Masaru Ikeda
出生 : 1942-09-27, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
Line Producer
Line Producer
ゾンビマニアの女子高生がドタバタを繰り広げるエロコメディ。 物心付いた時からゾンビに夢中な女子高生・ヒトミ。ある日"ゾンビ君"いうあだ名を持つ童貞高校生・翔太と出会い、独自にゾンビパウダーを研究して本物のゾンビにしてしまおうと考える。
Koji Takahashi
Ikki Yoneda
For years the defence and safety of the Imperial city rested on the shoulders of Sumire Kanzaki of the Flower Troupe. But this, as with all things, must fade away. As the top star of the Imperial Operetta Company, Sumire was the power and the light from which her comrades drew their own strength and resolve. It was through her that the Flower Troupe found their courage... and through her that many happy memories were made. Now the curtain rises for one final performance as the star that once shined so brightly to grow faint. As the spotlight dims on one legend, another must come center stage.
Crawford (voice)
ある夜、次元は女性記者のエリナにルパン三世との出会い、いわゆる「ファーストコンタクト」を語り始めた。 ルパンとその仲間達の出会いが初めてあかされる。次々と起こる事件の中、出会うルパンと次元。その中で友情、裏切りが描かれる。そこにルパンと不二子の初めての出会いも織りまぜ、話は二転三転する。また、犯人捜査のため、警視庁からニューヨーク市警を訪れた銭形もはじめてルパンと遭遇する。そして、斬鉄剣を求めて五ェ門も登場する。今回のお宝「クラム・オブ・ヘルメス」を追う中で、錯綜する人間関係。おなじみのメンバーである次元、不二子、五ェ門、銭形警部は一体どのようにして出会ったのか。そして、ルパンと次元はそれぞれ相手の腕前をどう思っているのか、また五ェ門の持っている斬鉄剣の秘密など、ルパンと仲間達の過去が今明らかになる。
Ohsumi (voice)
ある日、東京湾に輸送機が墜落する。その後湾岸の各所で何者かによってレイバーが襲撃される事件が連続して発生。警視庁城南署の刑事、久住と秦は各所で聞き込み捜査を進め、墜落事件の後に巨大なハゼが釣れていた事、墜落した輸送機の貨物コンテナに不審な点があることなどの奇妙で不審な点を突き止める。 その後、6月8日の雨の夜に若者の集うディスコクラブ「バビロン」で車に乗ったカップルの惨殺死体が発見される。時を同じくして近隣にあるバビロン工区の水上コンテナ備蓄基地で突如警報が作動し、停電と共に内部の職員と連絡がとれなくなる、という事態が発生。 近くを走行中のパトカー(城南4)に偶然乗っていた久住と秦は、警備員の通報を受けパトカーに乗る警官らと共に現場に急行。施設内部へと分け入る。しかし、そこで彼らが遭遇したのは廃棄物13号(WXIII)と名付けられた異形の怪物だった。
Ikki Yoneda
Max (voice)
President Boon (voice)
HardCorps Commander
It is the near future, and the city of Freeport teeters on the verge of total collapse. The twin tides of rampant crime and ruinous graft face only one barrier: the elite strike force HARDCORPS. Led by Colonel John Blade, HARDCORPS is the last force for justice in the darkening city.
Set in a single location, this action-comedy stylishly depicts how a mistake caused by an accidental prank causes a series of people to fall like dominoes. The film is shot in a way that makes the serious look funny, and the supposedly uncool look stick to the film. The sense of humour is reminiscent of Quentin Tarantino, but the ending, in which three stories that were misaligned like the misplaced buttons come together, shows the high quality of the film as a storyteller.
