Yū Yamamoto

Yū Yamamoto

出生 : 1946-12-24, Niigata, Japan

死亡 : 2018-11-25




Yū Yamamoto


Tokio - Die Stadtkultur von morgen
ウルトラマンティガ外伝 古代に蘇る巨人
2038年…。かつてウルトラマンティガであったマドカ・ダイゴの息子、マドカ・ツバサはネオスーパーGUTSの訓練飛行中に突如として現れた怪獣ジョーモノイドと共に数十世紀前にタイムスリップしてしまう。ジョーモノイドの出現に光の巨人の復活を予感した闇の超能力者ドグラマグマは、光の巨人の伝説が伝わる村“ティガの里”を破壊しようと企んだ。この危機にツバサは謎の女戦士マホロバからもたらされた青銅スパークレンスでウルトラマンティガに変身するが、思わぬ苦戦を強いられる。-光の巨人は完全には復活していなかったのだ…!  闇の魔神ドグーフを率いたドグラマグマの攻撃が始まってしまった!イザレの巫女が告げる真の光の意志を継ぐもの…それは、はたして誰なのか!?
ノストラダムス滅亡録 遺伝子の新世紀
In 1999, the human race had reached the time of the end. Military balance is lost in the wake of the nuclear test of a certain country, the threat of nuclear war had been swept.
On her final confrontations with the Black Buddha Gang, Mari Amachi is unable to conceal her secret identity from the few important individuals in her life. Her career as heroine who fights for the freedom of religion is in serious jeopardy as never before.
Mari Amachi is a very devout Christian who transfers to Perfect Religion Academy. A school devoted to all religions of the world in effort to make it's students the next world leaders in religion. Her friend Saori is kidnapped by the Black Buddha cult; a group who wishes to take away religious freedom though force and brainwashing. Mari prays to God for help but Buddha answers the call, instead! Mari aspires only to help her friend and she is transformed into Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gotaman. Between fighting bad guys, making a deal with Buddha, and wearing scandalous costumes, is it more than Mari can take?
The mysterious Rodo fell to earth ages ago, stealing away the air, water and life from the planet. It's up to Ran, a daring young man, and Aira, a silver-haired girl with a mysterious connection to the Rodo, to save the planet.
Dark Warrior
A Silicon Valley whiz kid, billionaire creator of the most intelligent computer on Earth, has got bigger problems than being on the cover of Time magazine. The thing is, the corporation he works for is planning to use his ideas to take over the world. As if that weren't enough, they're planning to wipe the slate of humanity clean and install their own race of preprogrammed superbeings in their place. The unwitting prototype?...
Follow a cast that makes pornographic movies. The loves and loyalty it creates and the friction it causes.
変幻退魔夜行 カルラ舞う! 奈良怨霊絵巻
Shoko and Maiko Ougi are apparently two ordinary schoolgirls in pursuit of graduating and having fun. Shii-chan is the more serious while Mai-chan is more fun-loving. In reality, the two sisters are powerful exorcists from the Karura temple. Each wields half the power... Shii-chan can see the spirits, and Mai-chan can banish them. This is a spooky series with heavy emphasis on traditionally Japanese occult themes.
The year is 2001 and the criminals have taken over Centinel City. The Police have lost control. The citizens are terrified... and no one can stop the madness. Even the Techno Police, a special anti-crime squad, find the situation hopeless until a wise cracking cop with an uncanny knack for out-guessing the criminals joins the force. When a powerful experiment tank is hijacked, the Techno Police and their newest recruit go to work. Equipped with an ultra-sonic car and crime-fighting Technoids, the rookie cop sets out on a death defying high-speed chase through the streets... trying to capture the crooks and trying to stay alive. But no one is aware of the awesome powers about to be unleashed.
機動戦士ガンダムII 哀・戦士編
ホワイトベースの戦いは続いていた。ランバ・ラルのグフ、黒い三連星のドムがホワイトベースを襲う! 連邦軍のオデッサ作戦が進行する中で、アムロはかけがえのない人たちを次々と失っていく。ランバ・ラルとハモン、マチルダとリュウが生命をかけて戦い、散華するさまに、アムロが見たものは何か。死と生の交錯する戦場で、アムロのニュータイプへの覚醒が始まった!
宇宙世紀0079。宇宙植民地(スペースコロニー)サイド3はジオン公国を名乗り、連邦軍に独立戦争をしかけてきた。 サイド7に住む15歳の少年アムロは、ジオン軍の奇襲の中、モビルスーツ・ガンダムに偶然乗り込み、敵モビルスーツ・ザクを撃退する。 避難民を乗せたホワイトベースは、ジオン軍の追撃をかわし、逃避の旅を続ける。迫るジオン軍の赤い彗星シャア。大人はみんな死んだ。 生きのびたければ、やるしかない。アムロの意志が、ガンダムを飛翔させる!