Unseen animated feature film directed by Ryutaro Nakamura (Serial Experiments Lain). The story is adapted from the children's book, "Adventures of Tom the Small Cat" by Masumi Lino and Yumiko Imai.
A few days after Kagato is defeated everything returns to normal. Ryouko finds Mihoshi and Sasami reading shoujo manga, which Sasami mistakes as guides on how to win a boy's heart... Earth style. So Ryouko decides to try out the ideas from the manga to win over Tenchi. But Aeka finds out what her rival Ryouko is doing and tries to take advantage of the same method. Naturally, the results are less than satisfactory for all involved...
After watching some fireworks at an amusement park that is closing down, Licca has an adventure trying to assist Lunar in catching 3 night spirits. If the spirits are not caught, the morning will never come.