Ryō Tamura

Ryō Tamura

出生 : 1946-05-24, Kyōto, Kyōto Prefecture, Japan


Ryō Tamura (田村亮), born Yukiteru Tamura (田村 幸照), is a Japanese actor.


Ryō Tamura


Doctor Momoyama
Makoto Mioya, a highly successful Japanese author and publisher, has a life-threatening, near-death experience. Powerful spiritual beings with whom he has communicated most of his adult life visit Makoto to remind him he has the power within to heal himself. Reborn, Makoto commits his life to sharing the almighty wisdom he receives from the spiritual realm. As doubters, including some of his own family, challenge and question his new-found ardor, Makoto must find a way to connect with his family and the ‘family of man’ to inspire a better world.
宇宙戦隊キュウレンジャー THE MOVIE ゲース・インダベーの逆襲
Hoi Kourou / Geth Indabee
ジャークマターの脅威から宇宙を解放するために戦い続ける宇宙戦隊キュウレンジャーの前にジャークマター独立部隊であるゲース・インダベーとその部下が襲いかかってきた。ゲース・インダベーは、ショウ・ロンポー / リュウコマンダーへの復讐と『冥王ハデスの番犬』『宇宙の破壊神』と呼ばれたキュウボイジャー『ケルベロス』を手に入れること、更には彗星兵器『ゲース・スター』を使って地球を滅ぼそうとしていた。 キュウレンジャーは地球存亡を賭けて、ケルベロスの争奪戦に挑む。
Several years later after movie “Mr. Max Man”. Hideo is the younger brother of Masayoshi and he works at the same broadcasting station as a rookie AD. Hideo likes Rina who works as a announcer there. Meanwhile, Hideo becomes a righteous hero and fights for justice.
巨悪は眠らせない 特捜検事の逆襲
Kazuo Tominaga
Shinichi Tominaga is a prosecutor, newly appointed to the special investigation division for the Tokyo district prosecutors' office. He is currently busy with a case involving suspicious donations to powerful politician Yohei Tachibana. Shinichi then receives a mysterious message from his friend Samon Kondo. His friend is in charge of space development at The The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The message talks about a scandal related to space development. Samon soon goes missing after sending the message. Shinichi begins to see a connection between the two cases.
山村美紗サスペンス 「狩矢父娘シリーズ(17) 京都・開運ツアー殺人事件!」
Inspector Kariya
Kengo Shimauchi
Masayoshi is a young announcer who has worked at a broadcasting station for 3 years. He is the secondary presenter for a morning information program, but he always makes mistakes. Masayoshi also has a crush on co-worker Yuko, whom he has known since he was a child, but he can't seem to get any closer to her. Masayoshi then puts on a pair of glasses that he finds at work. He realizes the glasses gives him superhuman powers. Masayoshi decides to become a righteous hero.
スクープ 遊軍記者・布施京一
今野敏の原作を上川隆也主演でドラマ化した『スクープ 遊軍記者・布施京一』を放送!TBNテレビ報道局の遊軍記者・布施京一は、独自の取材でスクープをモノにしている敏腕記者。与党の幹事長の不正献金疑惑と女優の交通事故死という2つの出来事に目をつけた布施は、事件の裏に潜む欲望や悪意を解き明かしていく。原作者の今野敏がベテラン報道局員役で出演している点も見どころ。2015年作品。 【ストーリー】 布施京一(上川隆也)はTBNテレビの報道局に所属する記者。布施は特定の担当を持たない遊軍記者で、そのポジションをフル活用し独自の取材で数々のスクープをモノにしている。ある日、布施は建設会社部長の自殺が与党幹事長・山野辺(小野武彦)の不正献金疑惑と関係しているという証拠を入手し、山野辺本人にぶつける。しかし他社が手にしていないスクープネタにもかかわらず、テレビに映りたくないという理由だけで布施はその証拠を東亜新聞の持田(庄司智春)に渡してしまう。そんな中、報道局に女優の沢野麗子(渋谷亜希)が交通事故を起こしたという情報が飛び込んできた。麗子は気性が荒く芸能マスコミを騒がせる女優で、榊という今は亡き映画監督と浮名を流したこともあった。そして、その熱愛をスッパ抜いたのは布施だった。布施が病院に到着するとすでに芸能記者たちが集まっていた。そこには島崎(相島一之)の姿も。島崎は麗子の母・楓(りりィ)を見つけると強行にコメントを求める。布施は楓をかばい病院内に避難させるが、手術の甲斐もなく麗子はそのまま亡くなった。突然娘を失い悲しみにくれる楓に布施はかける言葉もない。やがて平静を取り戻した楓は事故の直前に麗子から妙なメールが来たと告げて…。
「松本清張スペシャル 時間の習俗」フジテレビ開局55周年特別番組として、フジテレビ系列で2014年4月10日(木曜日)の21:00 - 23:13 に放送された。 関門海峡に面した門司市の古社・和布刈神社において、旧暦元旦の未明に行われる神事に対する、写真撮影が殺到していた。他方、その前日深夜23時頃、神奈川県の相模湖近くの弁天島で、交通関係業界紙の編集人・土肥武夫の死体が発見された。土肥の投宿していた宿の女中は、女性が同行していたことを証言するが、その女性は行方不明になっていた。 有力な容疑者も挙がらず手がかりが掴めない中、三原警部補は土肥の交際人物のリストから、行動に作為の感じられるタクシー会社の専務・峰岡周一に着目する。だが、峰岡には完全なアリバイがあった。
