Kazumi Tanaka
出生 : 1951-08-11, Suginami, Tokyo, Japan
死亡 : 2007-12-20
The Fear (voice)
A three and a half hour cut of Metal Gear Solid 3's cinematics featuring remastered sound. This is a version of the story presented as a film.
Kiyosumi Kato
秋田書店「週刊少年チャンピオン」で長年看板作品を務めている格闘コミック界の雄が、単発のOVAタイトルとしてリリースされたもの。 恐るべき格闘技の実力を秘めた少年・範馬刃牙は、空手の全日本王者である末堂厚と対峙し、これを打ち破った。そのことが呼び水となり、知る人ぞ知る地下闘技場へと招かれた彼は、恐るべき技を駆使する空手家・鎬昴昇と対戦することに。相手の神経を指先で斬り感覚を失わせるという鎬の得意技紐切りを食らってしまった刃牙は、片目の視力を失ってしまう。しかしその類まれなる彼の格闘センスは、一瞬にして紐切りのウィークポイントを見破っていた! 45分の尺で本作の魅力を描き切るため、原作における人気の対戦カードをピックアップ。実力派アニメーター・馬越嘉彦によって描かれたキャラクターたちは、作者・板垣恵介の独特のテイストを見事に表現している。OVAならではの激しさで迫る格闘シーンの作画にも要注目だ。
Zombie (voice)
The Norimaki Family, the Soramame Family, Suppaman, and Dr. Mashirito end up coming to a summer resort which is really a haunted castle filled with monsters. While enjoying the many facilities, such as the arcades and hot spring baths, they all end up falling into the clutches of Vandora, a female vampire who intends to feed off them.
Guan Ping (voice)
孔明が劉備に提案した「天下三分の計」。それは天下を三分に分け、孫権と協力して曹操を倒そうとするものだった。計画は実現したかのように思えたが、呉の裏切りによって孔明は劉備、関羽、張飛らを失ってしまう。 皆の願いを実現させるべく、魏に対抗していく孔明だったが。
Lee (voice)
In L.A.'s Chinatown, the crime cartel known as K.O. hatches a plot to bring down Ron Tayan and the 108 Dragons. Ron joins forces with the computer-savvy daughter of the local boss; she tracks the attacking gang via electronics, Ron goes to their stronghold via plane. They are kidnapers of young children, using ransom money to fuel their other activities. The troops are ex-Green Berets; the leaders are Larry Park, an expatriate Yank, and Nina Heaven, a killer with a soft spot in her heart for Ron. He's her captive, but she wants him to be her partner. Meanwhile, Fu, armed with her Muramasa sword, and Dark Eyes arrive on the island surreptitiously. The battle lines are drawn.
Detective Kouichi Todome head of the elite Kerberos police squad escapes after the unit is marked for destruction by the government. Three years later, Inui, a member of the squad, is released from prison with one goal: to find his former master. But the trail to Todome is a twisted one, and when Inui finally finds Todome, he realizes that instead of following his own path, Todome was following the orders of another.
Shiina (young)
There is a legend in Japan that if one eats the flesh of a mermaid, one will become immortal. This anime recounts the story of Yuhta and Mana, an immortal boy and girl, and their experiences with a family struggling to achieve immortality at any cost.
Jinxing Ye (voice)
Ron Tayan now leads the 108 Dragons; Fu Ching Ran is his loyal wife. As their body tattoos show, he's the dragon, she's the tiger. The 108 Dragons are attacked by African Tusk, a syndicate intent on world control. Ron goes to Africa, dealing first with Shicaro, African Tusk's assassin, then with Jagone, its leader. Despite his success, he must still face Bugnug, Jagone's muscular and athletic military commander: Ron gives her a new name, Dark Eyes. Back in Hong Kong, Fu faces danger as well. A Muramasa sword with a dark history and, seemingly, its own demon spirit, falls into her hands. She seeks to tame it, and in the process, discovers her inner warrior identity
Special Agent (voice)
Goku, the lone wolf private detective is back, contracted by Yoshiko, a mysterious, beautiful and very afraid woman, to find and save her brother, Ryu. Will Goku be able to protect Yoshiko from her step father`s soldiers long enough to find her brother? Meanwhile Ryu, the unfortunate subject of a military experiment gone bad, leaves a trail of bodies behind him and has no intention of being found or saved by anyone. Will Goku have to kill the man he is supposed to save? Will even his omniscient cybernetic eye and sceptre be enough to help him defeat this indestructible killing machine?
