Sophie Niedergang


The Banned Woman
ma femme
This movie is foremost distinguished by the use of a subjective camera, and nearly 100 % of the time consists of close-up of the young girl's face. She is capable of changing her facial mimic so much that she never looks artificial or inappropriate. 39-year-old François meets 22-year-old Muriel, who is a virgin. Several times he invites her to fine restaurants. She agrees that on a certain day they will meet at a hotel and he will see her naked. He promises not to sleep with her at that occasion. He does not keep his promise. She is happy that he didn't. Both continue to be eager for sex.
Une amie d'Anna
フランス映画界の巨匠ジャック・リヴェット監督の代表的傑作コレクション!ジャック・リヴェットならではの映像美学とストーリー展開が冴え渡る、ファン必携のアイテム! 演劇学校に集まった5人の女学生。彼女たちはラシーヌやモリエールを学ぶ厳しいレッスンを受けながら、それぞれの混沌とした生活の秘密を固守しつつ、簡単には訪れることのない何かを待っている…。