Yujiro Nakagishi
26-year-old Shogo Washio sense danger from the expansion of Asian superpower nation Ouran. Shogo Washio teams up with Kenzo Nakagishi and establishes a new political party. He loses in the elections to gain a seat in the house of representatives. A few years later Japan is now invaded by the country of Ouran and falls under the military occupation of that country. Basic freedoms like speech and religion are lost, while protestors are killed. In this environment, Shogo Washio joins the underground resistance organization ROLE.
Trying to pass a strange bill to clear up the suspicion put on himself
風の少年 尾崎豊 永遠の伝説
The short life of singer-songwriter Ozaki Yutaka, who died suddenly in 1992 at the age of 26, will be dramatized for the first time on the TV Tokyo production, "Kaze no shounen ~ Ozaki Yutaka eien no densetsu".
山村美紗京都サスペンス 燃えた花嫁
Detective Kariya
Risako, a model, is poisoned at a fashion show. After Detective Kariya finds out that Onishi, the PR manager of the apparel maker sponsoring the show, was being blackmailed by Risako, Kariya interrogates him. While his lover, a model named Haruka, worries, the doubt regarding Onishi is cleared up. Several months later, a bride is killed by being burned alive inside a locked room.
山村美紗サスペンス 愛の摩周湖殺人事件 霧の中に父が消えた!? 残された押し花に愛憎の殺意が…
Kariya Kazuo
Kawaito Soro
One day poison is discovered in the shogun's food. The brilliant swordsman Mondo sets out to save Japan's leader from certain death.
独眼竜の野望 伊達政宗
Biopic of Date Masamune
One of Japan's favorite sword stars, Fujita Makoto, returns as the legendary Tange Sazen, the one-eyed, one-armed samurai who is a champion for the common people. Unflappable, except with the ladies, he fights evil in Shogun Yoshimune's Edo. The kokezaru no tsubo (earless monkey jar) has gone missing with a secret hidden inside that could change the course of history. All of Edo's top swordsmen, including Yagyu Genzaburo and Ooka Echizen are involved as villains pursue their evil quest! Superb swordplay highlights this exciting all-star extravaganza!
Lord Hidenaga
戦国時代にあって、お茶の道を追究し続けた千利休。そんな美と知の体現者・利休と、絶大な権力を持ちながらも粗野で利休とは対極にある秀吉の確執を描く。映画に登場する生花はすべて、自身も華道・草月流の家元である勅使河原監督の手による。利休を演じた三國連太郎と秀吉を演じた山崎努の対照的な演技のぶつかり合いもみどころ。また、同時期に公開された「千利休 本覺坊遺文」との“利休対決”も話題となった。
傑作時代劇 天下の御意見番罷り通る!彦左衛門外記
Japan's greatest jidaigeki star, Mifune Toshiro is Shogun's Advisor Okubo Hikozaemon who must be coaxed out of retirement to save Shogun Iemitsu from danger. The elderly Hikozaemon has been belittled of late and has seemingly lost the will to live, much less the desire to assert himself and make Iemitsu listen to reason. The plot thickens when a lovely young woman enters the picture. Can she change Hikozaemon's mind, and thus alter the path of Japanese history? No longer a young man, can Hikozaemon gain the shogun's ear, and succeed in warning him of the evil plot to overthrow him?
Nagare, a painter who wanted to commit a lover’s suicide with Mizue, the wife of his friend and patron Takigawa. Growing afraid at the last moment, he doesn’t go through with it – but Mizue sinks to the bottom of Blue Lake. Some time later, Nagare follows an invitation by Takigawa, who claims to have forgiven everything. To Nagare’s shock, Takigawa’s new wife, Ameko, looks exactly like Mizue. While staying as Takigawa’s guest, Nagare becomes haunted by Mizue’s ghost, who wants to be reunited with him at the bottom of Blue Lake.
ユッコの贈りもの コスモスのように
