Kaiji Kawaguchi

出生 : 1948-07-27,


Kawaguchi Kaiji (born July 27, 1948) is a Japanese manga author whose works include Eagle and Zipang. Generally, his stories involve Japan and examine the moral choices that people make in extreme situations. He received the Kodansha Manga Award three times, for Actor in 1987, for The Silent Service in 1990, and for Zipang in 2002. He has also received the Shogakukan Manga Award, for A Spirit of the Sun in 2006.


Original Story
Shiro Kaieda is appointed the captain of Japan's first nuclear submarine, jointly built by Japan and the United States in top secret. However, he and his 76 crew members go rogue in this story that delves into themes of nuclear war, international politics, and world peace.
20XX年、12月23日未明。未曾有の事態が日本を襲う。沖ノ鳥島の西方450キロ、波留間群島初島に国籍不明の武装集団が上陸、わが国の領土が占領されたのだ。海上自衛隊は直ちに小笠原諸島沖で訓練航海中の第5護衛隊群に出動を命じた。その旗艦こそ、自衛隊初の航空機搭載型護衛艦《いぶき》だった。計画段階から「専守防衛」論議の的となり国論を二分してきた《いぶき》。艦長は、航空自衛隊出身の秋津竜太一佐。そしてそれを補佐するのは海上自衛隊生え抜きの副長・新波歳也二佐。現場海域へと向かう彼らを待ち受けていたのは、敵潜水艦からの突然のミサイル攻撃だった。さらに針路上には敵の空母艦隊までもが姿を現す。想定を越えた戦闘状態に突入していく第5護衛隊群。政府はついに「防衛出動」を発令する。迫り来る敵戦闘機に向け、ついに迎撃ミサイルは放たれた……。<かわぐちかいじ(『沈黙の艦隊』『ジパング』)原作による漫画『空母いぶき』を実写映画化! 西島秀俊、佐々木蔵之介はじめ日本映画界を代表する俳優陣が集結して贈る、超ど級のエンタテインメント大作ここに誕生!>
Codename: Seabat. The most dangerous submarine ever created. Explosively nuclear and manned by a crew that is officially dead, the Seabat is the most closely guarded military secret in the world. And it has just gone rogue.
愛物語 9 Love Stories
An OVA based on the work of Kawaguchi Kaiji consisting of nine independent stories, each animated by a different director. With Beatles music involved, somewhere.
私立探偵・土岐正造トラブル・ノート ハード&ルーズ
Based on the manga by Tsuchiya Garon (aka Marley Carib) and Kawaguchi Kaiji, serialized in Action in the 80s. A detective thriller in which former boxer Shozo is thrown into a web of intrigue when he picks up a ringing phone in a room whose occupant he is supposed to be following.
With a Kansai syndicate vying for Tokyo, one man reunites with his roguish half-brother in the midst of negotiations, when all hell breaks loose.