Nariaki Tokugawa (voice)
幕末。ペリー率いるアメリカ艦隊の来航によって、200年余り続いた日本の鎖国は終わりを迎えた。そこに、プチャーチン率いるロシア軍艦「ディアナ号」が来航し、アメリカに続き日本との国交樹立を要求してきた。対応に苦慮した江戸幕府は、外国通の川路聖謨を全権代表に任じ、プチャーチンとの交渉に当たらせた。両者は伊豆・下田において会談したが、互いに譲歩することはなく議論は平行線を辿った。 日露交渉が始まって数日後、伊豆をマグニチュード8,4の大地震「安政東海地震」が襲った。プチャーチンらロシア人は危険を顧みず、津波に流される日本人たちの救助を行ったが、その代償として「ディアナ号」は航行に支障が出る程の被害を受けてしまった。安全な場所での修理を求めるプチャーチンに対し、川路は戸田村での修理を許可した。しかし、「ディアナ号」は嵐に遭遇し座礁してしまう。この時、宮嶋村の村民たちは、ロシア人との接触を禁じた幕府の命令に背き、沈没する「ディアナ号」から多くのロシア人を救出した。 川路は沈没した「ディアナ号」に代わり、新たに洋式帆船を建造することに決め、戸田村の大工・緒明嘉吉に建造を依頼する。嘉吉たちはロシア人たちと共に帆船造りをすることになり、日本人とロシア人との交流が始まった。初めはぎこちなかった両者も次第に心を通わせ、菊三郎ら子供たちもロシア人たちとの交流を楽しむようになっていた。 やがて、日本が初めて手掛けた本格的洋式帆船が完成し、戸田村の人々とロシア人たちの別れの時が来た。プチャーチンは、自分たちのために尽くしてくれた戸田村の人々に感謝と敬意を込めて、船の名前を「ヘダ号」と命名した。
A monster hunter goes after a beast that could be her brother.
As he nears the New World, Christopher Columbus tells cabin boy Paco about his youthful hardships, the difficulties of convincing others of his vision, and the final victory when King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella agreed to sponsor his trip. The sailors are doubtful, though Columbus is vindicated when they arrive on land, but it's not as the planned destination of Japan.
Kyusaku "Gure-san" Kogure (voice)
On the trail of a missing husband, private investigator Goro crosses paths with a deranged killer.
Detective Kouichi Todome head of the elite Kerberos police squad escapes after the unit is marked for destruction by the government. Three years later, Inui, a member of the squad, is released from prison with one goal: to find his former master. But the trail to Todome is a twisted one, and when Inui finally finds Todome, he realizes that instead of following his own path, Todome was following the orders of another.
Ryu Hyuga (voice)
Guy is a Japanese street-brawler in New York who chooses to train under the famed boxer, Roman, with the hopes that he can raise enough money as a heavyweight to fund a life-saving operation for his father.
Living in London with her family, Carol is the daughter of a famous musician, Lionel Mudagolas. While he is currently having difficulties playing his cello, she occasionally starts to listen an unfamiliar voice calling her name. Wondering if her father's situation might be connected to the bad phase of her favorite band, Gable Screen, and the inexplicable silence of the Big Ben, Carol is suddenly transported to another world. There she finds out that she might be the girl predestined to fight Gigantica, a demon lord who recently brought chaos to this strange land.
Gordon Liu plays a stuntman named Daiyu, who is his town's sole vampire non-believer holdout. When his young daughter “adopts” a vampire kid, his viewpoint changes. Daiyu, with help from a female Japanese student, must defend his village against hopping vampires and an evil sorcerer who want their land.
Bronco Sanders (voice)
Wansu (voice)
In modern day Tokyo, three university students, Negishi Miyako (Neko-chan), Saiki Haruka, and Yamagishi Keiichiro, have magical powers that make them feel like outcasts. They come together one night and are transported to another world. They open a massive door and Neko finds that she is the Princess Neryulla, who must defeat the evil Duran III to free her people.