Aota (voice)
遥かな昔、謎の異星人「降臨者」が地球に残した3つの「ユニット」と呼ばれる物体。高校生の深町晶は偶然その1つを手に入れ、殖装体「ガイバー」となってしまい、降臨者の遺したデータを悪用し世界征服を目論む秘密結社「クロノス」に追われることとなる。 「調製」と呼ばれる遺伝子操作により強大な力を持った怪人「獣化兵(ゾアノイド)」達との激闘。クロノス幹部の殖装体「ガイバーII」の襲撃。そして獣化兵を遥かに凌ぐ力を持つ「超獣化兵(ハイパーゾアノイド)」。晶は苦戦しつつもガイバーの能力でこれらの強敵を撃退する。 「ガイバーIII」巻島顎人の暗躍もあり、クロノス日本支部を壊滅させるが、世界規模の組織であるクロノスには到底太刀打ちできず、次第に追い詰められていく晶たち。 「獣神将試作体(プロト・ゾアロード)」である村上征樹やクロノス内部の反乱分子達との出会いを経て、晶たちは降臨者がかつて使用していた生体宇宙船(遺跡宇宙船)を手に入れる。しかし最高位の調製体「獣神将(ゾアロード)」で構成された「クロノス十二神将」と総帥アルカンフェルの登場により晶たちはなすすべもなく敗北する。 そして199X年8月17日、世界規模のクーデターの成功により、クロノスの統治する世界が実現した。 それから1年。「巨人殖装(ガイバー・ギガンティック)」という強大な力を得て復活した晶は、人類の命運を担う戦いへと身を投じていく。その彼を中心に敵・味方が交錯する。 かつて敵として戦ったが、クロノスを裏切り晶に味方する「戦闘生物(バトルクリーチャー)」アプトム。再調製を受け十二神将の1人として晶たちの前に立ちはだかる、かつての同志村上。晶から巨人殖装を奪い、自らの軍団を率いて世界の覇者を目指す、野望の男ガイバーIII・顎人。野心を持ち反逆を企てるが失敗し、力を奪われ組織を追われた元獣神将リヒャルト・ギュオーの謀略。ギュオーと手を結ぶ、新たに登場した四人目の殖装体「ガイバーII F」、その女性殖装者ヴァルキュリア。 降臨者自身の手による調製を受け、数万年を生きるクロノスの盟主、獣神将アルカンフェルの真意とは何か。 それぞれの思惑を胸に戦いは続く。
Jinxing Ye (voice)
With the blessing of the 108 Dragons, Yo and Emu marry and receive new names, Ron Tayan and Fu Ching Ran. The elders send them to Macau to find out who's behind a new attack. Fu is kidnaped; at the same time, Baya San (the huge granddaughter of the 108 Dragons' aged leaders) demands to be the next head of the gang, not Ron. The childish Baya San has joined forces with the Macau gang, in league with the American mob. A surprise visitor from the US arrives where Fu is being held captive. Can Ron rescue her, find the traitor within the 108 Dragons, defeat his enemies, and bring discipline to Baya San? He must still face the angry and deadly girlfriend of the American visitor.
Koga (voice)
A terrible war has ravaged the land, and now, fuelled by the blood of numerous fallen warriors the Yoma, demons from hell, emerge once more. A skilled ninja seeks to end the bloodshed these demons inflict upon humanity, but to do this he must fight against his undead former best friend and fellow ninja who was killed in battle and has been resurrected to serve the Yoma.
(segment "Construction Cancellation Order") (voice)
Guard (voice)
Hatanaka Kosaku is a young boxer who has a major flaw, he can't stop eating. That weakness puts him into into heavier weight classes that put him against stronger boxers and even worse, he's prone to throw up when he gets a body blow, which drives potential opponents away. His coach is at his wit's end as he struggles to get this idiot to show some discipline in his training. The matter is complicated when a young nun feeds the "starving" boy after she finds him fainted on the streets during his enforced fast. She learns of her mistake and she tries to help him get ready for a fight, but his weakness for food and the odd relationship they share don't makes things easy.
Yakuza D
Emu Hino, a 29-year-old virgin, witnesses a mob hit and fears that the killer will now find her and kill her. Indeed, he sets out to do so; he's Yo Hinomura, a talented potter and artist who's been conscripted against his will to be the prime hitman for the 108 Dragons, a gang within the Chinese Mafia, who are determined to push aside Tokyo's local crime lords. He breaks into her house, and she asks that he make love to her before he kills her; she connects to his inner self, and he becomes her protector. Now he must defend her against the local crime gang, who have connections with corrupt Tokyo police. Will Yo and Emu make it out alive, and will the 108 Dragons triumph?
Army (voice)
Murabito (voice)
Hasebu (voice)
Ryou Matsumoto is a screenplay writer that runs into a man and witnesses his murder. Unknown to him, he gets caught up in an illegal antique ring along with a girl he meets named Yuki. In order to survive, he ends up acting out the "action hero" role that he writes in his screenplays.
Our heroine has been kidnapped and her two somewhat ditzy friends decided to save her in a war machine they found in her house. Unfortunately they have little idea of how it works so let the random destruction begin.
Geist (the main character) is MD-02, a Most Dangerous Soldier, genetically engineered to function as a killing machine, but every one of the MDS units went homicidally insane. As a result Geist was placed in suspended animation in a stasis pod orbiting the planet Jerra until it crashed several years later, awakening him and bringing him into another war on the planet.
Werewolf B (voice)
御存知「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」、劇場公開作品第2弾! ド派手なアクションシーンやコミカルなドタバタ劇を効果的に組み合わせた、切れ味鋭い妖怪エンターテイメントだ。より幅広い層の関心を得るため、当時話題になっていたハレー彗星をストーリーに取り込むなど、作品の隅々にまで楽しい工夫が凝らされている。また、人気の高いバックベアードがスクリーンに初登場。期待通りの迫力と威圧感を見せてくれる...
O'Reilly (voice)
In a far-future time ruled by the supernatural, a young girl requests the help of a vampire hunter to kill the vampire who has bitten her and thus prevent her from becoming a vampire herself.
Kenji Sugō
Odin centers around the novice crew of the laser sailing space schooner Starlight as they embark on an historic interstellar test flight. They are intercepted by what seems to be a wrecked spaceship only to find that it contains a lone survivor; a young woman named Sara Cyanbaker. Unknown to the crew at this time, a mechanized space fleet approaches Earth and a scout vessel from that fleet was responsible for the destruction of Sara's ship.
Graduate (voice)
A youngster, Wil had a dissatisfaction to the society which the computer controls the total life of a person. One day he catches a strange telepathy from outer space.
Ram Dass (voice)
This cartoon, based on a popular manga, centers on an 11-year-old boy who goes to Africa with his father in 1941. Because he is Japanese, the father is detained by the British. The boy joins up with a beautiful native girl, and the adventure begins, a sort of Young Indy Jones meets Tarzan. Written by Rob Richardson