Shinsho Nakamaru

Shinsho Nakamaru

出生 : 1949-04-25, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


Shinsho Nakamaru


西村京太郎トラベルミステリー68 山形・陸羽西線に消えた女
Inspector Mukai
Inspector Totsugawa of the First Investigation Division goes to Tsuruoka in Yamagata to attend the wedding of the son of Inspector Mukai, his former colleague who now works for the Yamagata Prefectural Police. While sightseeing at Mt. Haguro after the ceremony, he notices a young woman drawing him in her sketchbook. She introduces herself as Yuka Shiraishi and says she came to draw the Dewa Sanzan. Signing the drawing of Totsugawa next to the five-story pagoda with her initial, a 'Y' in the corner, she gives it to him as a present. The next morning, the corpse of a young woman who has been stabbed is discovered in a forest in Tsuruoka. When Totsugawa, on his way back, hears that a sketchbook signed with a 'Y' was found at the scene, he follows Mukai there. However, the body is not Yuka, the woman Totsugawa had met, and while no items pointing to her identity are found, the sketchbook is the same one Yuka had the day before.
Kohei has suffered from hearing loss since middle school and had trouble fitting in with those around him. Now a university student, Kohei meets the outgoing Taichi in the university courtyard. Their friendship becomes one in which they can say whatever is on their minds, but Kohei, who has grown used to keeping people from getting too close, now faces escalating expectations and anxiety the stronger his bonds with Taichi becomes.
本町奉行所の見廻り同心・渡辺小五郎(東山紀之)と妻のふく(中越典子)は、 「後妻打ち」をきっかけに夫婦ゲンカになり、ふくは家出してしまうことに。折も折、夫から逃れた妻たちが駆け込む「縁切り寺」で、住職と女たちが斬り殺される事件が起こる。妻の家出中とあって「もしや」と案じて寺へと急ぐ小五郎だが……。同じ頃、江戸の町に、夫婦で裏稼業を営む夫婦仕事人がやってくる。 “瓦屋の陣八郎”(遠藤憲一)と“泣きぼくろのお宮”(山本美月)だ。偶然、街角で陣八郎とお宮に出会った小五郎に対し、二人を知るお菊(和久井映見)は、「あいつらとだけは関わるべからず」と忠告する。ところが、遊び人で博打好きの陣八郎は、今度は遊郭で開かれた博打で経師屋の涼次(松岡昌宏)と出会ってしまうことに。そんな矢先、縁切り寺の殺人事件の下手人らしき男が自殺体で見つかるが、小五郎は事件の背後に陰謀の匂いを感じ取る。しかし、寺の管轄は寺社奉行ということもあって、与力の増村倫太郎(生瀬勝久)はこれ以上の捜査には及び腰だ。事件からまもなく、寺社奉行の江田島兼良(中丸新将)の鶴の一声で、坊主の燕天(竹中直人)が寺の住職に就任する。もともと寺の跡継ぎとして修業をしていた経験のあるリュウ(知念侑李)は、新しい寺の様子に違和感を覚える。 何事もなかったように女たちの受け入れが始まった縁切り寺に、今日もお市という女(田中美奈子)が、娘のみさと(宮武美桜)とゆい(宮武祭)を連れて駆け込んできた。 だが、寺の背後では、女たちの弱みにつけ込んで食い物にしようとする陰謀が蠢いていたのだった……。
Yusuke Higurashi
京都の街にアルファベットと数字で書かれた謎の暗号が出現。京都を東西南北に走る通りが交差するところに、数字が描かれたステッカーが貼られる。気になって調べ始めた宅間と千波たち特別捜査係は、ステッカーが貼られた地点で必ず事件が起きていることを突き止める! アルファベットと数字…いったい誰が何のために設置したものなのか? そこに隠された意味とは何なのか? それを探り始めた矢先、暗号の地点で死体が見つかってしまう…!事件の背後に浮かんだ佐神稚洋(上川隆也)という人物。その男に会うため、宅間は10年間慣れ親しんだ滋賀中央刑務所に潜入することになる。一方、京都府警本部長・高倉紀一郎(大杉漣)の元には、衆議院議員の清滝悦子(前田美波里)、京都第二医師会の副会長・恩知由紀彦(長谷川初範)、関西教育委員会委員長の出水宣郎(名高達男)、弁護士の日暮勇輔(中丸新将)といった京都の要人たちが集まっていた。どうやら彼らは何者かに脅迫されているようで…?そんな中、ついにふたつめの殺人事件が! そしてその現場にも謎の数字が残されていた…。謎のステッカーに導かれ、事件は思わぬ方向へ展開していく!
