Jakob Gimpel


The Mephisto Waltz
A frustrated pianist himself, music journalist Myles Clarkson is thrilled to interview virtuoso Duncan Ely. Duncan, however, is terminally ill and not much interested in Myles until noticing that Myles' hands are ideally suited for piano. Suddenly, he can't get enough of his new friend, and Myles' wife, Paula, becomes suspicious of Duncan's intentions. Her suspicions grow when Duncan dies and Myles mysteriously becomes a virtuoso overnight.
The Story of Three Loves
Passengers on an ocean liner recall their greatest loves.
Johann Mouse
Original Music Composer
At the home of Viennese composer Johann Strauss lived Johann Mouse. Whenever the composer played his waltzes, the mouse would dance to the music, unable to control himself. One day, when Strauss was away, the house cat played his master's music. When word got out about a piano-playing cat and a dancing mouse, they were commanded to perform for the emperor.
Strange Fascination
Original Music Composer
A homely middle-aged man falls hard for a much younger woman leading to disaster.
Walter Sveldon - pianist
After being found wandering the streets of Los Angeles, a severely catatonic woman tells a doctor the complex story of how she wound up there.
イングリッド・バーグマンがアカデミー主演女優賞を受賞した、ジョージ・キューカー監督のサスペンス映画の古典的名作。美術・装置賞も受賞。共演はシャルル・ボワイエ。 叔母を何者かに殺されて傷心のポーラは住み慣れたロンドンを離れ、イタリアで暮らすことに。やがて月日が流れ、結婚したポーラは、夫と共に相続した叔母の家で新婚生活を始める。ところが、ロンドンに戻ったとたん、次々と不可解なことが起こり、ポーラは精神的に追い詰められていく…。主演女優のイングリッド・バーグマンにオスカーをもたらした、サスペンス映画の古典的名作。アカデミー美術・装置賞も受賞。