Ginzo Matsuo


キン肉マンII世 second generations
地獄先生ぬ~べ~ 午前0時ぬ~べ~死す!!
Masaru Kaneda (voice)
Nube gets a new student called Jun Kagami, a shy boy who has just transferred to Doumori Elementary School. Due to his insecurities, Jun believes that his only friend is a mysterious clown entity that lives inside mirrors. It is up to Nube to find out the true nature of this clown.
Masaru Kaneda (voice)
Kumiko Ijima is a very timid girl who happens to recognize a murderer still in pursuit at a park. With the help of her friend Kyoko Inaba, she warns the police about the wanted man. After trying to escape the police by car, the murderer crashes and ends up in the hospital. Some time later, a mysterious entity starts to terrorize the neighborhood in search of a girl who has the name initials K.I. and uses a red ribbon on her hair.
Old Man (voice)
2029年、二度の大戦を経て、電脳化・義体化技術の発展した世界。新たな可能性の一方で、ゴーストハックや犯罪の多様化といった問題にも悩まされていた。 そんな中、他人の電脳をハックし人形のように使う「人形使い」が入国し公安9課は調査に乗り出す。
マクロス7 銀河がオレを呼んでいる!
Miguel (voice)
“歌エネルギー"の実験中、突如聞こえてきた咆哮に歌のハートを感じたバサラは、その正体を求めて単身宇宙へと飛び出した。 たどり着いた辺境の星で彼は、村人たちがと恐れる声が、その咆哮と同じものだと知った。 そして、ペドロ少年と共に捜し当てたその声の主は、はぐれゼントラーディの少女・エミリアだった。 歌の力を信じて、ひとり歌の練習をしていたという少女と意気投合するバサラ。 そこに、彼女の歌声をと判断したゲペルニッチの命令で、ガビルがグラビルとナッターバルゴを率いて現れた! 禁断の技で襲いかかるガビルに対し、バサラとエミリアは?
ストリートファイター II MOVIE
DeeJay (voice)
インフェリウス惑星戦史外伝 CONDITION GREEN
Herbie Gagnie (voice)
Keith, George, Edward, Yang and Shaw are Platoon #801, the five-man team formed to protect their homeworld in the Inferious galaxy from alien invasion. Gazaria's evil emperor Vince conquers the neighbor worlds of Kal and Granad, and suddenly only Platoon #801, also known as Condition Green, stands between him and the conquest of Emerald Earth.
高橋留美子劇場 人魚の森
There is a legend in Japan that if one eats the flesh of a mermaid, one will become immortal. This anime recounts the story of Yuhta and Mana, an immortal boy and girl, and their experiences with a family struggling to achieve immortality at any cost.
修羅之介斬魔劍 死鎌紋の男
Kagairo (voice)
Shurannosuke Sakaki is a masterless samurai with a razor-sharp katana and a cold-hearted personality. Whenever you see the mark of two crossed scythes on his back, death is sure to follow. Because of his exceptional swordsmanship, Shurannosuke is hired by the Nakura Clan to rescue Princess Mayu from the Seki Ninja. In this mission, he must use his full potential to survive the Seki Ninja's notorious henchmen.
ハーバーライト物語(ストーリー) ~ファッションララより~
Big guy