Masaru Mori

Masaru Mori


Masaru Mori


ロマンシング サガ THE STAGE ~ロアーヌが燃える日~
Every 300 years the Death Eclipse kills all newly born creatures. Men, women, and children, animals and plants, even ferocious monsters - no one can survive the devastation caused by the Eclipse. No one except a child chosen by the destiny. 600 years ago, such a child survived the Death Eclipse, only to become a demon king. During the next Eclipse, a chosen child became a holy king, and he defeated the evil demon king. Now, when the next Eclipse is nearing, nobody knows who the next fortunate survivor will become - a demon or a holy man?
Documentary on Nikkatsu's Roman Porno film series, with a heavy focus on prolific director Masaru Konuma.
今日から俺は!! ガッツだぜ17才
Camera Department Manager
Director of Photography
Upon rescuing a friend who is being held captive by a wicked classmate and his gang of bullies, 11-year-olds Tetsushi, Yuusuke, and Ryoji unexpectedly find themselves entwined in a supernatural battle against the forces of hell. Armed with courage, wit, and three magical charms given to them by a mysterious hermit, they set out to thwart the evil in a quest, which takes them to the depths of hell and brings them to a final battle with the god of death himself.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Sequel to 'Sniper THE SHOOTIST'
Director of Photography
Former policeman Matsushita Hiroshi is a professional marksman shootist. When his keen eye catches his target in the dry urban darkness, the hard, breathless action begins.
Director of Photography
A middle-aged salaryman tries to revitalize his career.
Director of Photography
Two friends are into shakotan, the Japanese term for low-riders. The adventure of low-riding youths includes picking up girls and cross-cultural drag racing.
妖艶 肉縛り
Director of Photography
A woman accidentally killed her husband in an S&M play. 1987 Roman Porno
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Etsuko, a female college student, tries to beat the con artists at their own game after she gets scammed one after another.
ビー・バップ・ハイスクール 高校与太郎哀歌
Director of Photography
Yoko Kon, a former rock singer, plays a stripper with unique nipples called Buds.
Director of Photography
A young woman has feelings for her older cousin but he is obsessed with blonds. When a European temptress comes for a visit his fantasies come true. But he soon finds out that she likes it really kinky.
女子大生 温泉芸者
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
スケバン株式会社 やっちゃえ!お嬢さん
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1984
赤いキャンパス 狂った放課後
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1984
宇能鴻一郎の 伊豆の踊り子
Director of Photography
美少女プロレス 失神10秒前
Director of Photography
ファイナル・スキャンダル 奥様はお固いのがお好き
Midori Satsuki plays Tamako, the owner of a boarding house and a pawn shop who gets into some erotic entanglements.
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1983.
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
A lower-middle-class policeman lives decadently, chasing cheap beer and girls at the same time he's running from loan sharks and his personal expectations.
Director of Photography
Sequel to Anne's Lullaby (1982)
Director of Photography
"BLOW THE NIGHT!" Let's Spend the Night Together is a 1983 Japanese docu-drama shot on 16mm film starring actual Yanki gang members as many of the main characters.
Director of Photography
A pair of sisters run a barber shop and have many erotic encounters.
絶頂姉妹 堕ちる
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
宇能鴻一郎の 女医も濡れるの
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno from 1982
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Based on the novel by Azusa Katsume.
女高生 恥ずかしい瞬間
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
団鬼六 女教師縄地獄
Director of Photography
結婚を控えた女教師の小百合は、ある放課後、生徒の蘭子が浮浪者風の男に犯されているのを見つけ、中に割って入った。男は、小百合をねじあげ教室に連れ込む。助けを求める蘭子は、音楽室から出て来たピアノの調律師、祝を見つけると、小百合の後を追った。二人が教室の窓から覗くと、男は、恐怖で失禁した小百合を後ろから犯している。中へ入ろうとする蘭子を、祝は、「今、中に入ると先生の命が危ない」と止めるが、その目は魅せられたかのように輝いてる。男が去った後、祝と蘭子は、グッタリする小百合をマンションへ送った。 翌日、下校する小百合を、祝は慰め、自宅へ招待した。地下の素的な部屋に小百合が入ると、突然、鉄格子が降りてきた。祝は「今日から私の妻になるんだ」と言う。そして、その日から、想像を絶する責め地獄の日々が始まった。肉ヒダも露わになる程緊縛され、アヌスに大量のグリセリン液を注入された小百合は、額に油汗を浮かべて必死に耐えるが、こらえきれず、羞恥に身悶えながら汚物を噴出した。顔中に排泄物を浴びながらも、祝は責め続ける。クサリ責め、剃毛、そして、前後、二つのバイブレターのついた革の下着を穿かされた小百合は、限りなく続く刺激に腰をよじり、ついには内股を愛液で濡らす。小百合の失踪について、蘭子は祝に不審を抱き、彼の家に潜入するが逆に捕まってしまう。激しい責めに苦悶と愉悦の表情を浮かべる小百合のビデオを見せられた蘭子は、自ら奴隷になりたいと言う。 祝は教師と生徒の二人を全裸にすると、並べて吊るし、ロウソクの滴を浴びせた。三人が快楽の世界に没頭しているとき、ロウソクの火がカーテンに燃え移った。アッという間に広がる火の海に、三人は鉄格子の中から逃げることも出来ない。燃える炎の中で、緊縛されて動けない小百合の目は、至上の責めに妖しく輝いていた。
ひと夏の体験 青い珊瑚礁
Director of Photography
With summer vacation, Chiaki, a high school girl, is just passing each day without getting along well with her boyfriend, Masahiko and her first experience.
宇能鴻一郎の 開いて写して
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
女子大生の基礎知識 ANO・ANO
Director of Photography
The erotic adventures and troubles of several female college students.
愛獣 悪の華
Director of Photography
Naomi (Jun Izumi) and her business partner Tadashi run a neighborhood bar, sharing the profits, as well as each other. One evening, a yakuza gangster swaggers into the bar with a stack of money for Tadashi. he takes Naomi in an exchange. She is trained as a high-class hooker and is, seemingly, grateful for getting the opportunity to experience the joy of sex. However, appearances are deceiving. Secretly, Naomi is carrying grudge against the yakuza and she finally has the opportunity to take revenge.
