Ed Crowley


Mr. Phillips
刑事ジョン・ブック 目撃者
Garbo Talks
Mr. Goldhammer
When New York accountant Gilbert Rolfe finds out his mother has a brain tumor, he is devastated. His incorrigible mother, Estelle, has one last wish: to meet the great Greta Garbo. Gilbert, wanting to do this last thing for her, sets out on a wild goose chase through the streets of New York City to track down the iconic star, at the expense of his personal life and much to the chagrin of his wife, Lisa. Can he find Garbo before it's too late?
The Fan
A record store clerk is an obsessed fan of an actress of stage and screen. However, when faced with rejection, the fan strikes out in increasingly violent ways.
Breaking Up
JoAnn Hammil faces a harrowing fight to rediscover her personal identity when her husband of 15 years announces that he is leaving her and their children to search for the indefinable joy he feels he is missing from his life.
Joe Donnelly
視聴率低下を気に悩んでノイローゼになった、ニュース番組の司会者ビール。しかし彼が番組中に自殺予告をしたことで、視聴率はどんどん上がっていき!? 大手テレビ局を舞台に悪戦苦闘する人間たちの姿を、社会派シドニー・ルメットが鋭く描く。
Hester Street
A Russian emigre prides himself on the way he's molded himself into a real Yankee in the USA, though the world he lives in, New York's Lower East Side in the late 19th century, is almost exclusively populated by other Jewish immigrants. When his wife finally arrives in the New World, however, she has a lot of assimilating to do.
Ordinance Man
CIA内部で起きている陰謀と、その渦中に放り込まれた男の逃走を描いたサスペンス・スリラー。 CIAの下部組織であるNYのアメリカ文学史協会が何者かに襲撃され、局員は皆殺しにされる。偶然、その現場に居合わせなかったため命拾いをしたコードネーム“コンドル”はCIAと緊急連絡を取り落ち合う事にするが、その場所でコンドルを待っていたのは上司から向けられた銃口だった。理由もわからぬまま逃げ惑うターナーは、偶然出会った女性キャシーの協力を得て、陰謀を暴こうとするが…。
Who Says I Can't Ride a Rainbow!
Barney owns the last working farm in Manhattan. For various reasons, city officials have decided to close it down. A special event is planned to raise awareness and money to keep it running.
FBI Security
When a bumbling New Yorker is dumped by his activist girlfriend, he travels to a tiny Latin American nation and becomes involved in its latest rebellion.
Mr. Shavelson
Brooks Wilson is in crisis. He is torn between his wife Selma and two daughters and his mistress Grace, and also between his career as a successful illustrator and his feeling that he might still produce something worthwhile.
Man at Precinct
The Borgia Stick
Garage Man (uncredited)
A suburban couple discovers that they are pawns for a powerful crime syndicate. They try to break away from the cartel and go legitimate, but the syndicate doesn't want to give them up so easily.