Tadayuki Saito
戦後、無になった日本へ追い打ちをかけるように現れたゴジラがこの国を 負 に叩き落す。
Kihara Yuki
Sugai works as a driver at a chauffeur service company at night. On the night of a full moon weekend, he is told to pair up with a newcomer Kariya. Kariya is a mysterious young guy who gives a silly quiz to Sugai while they work. Sometime later, a drag queen comes to the office and asks for Sugai, saying that someone is trying to kill him. Sugai actually has a past that he could never forget. His colleague tells him that on the night of a full moon weekend something bad would happen...
Young Onoda
Japan, 1944. Trained for intelligence work, Hiroo Onoda, 22 years old, discovers a philosophy contrary to the official line: no suicide; stay alive whatever happens; the mission is more important than anything else. Sent to Lubang, a small island in the Philippines where the Americans are about to land, this role will be to wage a guerrilla war until the return of the Japanese troops. The Empire will surrender soon after; Onoda, 10,000 days later.
チームを超えて力を合わせ、悪名高きスカウト集団・DOUBTと監獄からの刺客・プリズンギャングとの“黒白堂駅の闘い”に勝利したSWORD(山王連合会、White Rascals、鬼邪高校、RUDE BOYS、達磨一家)メンバーたち。だが、勝者が決まったかに見えたその場に、九龍グループの善信会を率いる善信吉龍が乗り込んでくる。九龍グループが振りかざす“大人の力”は、想像をはるかに超えて強力だった。琥珀、九十九、雨宮雅貴・広斗兄弟が、命懸けで公開したUSB内の機密情報によって一度は逮捕された九龍グループ総裁・九世龍心は、証拠不十分によりすぐ釈放。打ちのめされた若者たちに追い打ちをかけるかのように、九龍グループ総力を結集した“SWORD壊滅行動”が遂行されていく。
Osamu Oyamada
Maverick pediatric surgeon Mikoto Saijo agrees to work under his mentor, but only if he's allowed to care for a teenager with a risky pregnancy.
「山王連合会」「White Rascals」「鬼邪高校」「RUDE BOYS」「達磨一家」という5つのチームが拮抗するエリア、SWORD地区。彼らは伝説のチーム「ムゲン」のリーダー琥珀が率いる湾岸連合軍との死闘に辛くも勝利し、SWORD地区はつかの間の平和を取り戻していたが、九龍グループによるカジノ建設計画をめぐり、仲間たちとの固い友情で結ばれた男たちはSWORD地区の未来を懸けて最大の決戦に挑む。
とある一帯を支配する最強のグループ「ムゲン」が「雨宮兄弟」と激しい抗争を繰り広げた後、ムゲンが解散し雨宮兄弟も姿を消す。その後、頭角を現した五つのチーム「山王連合会」「White Rascals」「鬼邪高校」「RUDE BOYS」「達磨一家」の頭文字を取り街は「SWORD」地区といわれ、「G-SWORD」と呼ばれるグループが互いにしのぎを削っていた。そこへある男が帰ってきたことで、SWORD地区には不穏な空気が漂い始める。
幼いころから親友同士だったコブラとヤマトとノボル。頭がよく大学に進学したノボルはけんかしか取りえのないコブラとヤマトの希望だ。そんなノボルを突然の悲劇が襲う。コブラとヤマトはノボルの戻ってくる場所として「山王連合会」を結成。加えて、「White Rascals」「鬼邪高校」「RUDE BOYS」「達磨一家」という5つのチームが拮抗するその地区はそれぞれの頭文字をとって「SWORD」地区と呼ばれる。
A prequel to the story of the legendary samurai and one cat. In Edo era, there was a legendary samurai named Kyutaro Madarame who are feared as a "Madara the Devil". He was somehow hired for killing a cat named Tamanojo. Just before Kyutaro slashes on Tamanojo, he realizes that Tamanojo looking into his eyes and said "meow". But why?
Takeshi Shinabe
Ken Kamei
Masato sustains serious injuries in a car accident. He regains consciousness but loses all memories of the accident and fellow passenger Haruka. Masato, who is a medical student, tries to recover his lost memories with the help of his friend Ken, but soon strange things start happening around him…
Monji Mori comes to Tokyo to meet up with his old friend, Nakajima, who attempts to persuade Monji to come join the local yakuza. Monji quickly runs into some trouble with one of their members, which leads a small screw up to turn into an alleged murder. The yakuza want Monji a dead man. Will his fists alone be enough to escape this dire situation?