Yusuke Higurashi
琵琶湖の畔にある『滋賀中央刑務所』からひとりの男が出所した。男の名前は宅間善人(草彅剛)。10年前に殺人未遂罪で逮捕・起訴され懲役15年の判決を受けて刑務所に服役していたが、事件から10年たった今、意識不明だった被害者が突如目を覚まし、自分に暴行を加えたのは宅間ではないと証言。10年前の事件の冤罪が証明され、晴れて出所することとなったのだ。刑務所を出た宅間の前に、京都府警副本部長の高倉紀一郎(大杉漣)が現れる。事件当時、京都府警広報課に在籍していた宅間を再び京都府警に復職させ、『特別捜査係』という、仰々しい名前は形だけの閑職を作ったのだった。実は宅間は『犯罪者の心理を知る』スペシャリスト。服役中に犯罪者の「犯行の手口」「犯罪に使う技能」「犯罪に走った背景や心理的傾向」…すべてをデータとして記憶に焼き付けた、という特異な能力を持つ、いわば犯罪に精通した人物なのだ。『特別捜査係』には元捜査一課のおばさん刑事・姉小路千波(南果歩)をはじめとした個性的なメンバーが集められていた。千波は宅間とは真逆で、被害者に寄り添い、犯罪者を憎むタイプの熱血刑事。捜査一課よりも自由に犯罪捜査ができるようになる、と意気込んで『特別捜査係』にやってきた千波は、閑職という現実にがく然とする。さらに、宅間とタッグを組むことになってしまい、ひと癖もふた癖もある宅間という男の存在に、千波らは終始イライラ…。元捜査二課の松原唯子(芦名星)、元警備部の堀川耕平(平岡祐太)、そして元鑑識課の猪熊佐千夫(佐戸井けん太)といった同僚、上司たちもひと筋縄ではいかないスタッフが集まっていた。 そんな折、事件捜査への意欲に溢れる千波が、捜査一課で未解決の4つの殺人事件を『特別捜査係』に持ち込んでくる。一見、まったく無関係に見えたこれらの殺人事件だったが、宅間はある法則を発見。宅間と千波はその推論をもとに、反発し合いながらも事件解決へと突き進んでいく!
ロック ~わんこの島~
A boy, Shin, and his family are forced to evacuate the island of Miyakejima, when it erupts in 2000. Shin's dog, Rock, is mistakenly left behind.
The story is set in Chiran, Kagoshima, the site of a secret base used to launch kamikaze missions during the war. At the time, a group of young girls known as the Nadeshiko Tai were gathered to help out at the base. The drama will be part documentary and it is based on the experiences of 78-year-old Shoko Nagasaki, a survivor of the Nadeshiko Tai.
An officer struggles to solve a murder case despite being at odds with his lieutenant. Officer Tetsubei discovers the body of a man whose face has been crushed and his fingerprints erased. Tetsubei describes the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the body, including his own theory, and is angered by Lieutenant Yukari. That night, Tetsubei visits the shop of Kanako, whom he has a secret crush on. There, Mizutani, Kanako's husband, who has been missing for seven years, appears.
A fifteen year old boy travels through the Amagi Pass, he encounters some strange people, one of them is the geisha Ozuka Hana. After a murder takes place, the police searchs for the culprit.
闇金の帝王 銀と金 7 裏競馬地獄
Ginji (Kiyoshi Nakajo), a man who made a huge fortune by taking advantage of the fierce competition for survival in the Japanese political and business world. Under him, the president of the Japan Horse Racing Promotion Association came to ask for help. Kawai, the former president of the Liberal Democratic Party, who is aiming for a comeback in the presidential election, has demanded 30 billion election funds. So Ginji offers Kawai a horse race for Sashi, who bets 30 billion. What is the whereabouts of a one-shot game in which Ryohei, who has outstanding memory, and Keisuke, who has excellent programming ability, are brought in and bet on Ginji's dark gold life?
闇金の帝王 銀と金6 戦慄の罠
The Japanese political and business world where Chimimoryō is in control. Ginji (Kiyoshi Nakajo), a man who won the fierce competition and built a huge fortune. A new enemy appeared in front of him. Former President of the Liberal Democratic Party, Kawai. He has requested the Japan Horse Racing Promotion Association for 30 billion election funds for the next presidential election. Ginji first brought in a young man named Ryohei, who has an outstanding memory, who remembers all the results of the 10-year race. In order to defeat Kawai, he uses his memory to make a trick.
Adaptation of a Kusugawa Naruo manga.
A former Formula 2 racing champion is asked to assist in setting up an auction of vintage cars. He becomes aware of a billionaire's plot to rig the auction and takes action against him.
文学賞殺人事件 大いなる助走
Masaki Kamo
A young doujinshi writer doesn't win the literary prize award, and ends up killing the selection committee.
Satomi is young woman that works in computer communication. One day she receives a strange message. And the person that sent it to her has committed suicide. As days go by, Satomi keeps receiving the messages from the spirit world....
Kazuya Ôshiro
Inspired by Arthur Schnitzler's novel, "La Ronde", many people are having sex in a variety of ways. A girl and her boyfriend go to a pool bar where she is served a free cocktail drink courtesy of a man who wants to date her. Another guy challenges her boyfriend to a game with the girlfriend being the prize. Three men are fighting over the young woman and a winner takes the girl. It ends up as four guys and the woman in a hotel room.
蘭光生 肉飼育
Tôru Nihei
Two college girls are abducted by a janitor who enjoys S&M and just so happens to have acces to the university boiler room. Nikkatsu Roman Porno.