Sun Quan Zhongmou (voice)
The sequel to 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' (1985)
Captain B (voice)
西暦2106年。太陽系冥王星にある宇宙基地から一機のハイパーロケットが出発した。この正体不明のロケットを追い、防衛戦闘部隊も後を追うが相手は太陽系を脱して飛び去ってしまう。その機体色からいつしかピンクショック号と呼ばれたロケットに乗るのは16歳の美少女、ミッチーこと速水ミツコだ。宇宙各地を暴走して止まないミッチーとピンクショック号。はたして彼女の目的は? そこにはミッチーが4歳の時にひとりの少年ヒロシと交わした約束が隠されている……。
ミスニーという少女の保護依頼を受けたWWWAは、鉱山惑星ウクバールへケイとユリを派遣した。任務に就くのにあたり、最近起きた輸送機墜落事故の映像を見るユリとケイ。その時、2人の予知能力が発動、「湖のある森と少女」のビジョンを見る。どうやらそのビジョンは今回の依頼に関係あるらしい。2人は現地に到着したが、依頼人・コニーはすでに殺され、ミスニーは行方不明に! 暗殺者の手を逃れたミスニーは、南半球にあるノーランディアの森へ逃げ込んだらしい。森へと分け入ったケイとユリは奇怪な動・植物を発見、さらに異様な幻覚に襲われる。この力こそ、異星人の遺跡にあった古代文明を使って作られた少女・ミスニーの特殊能力だったのだ!! 敵意がない姿を見せ、ミスニーとうち解け合う2人。しかし、ミスニーを作り出し、その力を悪用しようと企むAJディベロップ社の魔の手が、ミスニーに伸びる。奪われたミスニーを救い出すべく、AJディベロップ社の社長・オランの元へ殴り込みを駆けるケイとユリ。壮絶なシティ・チェイスが繰り広げられる。
Sun Quan (voice)
Sun Quan Zhongmou (voice)
Colonel Sado (voice)
Ginzo (voice)
Many years after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the survivors (called hibakusha in Japanese) are still physically and emotionally devastated by the event. Kuroi Ame ni Utarete tells the interlocking stories of a group of survivors who frequent Stand Akauma, a bar: Takeshi, who lost his entire family; Tomoko, a prostitute horribly burned in the bombing; her younger brother Junji, who scrabbles on the fringes of society; Eiko, a pregnant young woman whom he loves; and Yuri, another prostitute who is determined to secure a brighter future for her blind son.
Lake (voice)
In Space Century (SC) 152, the planet Deloyer, Earth's only colony, is home to a growing independence movement. The Fang of the Sun are a small team of guerillas fighting against Earth's occupation. To counter Earth's Combat Armors, they have a lone Combat Armor of their own: Dougram, a CA specially built for Deloyer's environment — and piloted by Crinn Cashim, the rebellious son of the leader of the Earth government on Deloyer. This compilation film version presents the events of the 75 episode anime series as a documentary, primarily focusing on the story's politics rather than the main characters. Originally screened with the short "Choro Q Dougram" and the Combat Mecha Xabungle compilation film Xabungle Graffiti.
Kosaka Kaoru
The year is 2001 and the criminals have taken over Centinel City. The Police have lost control. The citizens are terrified... and no one can stop the madness. Even the Techno Police, a special anti-crime squad, find the situation hopeless until a wise cracking cop with an uncanny knack for out-guessing the criminals joins the force. When a powerful experiment tank is hijacked, the Techno Police and their newest recruit go to work. Equipped with an ultra-sonic car and crime-fighting Technoids, the rookie cop sets out on a death defying high-speed chase through the streets... trying to capture the crooks and trying to stay alive. But no one is aware of the awesome powers about to be unleashed.
Peter the fairy, who is head of Placid forest, loves to play with his animal friends. One day "Man" threatens to destroy their homes by cutting down the trees. They decide to peacefully protest but the humans won't listen. With their lives at stake, the animals and Peter carry out their final operation.
Play-by-play announcer
Meet Saotome Ai, a high school girl from a well-to-do family. When she was a small child, she was in an accident that resulted in a young boy being permanently scarred between his eyes while she emerged unscathed. The young boy saved her life and although she never knew who he was, she never forgot him. Meet Taiga Makoto, a young man with a scar between his eyes who has had a rough life, but has emerged as a rough, tough bully - a thug and a brawler and about as rude as they come - all of which he blames on the incident that gave him his scar. When Ai and Makoto run into each other again, Ai feels guilt for what Makoto has become and decides to intervene and rehabilitate him. But is he a diamond in the rough, or just a bully?
Plain Clothes Detective
A trio of high school students, Ichiro, Hiroshi, and Reiko, try to give a demonstration against the suspension , but they are ignored by the students and embark on an unreliable journey.