の奇襲の中、モビルスーツ・ガンダムに偶然乗り込み、敵モビルスーツ・ザクを撃退する。 避難民を乗せたホワイトベースは、ジオン軍の追撃をかわし、逃避の旅を続ける。迫るジオン軍の赤い彗星シャア。大人はみんな死んだ。 生きのびたければ、やるしかない。アムロの意志が、ガンダムを飛翔させる!
A young queen requests a bouquet of snowdrop flowers for New Year's Day in exchange for a reward. One greedy woman sends her stepdaughter, whom she does not like, to look for the flowers in a cold forest, knowing the task will be impossible for her. The girl almost freezes to death in the forest, but she is rescued by the spirits of the Twelve Months, who create spring around her. The girl is able to deliver the bouquet to the queen, but others want a share of the reward.
Peter van Daan (voice)
A theatrical version of episodes 13 and 14 of the TV series. Against her insistence, Yuuki is drafted by the Tokyo Mets as the first woman player in the baseball league.
Takayuki Todou
Five young superhero ninja employed by the International Science Organization oppose an international terrorist organization of technologically advanced villains who are trying to control Earth's natural resources.
Capt. Thomas F. Mantell (voice)