レイプハンター 通り魔
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Mamoru Kawahara
A man who lost his wife and a woman whose husband died have a fateful meeting in connection with a double suicide and fall madly in love.
The singer Asami is mistakenly kidnapped by a maniac looking for her manager's daughter. A contemporary reimagining of Junichiro Tanizaki's short story Shisei a.k.a. The Tattooer (1910).
Tadao Onodera
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
ロリコンハウス おしめりジュンコ
Masatoshi Okita
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Ryoko Watanabe is a bored housewife named Ami who throws herself into the “Madame Machiko Society Club” to spice up her marriage by making love to random men. This world of lust turns out to be kinkier than Ami thought it would be and may end up having a reverse effect on her precious marriage.
Tanima Shingo
A pair of sisters run a barber shop and have many erotic encounters.
Shigesato Sawai
An eros drama depicting a couple or lover indulging in swapping in search of pleasure. Yoshii, a fledgling reporter for swapping magazines, visits Mr. and Mrs. Sakura. Yoshii experiences the technique of Sakura's wife, Akane.
絶頂姉妹 堕ちる
Saburô Soejima
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Police Officer(検問の警官)
Set in the wilderness of Hokkaido, the story of a couple in their 30s and a couple in their 20s is drawn, and the subtle emotions of the two men and women are depicted with intense Eros and delicate images under the theme of marriage exchange.
マダム・スキャンダル 10秒死なせて
Ken Miyamoto(宮本ケン)
Roman Porno from 1982.
桃尻同級生 まちぶせ
Visitor in Bath house
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Yoko is a housewife who's frustrated by her husband's lack of virility. She finds solace in erotic daydreams, the ministrations of a condom salesman and, eventually, the partner-swapping lifestyle.
団鬼六 女美容師縄飼育
女体育教師 跳んで開いて
It’s coming up to competition time for the pretty office girls of the Kara Cosmetics Company. Kei (Junko Asahina) and her co-workers are preparing their amateur rhythmic gymnastics team for an upcoming competition. In order to assist the sexy ladies, Aoki (Funasaku Sasairi) is brought in as their new coach. As the team wonders about the coach’s ability to perform both on and off the court, Kei’s relationship with him is revealed. Long ago, Aoki slept with Kei before a competition and she lost. Now, he’s worried it will happen again! Can the coach overcome his sexual issues and help Kei win this time?
密猟妻 奥のうずき
Jirô Umezawa
Roman Porno from 1981.
Kimura / Rei's boyfriend
A young girl named Mimei is working hard to get as many “penis prints” as possible. She’s been collecting these works of art since high school, and her goal is to get 100 prints before her arranged marriage within the next month. Seeking help from her lesbian friends Masumi and Rei, she begins chasing various men around Japan. Mimei finally gets her last man and is met with a challenge! He’ll allow her to make a print of his penis only if she can make him achieve ultimate ecstasy. She accepts, but finds out getting what she needs is a lot harder than she imagined!
Masaru is freed from a juvenile detention center. Filled with rage and frustration he rapes a woman (Yuki Kazamatsuri) in the woods. She then meets his older brother, a deliveryman and tells him her story, and they soon become good friends, which will lead to a sexual relationship. Later, she finds out the two men are brothers and files a police report against the older one, accusing him of raping her. It seems she couldn't forget that night in the woods...
団鬼六 白衣縄地獄
Roman Porno from 1980. A nurse finds herself drawn into the world of sadomasochism.
Naoya Satake
Kenzo, Azusa's husband, has a heart condition but his passion for sex has not diminished one iota from the time he was still a virile, young man. Azusa does not refuse her husband for he is a money bag and if he should die of excess sex, she will come into a vast fortune. If only Azusa could kill him without staining her own hands... Unable to do it alone, she asks the aid of Naoya who is only too glad to help.
ピンクサロン 好色五人女
Kizaki kidnaps Yuriko and engages in a rape and torture session with her, which he photographs. With the photos, he blackmails flower arrangement teacher Yumeji, Yuriko's older sister. Rather than allow him to shame her clan by sending the photos to the media, Yumeji goes to Kizaki. Kizaki then proceeds to rape and torture Yumeji, who was his true desire all along.
花芯の刺青 熟れた壷
Ms. Yoshino, respectable lady and attractive widow, leads a quiet and peaceful life with her teenage daughter Takako. However, their lifes change radically when fate confronts both with the young Hideo. While spending time with Takako, the latter is more attracted to her mother, and she in turn starts to feel the same, because he reminds her of his late father, a kabuki actor with whom she had an affair in the past.
ルナの告白 私に群がった男たち
Ken'ichi Kuze
Roman Porno from 1976
Naomi Tani plays bar-owner Aki, whose entire world appears to be crumbing whenever she discovers her husband is having an affair along with her own mama. Truly the only individual she can trust is Iwasaki, the woman club supervisor. One time, she asks Iwasaki to accompay her to a company meeting with a trader Hanamatsu, the owner of a mannequin factory. At the warehouse, Miss Aki is abnormally aroused when she sees Hanamatsu toching the mannequins. She allows by herself to be seduced by the businessman…
Shunsaku Midorikawa
Nikkatsu Roman Porno