Set in the year 3000 in New Tokyo where this time round, human beings with blood type B are being targeted.
Yanki (Japanese delinquent) Hayato, is on his way with his senpai, (upperclassman) Yocchan to a so-called “resort” job with good pay, food, and housing. Hayato, not being able to commit to work, meets another Yanki who’s trying to work hard and form a family. Meanwhile, Yocchan ends up falling for the lunch lady at the “resort”... Will she be the one for him?
Writer-director Gu Su-yeon's new film draws on his own semiautobiographical account of growing up as a delinquent zainichi Korean (Japanese-born, but of Korean ancestry) in the seaside city of Shimonoseki in Yamaguchi Prefecture, a working-class hellhole overflowing with sex and fury. Day after day, (fictional) Gu finds fresh foes and makes the local hoodlums want to kick his ass. While working multiple dead-end part-time jobs, he cruises around town on his scooter in search of gangland trouble: leaping across rooftops with irate hordes of punks in hot pursuit, running off with a fetching belle in a sailor suit, rescuing a schoolgirl from being gang-raped at a glue-sniffing orgy…
An unscheduled late night train arrives at Tokyo station on 15 August, the anniversary of Japan’s surrender in World War II. Boarding the train are spirits of great men who died honourable deaths in the war more than 60 years ago. They have come to the modern world to see their homeland as a peaceful country and to tell the lingering spirits of the war dead about the current conditions.
Okochi Mamoru
Teru (Yuya Endo) has been brought up in a hill town and spent his childhood conquering the slopes on his bicycle. Being a cycling fanatic, who resents defeat, he joins Kamegaoka High School, which used to boast a powerful cycling club. There he meets Hatomura (Yuichi Nakamura), an ace of the club who wants to turn around the club which has deteriorated to the point of dissolution, and Yuta (Hiroki Suzuki), an aloof cycling genius with unshaken confidence in his speed who does not allow others to follow him. Meeting a rival that is faster than him for the first time, Teru joins the club in order to challenge them. His only interest, however, is his own cycling speed. Joining the club teaches Teru the importance of teamwork to support the lead cyclist and to place priority on the victory of the team. --AsianWiki
Makoto Takeda
The Story of the 1 Litre of Tears special takes place after the events in the main drama. The Special takes the view of Asou Haruto who is remembering life the way it used to be before the events of the last episode of the series.
A Japanese street racer looks to track down a legendary racer for revenge. His quest continues.
A Japanese street racer looks to track down a legendary racer for revenge.
When a man who as a student wanted to burn down his school meets a man years later, his new friend falls in love with the former female class-mate who herself is in love with the would-be arsonist.
「醜く老いてしまう前に自らを葬ってしまおう」 春、背中に天使の羽根のタトゥーを入れた17歳の少女・チカコは、そうやって年上の3人の男と1年間の愛人契約を結んだ。男たちは少女を”華子“と呼び、少女は彼らを”A、B、C“と呼んだ。いつも優しく華子を抱くA、物静かでミステリアスなB、乱暴に華子を犯すC。逢引の為だけに用意された洋館で、無感情な情事が繰り返される。夏、補習でどこにも行けない華子を、男たちは花火に連れて行った。花火を見つめる男たちの目はまるで少年のようで、その時、華子は彼らもかつては子供だったのだと実感する。秋、涼子と言うクラスメイトに誘われて行った映画館で、華子は見知らぬ男にレイプされ、妊娠した。居合わせた涼子の弟・行人が彼女に救いの手を差し伸べようとするも、彼はまだ幼く純粋すぎた。冬、Cが何者かに刺され入院した。その病室からは、華子の通う高校が見えた。彼女は知る。かつて同じ部屋に、「彼女を愛人にしたい」と言い遺して死んだ、男たちのかけがえのない仲間が入院していたことを。1年後、華子の18歳の誕生日。男たちは、華子を4番目の男の墓へ連れて行った。彼女は、男の墓にキスをした。そして、別れの時。華子は、自分の中に今まで感じたことのない感情が芽生えていることに気づく。それは、男たちへの愛だった。彼女は思う。「私は、またここから歩いて行ける」と。
Yusuke Sakamoto