Masashi Hirose
出生 : 1947-11-06, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Dabart (voice)
Set in an alternate universe, VOTOMS Finder follows the exploits of Aki Renso, a Bottomer who daydreams of living in the utopian city of Top — and his dreams might become reality if he can rescue a Topper chairman’s daughter from her kidnappers!
Sgt. Wapp
Set after the 1988 OVA movie Red Shoulder Document: Roots of Ambition and months before the events of the VOTOMS television series, Pailsen Files explores the origins of Chirico Cuvie as explained by the Red Shoulder Battalion's now-disgraced commander, Col Yoran Pailsen. Compilation of the Pailsen Files OAV series.
Legules (voice)
In the aftermath events of GARO: Chapter of the Black Wolf, Saejima Kouga sets out to the northern district upon reassignment. While hunting down Horrors, a young priestess named Rin informs Kouga that she's been sent by Priest Amon to save a presumed dead friend in the Makai realm within Kantai, Jabi. Kouga teams up with Rin in a quest to save Jabi as they are hindered by supernatural and Makai forces alike. Meanwhile somewhere in Japan the dark Horror lord Legules was resurrected and plots a means to alter a supernatural event called White Night within Kantai to plunge the world into darkness with his "family." It's the final chapter of GARO as Kouga puts his life on the line to save Jabi and defeat Legules before the world is ruined.
In this 13-part mini-series, Kino and her talking motorcycle Hermes travel around the world, visiting different countries for three days each in order to learn about each one.
Captain Prospero (voice)
During the closing days of the Gryps War, two siblings — Asagi and Takuya — ride aboard a civilian transport bound for Earth. Caught in a battle between the Titans and AEUG, they must somehow guide their ship through atmospheric entry. Luckily, they're not completely alone, as they find aid from a custom-painted Zeta Gundam, whose pilot sounds a lot like One Year War ace Amuro Ray.
Cooper (voice)
The now 50 year old Scientific Boys Club decides to build a ship with which they plan to sail to Mars on the "Ethereal Current", curious to see if there is life on Mars.
A man checks into the Gregory House hotel and experiences a series of bizarre characters and surreal situations while reflecting on his morality and life thus far.
Ben Hanada (voice)
Dad (voice)
A strange dog meets four orphaned sisters.
Volg (voice)
In the 26th century, humans discover a humanoid race living on the distant world GO/7498/2, a dark-skinned, golden-eyed people who seem to eke out a primitive, carefree existence. However, a scout team from Earth discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye--they live in symbiosis with vicious reptilian parasites, and the Terran scientists have upset the delicate natural balance.
Saburota (voice)
The year is 1580 and Nobunaga Oda is working to consolidate his power over Japan. In his army are weapons of great destructive power: rapid fire machine guns, lasers, missiles and, most frightening of all, the reputedly immortal ninja Ginnai Doma. Like a sentence of divine wrath he hunts down and destroys dissident monks, ninjas and others, wherever they may be. With the clans on the brink of destruction, a single ninja accepts the impossible task: kill the immortal Ginnai.
Ryusen (voice)
Shurannosuke Sakaki is a masterless samurai with a razor-sharp katana and a cold-hearted personality. Whenever you see the mark of two crossed scythes on his back, death is sure to follow. Because of his exceptional swordsmanship, Shurannosuke is hired by the Nakura Clan to rescue Princess Mayu from the Seki Ninja. In this mission, he must use his full potential to survive the Seki Ninja's notorious henchmen.
Trainer (voice)
Guy is a Japanese street-brawler in New York who chooses to train under the famed boxer, Roman, with the hopes that he can raise enough money as a heavyweight to fund a life-saving operation for his father.
Living in London with her family, Carol is the daughter of a famous musician, Lionel Mudagolas. While he is currently having difficulties playing his cello, she occasionally starts to listen an unfamiliar voice calling her name. Wondering if her father's situation might be connected to the bad phase of her favorite band, Gable Screen, and the inexplicable silence of the Big Ben, Carol is suddenly transported to another world. There she finds out that she might be the girl predestined to fight Gigantica, a demon lord who recently brought chaos to this strange land.
Detective (voice)
Seiko, while suspended from school goes to Nagasaki, where she finds herself involved in a murder mystery.
Kanta's Father (voice)
Fuma Clan Boss (voice)
飛騨の山奥にある神社で、石川五ェ門と墨縄家の跡取り娘である紫との結婚式が行われていた。いにしえの習わしに従い、墨縄家の壺が五ェ門に手渡されようとしたその時、覆面装束の一団が壺を奪おうと現れた。ルパン達の活躍で何とか壺を取り返したのもつかの間、花嫁の紫がさらわれてしまう。その壺には墨縄一族の先祖が残した財宝のありかが記されていた。 そして、それらを狙う風魔一族は、四百年もの間その財宝を狙っていた。それを知ったルパンたちは、墨縄家の隠し金庫から壺を盗み出して紫との交換へ向かう。
U.S. Army General
Syncam Personnel Manager (voice)
The crew of an interplanetary starship fights for survival after an alien force takes control of their craft.
