Mikhail Nozhkin

Mikhail Nozhkin

出生 : 1937-01-19, Moskow, USSR


Mikhail Nozhkin


The Detached Mission
In the waters of the Pacific Ocean, regular maneuvers of the Soviet and American squadrons are taking place. After months of autonomous navigation, our military frigate heads to its home base. The distress signal received forces sailors to change course. The CIA arranges a provocation: on a secret American base, one of the missile launchers was prepared for a real strike on the enemy’s squadron. Instead of saving people, Soviet sailors will have to intervene in the deadly game started by NATO. At the cost of tremendous effort, the crew of one of the Soviet ships managed to prevent the catastrophe provoked by CIA agents. They enter a real battle...
Soviet "Manchurian candidate"
At the Beginning of Glorious Days
Boris Golitzin
Late 17th century. With no access to the sea, Russia suffers great losses in foreign trade. Peter tries to capture the Turkish fortress of Azov, but with no success: he can win only if he has a fleet. Peter’s ukases provoke the Boyars’ indignation. Europe looks in amazement: the Russian tsar begins to work at a Dutch shipyard learning the subtleties of shipbuilding?! But his training is cut short. Peter has to return to Russia in order to brutally suppress the Streltsy rebellion organized by his sister Sophia.
The Youth of Peter
Boris Golitzin
The years of the tsar’s adolescence and youth were permeated with deadly danger coming from some of the Boyars, the rebellious Streltsy and Tsarevna Sophia who aspired for power. But already at that early time Peter demonstrates a profound, bright intellect, a strong will and the sense of purpose, which help him disarm both his open and secret enemies.
Gleb Krzhizhanovsky
The film tells about the childhood and youth of the wife, friend and military ally of the founder of the country of the Soviets Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya. The main attention in the film is paid to the participation of a young revolutionary in the organization of the struggle of the workers of St. Petersburg for their rights, against the autocracy.
Land, Poste Restante
Based on a true story about Soviet spy Lev Manevich. He lives in Italy and operates in the Nazi Germany and Austria. Manevich, who is posing as a businessman, collects information about the latest German airplanes made by Messerschmitt for Luftwaffe. On his spying trip to Berlin, Manevich noticed that a stranger was following him. Now his life is in danger, but he must do something to complete his mission...
Ход белой королевы
Scenario Writer
Liberation: The Last Assault
In Berlin, Lieutenant Yartsev's infantry and Tzvetaev's battery fight their way in the U-Bahn. Captain Neustroev's company is selected to hoist the Victory Banner atop the Reichstag.
Liberation: Direction of the Main Blow
This five part epic war drama gives a dramatized detailed account of Soviet Union's war against Nazi Germany during world war two. Each of the five parts represents a separate major eastern front campaign.
The Secret Agent's Destiny
Pavel "Bekas" Sinitsyn
After Tulyev's arrest, Soviet counterintelligence continues the radio game with the enemy, sending encryptions signed "Nadezhda" to the Western intelligence center. KGB officer Sinitsyn, friendly towards Tulyev, tries to persuade him to take his side — he arranges a meeting to a scout with Mariya and her son, whom he has never seen before. In addition, Mikhail learns that his father didn't die of his own death, but was most likely killed. Meanwhile, a young Soviet scientist Borkov, who spoke at an international conference about his innovative work, finds himself in the spotlight of the Western security services.
Liberation: The Break Through
A grandiose military film epic, which does not know analogues in world cinema: the history of the Great Patriotic War from the Battle of the Kursk Bulge to the installation of the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag - "Liberation".
Each Evening at Eleven
Stanislav Nikolayev
One evening, in the company of his friends, the bachelor Stas for the sake of entertainment called the number, the numbers of which were called by his friends, putting a comic condition: “If a woman answers, you marry her.” A really pleasant female voice responded. Stas didn't dare to admit his company in this, again wanted to hear it, but couldn't remember the phone number. Then he asked everyone to remember their number. Having got acquainted with Lyudmila, Stas realizes that she is the woman of his dreams.
By the Lake
The film is a reflection on the responsibility of man to other people, native nature and the world around us, the problem of preserving Lake Baikal, on the banks of which a large construction project has unfolded. The first half of the 60s of the XX century, the story of the love of young Lena Barmina to an adult respectable person, bearing on his shoulders a heavy burden of responsibility for the activities of a huge enterprise. Construction engineer Chernykh and Lena, the daughter of a scientist, are doing everything to save the lake from harmful and unjustified plums. A difficult relationship develops between them and soon Lena realizes that she is in love. But after learning that Chernykh is married, the girl leaves...
The Secret Agent's Blunder
Pavel "Bekas" Sinitsyn
In the spring of 1961, KGB officers received information that an experienced intelligence officer Mikhail Zarokov, son of the Russian emigrant Count Tulyev, with extensive international experience and knowledge in various operations was abandoned on the territory of the Soviet Union. He is sent to Russia to carry out a very difficult and risky task, which is directly related to the nuclear industrial complex and transfer the collected information abroad...