Jerry Mayer

出生 : 1941-05-12, Waterloo, Iowa, USA

死亡 : 2003-02-03


Joe Gould's Secret
Minetta Bartender
Around 1940, New Yorker staff writer Joe Mitchell meets Joe Gould, a Greenwich Village character who cadges meals, drinks, and contributions to the Joe Gould Fund and who is writing a voluminous Oral History of the World, a record of 20,000 conversations he's overheard. Mitchell is fascinated with this Harvard grad and writes a 1942 piece about him, "Professor Seagull," bringing Gould some celebrity and an invitation to join the Greenwich Village Ravens, a poetry club he's often crashed. Gould's touchy, querulous personality and his frequent dropping in on Mitchell for hours of chat lead to a breakup, but the two Joes stay in touch until Gould's death and Mitchell's unveiling of the secret.
Ollie Quinn
極寒の田舎町に住む60歳の男。金も、家庭も、定職もない彼が失いかけていた人間の絆を取り戻していく姿を愛情一杯に描いた作品。監督は『クレイマー クレイマー』のロバート・ベントン。
Vanya on 42nd Street
An uninterrupted rehearsal of Chekhov's 1899 play "Uncle Vanya" played out by a company of actors. The setting is their run down theater with an unusable stage and crumbling ceiling. The play is shown act by act with the briefest of breaks to move props or for refreshments. The lack of costumes, real props and scenery is soon forgotten.
News Vendor
Women & Men 2: In Love There Are No Rules
Ad Man
Three short stories about women & men relationship.
The new warden of a small prison farm in Arkansas tries to clean it up of corruption after initially posing as an inmate.
New York Journal Reporter (uncredited)
F・スコット・フィッツジェラルドの小説をフランシス・F・コッポラの脚色で映画化。1920年代のアメリカを舞台に、上流社会に生きる青年の愛と野望を描くロマン大作。 ニューヨーク郊外のロングアイランドに建つ豪邸で、夜ごとパーティーを催す謎の富豪ギャツビー。貧しい家に生まれた彼は、第1次大戦中に出会った恋人のデイジーに裏切られたことをきっかけに、終戦後、努力して財界でのし上がっていった。やがて、人妻となったデイジーと再会、2人の愛はよみがえったかに見えたが…。 R・レッドフォードが出世欲に燃える青年ギャツビーを熱演。アカデミー衣装デザイン賞、歌曲・編曲賞受賞。