A devil-girl with the face of an angel and a heart of gold, blond Betty falls in love with an earthbound gangster, Danpei Kimogawa, when they meet in a rainstorm. They end up living together in a Tokyo highrise apartment, though Danpei has trouble coping with his new witch and demon in-laws dropping in at inopportune moments. Betty has actually been sent to the human world on a mission to defeat the demon Lutan. While Betty continues her task, her skeletal grandmother sends nubile nymphs to tempt Danpei and see if he is suitable husband material. Based on the manga Mamonogatari itoshi no beti.
Official (voice)
大型ポリティカルフィクション『ルサルカは還らない』などの人気漫画家・御厨さと美の原作による、OVA黎明期の美少女SFアニメ。21世紀末、スペースコロニー“フロンティア”を管理する、スーパーコンピュータ“アーティフィーンド”が突然、自我に目覚める。地球の歴史と人類の文明を精緻に膨大に修学したアーティフィーンドは、過った種であると人類への憎悪を自覚。軍事衛星の核ミサイルまで制御して、その照準を地上に向けた。コンピューター学者ザカライアセン博士、ドハティ教授とともにコロニーに来ていた16歳の美少女ノーラ・スコラは、持ち前の行動力と闘志でアーティフィーンドの制止を図るが? 同じ一族の子孫や先祖という設定も活用して、さまざまな時代で活躍する、原作者のコミック世界=御厨ワールドを代表するスーパーガール、ノーラの未来編のOVA化。作画監督は、テレビアニメ版『北斗の拳』や劇場アニメ版『地球へ…』で活躍する須田正己が担当。
超人オリンピックV2達成、7人の悪魔超人撃破を果たしキン肉星へと凱旋帰国したキン肉マン。祝福のパレードの最中、キン肉族と敵対するホルモン族の女超人・ビビンバに命を狙われる。間一髪回避しビビンバを追いかけるキン肉マンだったが、負傷したビビンバの素顔を見て彼女に一目ぼれし、良い所を見せようと手当てをしたり、一族を裏切るなどアプローチをかける。そしてビビンバの父ホルモン・ヤーキの手引きにより彼女をデートに誘うが、それはホルモン・ヤーキによる罠だった。 美ヶ原にて罠にかけられ気絶したキン肉マンに剣を向けるビビンバだったが、自分を手当てしてくれた彼の優しさに触れ恋心が芽生えていた故に剣を振ることをためらう。キン肉マンは無意識にこれを破るが、見かねたキン肉大王らの手により地球へと強制送還される。 キン肉族打倒を狙うホルモン・ヤーキは、バーベキュー族のチャンピオン・シシカバ・ブーと彼に助力するブラック軍団を率いる宇宙暗黒帝王ブラック・エンペラーと手を組むことになった。しかしブラック・エンペラーは地球征服のために邪魔な正義超人打倒を目論んでいた。 そうとは知らず、キン肉マンは富士山にてビビンバを賭けシシカバ・ブーの挑戦を受ける。同じ頃、それぞれの夢を叶えるために故郷へと帰っていた正義超人たちにもブラック軍団の尖兵が襲いかかろうとしていた。
In Space Century (SC) 152, the planet Deloyer, Earth's only colony, is home to a growing independence movement. The Fang of the Sun are a small team of guerillas fighting against Earth's occupation. To counter Earth's Combat Armors, they have a lone Combat Armor of their own: Dougram, a CA specially built for Deloyer's environment — and piloted by Crinn Cashim, the rebellious son of the leader of the Earth government on Deloyer. This compilation film version presents the events of the 75 episode anime series as a documentary, primarily focusing on the story's politics rather than the main characters. Originally screened with the short "Choro Q Dougram" and the Combat Mecha Xabungle compilation film Xabungle Graffiti.
Ramba Ral (voice)
ホワイトベースの戦いは続いていた。ランバ・ラルのグフ、黒い三連星のドムがホワイトベースを襲う! 連邦軍のオデッサ作戦が進行する中で、アムロはかけがえのない人たちを次々と失っていく。ランバ・ラルとハモン、マチルダとリュウが生命をかけて戦い、散華するさまに、アムロが見たものは何か。死と生の交錯する戦場で、アムロのニュータイプへの覚醒が始まった!
Ramba Ral (voice)
宇宙世紀0079。宇宙植民地(スペースコロニー)サイド3はジオン公国を名乗り、連邦軍に独立戦争をしかけてきた。 サイド7に住む15歳の少年アムロは、ジオン軍の奇襲の中、モビルスーツ・ガンダムに偶然乗り込み、敵モビルスーツ・ザクを撃退する。 避難民を乗せたホワイトベースは、ジオン軍の追撃をかわし、逃避の旅を続ける。迫るジオン軍の赤い彗星シャア。大人はみんな死んだ。 生きのびたければ、やるしかない。アムロの意志が、ガンダムを飛翔させる!