1982 Japanese film directed by Tengo Yamada.
大江戸無頼 河内山宗俊
Kotiyama is a swindler and extortionist, the head of a whole gang of crooks, usually posing as a poor monk; once he really took vows, but he was kicked out of the monastery long ago. He is enterprising, smart and not too cruel, so his accomplices love him. Posing as an envoy from the abbot of the Kennei Temple, Kotiama plays a show in front of Lord Matsue with an income of 150,000 koku, and extorts money from him. The film is based on the famous play by Kawatake Mokuami.
「柳生一族の陰謀」の深作欣二と萬屋錦之介が忠臣蔵に挑んだ大型時代劇。様式美にとらわれないドキュメンタリータッチの作風で描く。 吉良上野介に対し刃傷に及んだ浅野内匠頭が切腹させられ、赤穂はお家断絶となり、領地を召し上げられてしまう。大石内蔵助は家臣たちから誓紙血判を集め、仇討ちの準備を始める。
歌麿 夢と知りせば
Utamaro was an artist who lived in Edo (which was later to become modern-day Tokyo) in the late 18th century. This film, which has a complex and wide-ranging storyline, recreates the world of that time, as it appeared in Utamaro's paintings.
Business is a game! A theatrical version of the TV drama that became a social phenomenon starring Teruhiko Saigo. Set in a wholesaler town in Osaka, it depicts the activities of the main character Takezo Yamashita who repels adversity with a man's stubbornness and guts.
Toshimichi Ôkubo
Film about the Ashio Copper Mine Incident and Shozo Tanaka.
可愛い悪魔 いいものあげる
Keiichi Tsumura
Yumi Ishikawa (Mari Atsumi) is nineteen and a popular geisha. Orphaned when a child, Yumi she was raised by Shizuko, the madame of a geisha house. Yumi is impulsive, out-going. And although she cannot claim to be good at Japanese dancing or playing musical instruments so necessary to a geisha, she is a whizz at go-go and will dance the hula at parties. But before becoming a full-fledged geisha, Yumi must go through the ceremony of the "mizuage", when a budding geisha surrenders her virginity to an experienced man who makes her a woman. Takida, a rich money-lender, is chosen for Yumi's mizuage but she offers herself first to Keiichi (Ryo Tamura), who she really loves although she knows that his world and hers are too far apart for a successful marriage.
A model gets involved with some gangsters trying to pull a big deal.
連合艦隊司令長官 山本五十六
Sub-Lt. Mikami
As Japan joins in a political pact with Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is appointed supreme commander of the Japanese fleet. With Japan headed inexorably toward war, Yamamoto, despite his misgivings, believes the only possible victory lies in destroying the American fleet by surprise at Pearl Harbor. The attack succeeds, but fails to sink the American carrier fleet. Thus Yamamoto must lead the Japanese navy into war with ever-diminishing likelihood of success.
Love story of a working-class boy and girl.
Teizo Kuwata
Comedy-drama about university tennis players.
Masato Gōemon
Farmer Abare Goemon is confronted by brigand-like samurai. He raises an army of farmers to fight them and does so brilliantly. When Lord Asakura sees the success Goemon has achieved, he attempts to recruit him to fight in a conflict between Asakura and another clan. Goemon refuses, and Lord Asakura sets out to destroy him.
Masako is a humble waitress who has a chance encounter with playboy Tamotsu. With the aid of his sister, Tamotsu seeks to win Masako's affection despite the disapproval of his wealthy parents and Masako's own feelings towards the working-class cabbie Noro.
Former playmates (Naito and Tamura), both long ago abandoned by their parents, recall their youth and fall in love.