The Earth is being invaded by aliens. Fortunately, the aliens are so concerned about budgets and the cost of the invasion that they haven't succeeded yet. To defend the Earth, Dr Kishida has designed ARIEL, a giant robot shaped in the likeness of a woman with body-armor. Unfortunately, he has selected his relatives (his grand-daughters Aya and Kazumi Kishida, and his niece Mia Kawai) to be the pilots, and they are far more interested in their own lives.
Parts 3 & 4. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
After hitting a passing spaceship and causing it to crash, a troupe of aliens and robots rescue the only survivor. It is a human baby named Corona that they decide to raise on their own, using the data they retrieved from the computer to mimic the life she would have had on Earth.
幼なじみの3人の三角関係関係を描く。まつもと泉原作の同名漫画の映画化で脚本は「マップス 伝説のさまよえる星人たち」の寺田憲史が執筆。監督は「めぞん一刻 完結篇」の望月智光、撮影監督は金子仁がそれぞれ担当。
Parts 1 & 2. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
Rokuro, a penniless student living in a run-down apartment, gets a surprise visit by the beautiful and quite mysterious Mamiya Yu. For some reason she has hopelessly fallen for this no-good pervert. As it turns
Hikaru Shihoudo is Hikaruon, a metal super hero fighting the forces of the evil organization known as Urael. Disguised as a transfer student, he must investigate a series of strange suicides in town.
Muscat Tyler is the 108th prince of the Galaxy Empire, who is known as the eccentric persons. He travels around the universe accompanying a Walking Arsenal, K.K, and Lu of the Light Wing Race, the strongest creature in the universe. Where they go, there is a trouble.
Ryou Matsumoto is a screenplay writer that runs into a man and witnesses his murder. Unknown to him, he gets caught up in an illegal antique ring along with a girl he meets named Yuki. In order to survive, he ends up acting out the "action hero" role that he writes in his screenplays.
17歳の多感な女子高生・朝霧陽子。ある日、彼女は恋する人への想いを込め、自ら作った曲を手に、想いを告白しようとするが、自らの不安に負け、告白する事が出来なかった。 後悔の念にとらわれる陽子。次の瞬間、彼女の身体はこの世界から消え去っていた。 陽子のとばされた世界<アシャンティ>は、時空を司る女神・レダに見離され、今や廃墟となりつつあった。次々と現れる不可思議な生き物に、驚きとまどう陽子。そして彼女に襲いかかる謎の兵士達。全てを解くカギは、彼女の作った曲にあった。 彼女の曲が失われたレダパワーを復活させる、レダのハートになっていたのだ。 一見とぼけた風のリンガムや、伝説を信じ、たった一人で果敢に戦い続けるレダの巫女ヨニらと出会い、レダの戦士として目覚めた陽子は、レダパワーを悪用し、次元を超え陽子の世界たるノアを征服せんとするゼルに戦いを挑んでゆく。 それは又、彼女自身の弱い心との戦いでもあった……。