女子大生 ザ・穴場
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
A businessman has a sexual affair with a prostitute. Some thugs are trying to blackmail him and make him agree to pay a large sum of money.
ハードスキャンダル 性の漂流者
Junior High School Student Yudo spends his nights hanging out at the disco; his parents are more interested in dealing with swapping partners than taking care of their son. One evening, while he's shoplifting, a young woman gives him a hand and helps him pull off the snatch. Yudo, mesmerized by the woman, follows her to find out where she lives. Then he attacks her...
スケバンマフィア 恥辱
Director of Photography
Two young women, Keiko and Kaori, challenge a large organization called the Sukeban Mafia that is involved in drug dealing and prostitution...
Director of Photography
Based on the comic book by Leiji Matsumoto.
若妻官能クラブ 絶頂遊戯
Director of Photography
団鬼六 白衣縄地獄
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1980. A nurse finds herself drawn into the world of sadomasochism.
ズームイン 暴行団地
Director of Photography
A housewife is brutally assaulted in an unfinished construction zone of her apartment complex by a masked man. She somehow survives but other women are soon discovered, murdered then set on fire. Meanwhile she reignites an affair with a former lover but slowly begins to suspect he might be connected to the killings.
団鬼六 少女縛り絵図
Director of Photography
A professor named Keisuke meets a suicidal girl and subjects her to shibari bondage and sexual abuse.Their relationship quickly become more and more intimate.The wife of professor tries to stop the sadomasochistic love affair of these two souls and as a reward is also subjected to harsh S&M training...
Director of Photography
The film follows the rock band "Devils" on stage and off, including the various amorous adventures of the members.
堕靡泥の星 美少女狩り
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
夏のある日、ちひろ(原悦子)は養父・軍治(江角英明)の危篤の報に6年ぶりに帰郷した。自宅は軍治が警官を辞してから射的屋を営んでいた。彼女は店内に入ると店番をしている光一(田山涼成)がいた。彼によれば、軍治は危険な状態は回避したもののガンに冒されており、余命3か月と診断されているという。ちひろは冷ややかな表情だった。彼女の脳裏には6年前の、高校2年生の夏の一場面が蘇っていた。 ・・・軍治は警官の制服姿のまま拳銃をちひろに突きつける。「お前が憎い。こんな女らしく育ったお前をみてると、たった11歳で殺されちまったみゆきが思い出されて・・・」軍治はちひろを押し倒し・・・。
天使のはらわた 名美
Director of Photography
高校エロトピア 赤い制服
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
むちむちネオン街 私たべごろ
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
女教師 汚れた噂
Director of Photography
A schoolteacher gets a phone call regarding one of her female students. It seems that the young girl has been accused of prostitution, and requests help from her teacher. The young girl's situation brings to mind some dark incidents from the teacher's past that she is still trying to deal with.
原作・川上宗薫 白いふくらみ
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
宇能鴻一郎の 濡れて開く
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
ピンクサロン 好色五人女
Director of Photography
高校エマニエル 濡れた土曜日
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
Three young boys drunkenly rape a woman named Emiko, the wife of a man they've developed a friendship with. She dies of heart failure during the attack. Her chicken farmer husband, incapable of dealing with her death tends to her corpse as though it were still alive completely unable to accept her demise.
オリオンの殺意より 情事の方程式
Director of Photography
Toshihiko, a high school boy, hates Kozo, his father, enough to kill him. His mother had lived in terror of him and, at last, broken in spirit, she had left and her pitiful departing figure is still seared in Toshihiko's mind. Soon, Kozo marries Asako who is young and beautiful. An idea forms in Toshihiko's mind to get even with his father for the shabby way he had treated his mother. He wonders if he can do it through Asako.
桃尻娘  ピンク・ヒップ・ガール
Director of Photography
Yuko's boyfriend dumps her just after they have her first sexual experience, so she runs away from her Tokyo home to the western coast of Japan in order to straighten out her feelings. Following behind her on her journey is her friend Rena, who is trying to track Yuko down and find out if she is all right. As Rena traces Yuko's steps, always missing her by a day or two, she discovers that her friend has decided to drop her inhibitions and begin enjoying herself with every man she encounters.
さすらいの恋人 眩暈
Director of Photography
A man and a woman who met in a park in the city draw a figure that desperately loves each other while being chased by the hardship.
修道女ルシア 辱す
Director of Photography
Rumiko is a misbehaving girl who got caught stealing the cash her father had at home for bribes. Father would not accuse her of that, but when he caught her having sex with her English teacher, he was justified in sending her to a monastery, where the nuns try to force her to become a good girl. However, after a few days in forced piety, Rumiko (now Sister Lucia) discovered that her sins were nothing in comparison with those of other Sisters, and Mother Superior's.
原作・団鬼六「黒い鬼火」より 貴婦人縛り壷
Director of Photography
A rich man buys a wife, whose father was in debt. Months later, the man's sister comes to visit, and discovers that the wife is secretly in love with another man.
(秘)ハネムーン 暴行列車
Director of Photography
団地妻 雨やどりの情事
17th film in the Apartment Wife series.
Director of Photography
A model must cope with the stress of fame after a marketing executive transforms her into a sports celebrity.
嗚呼!!花の応援団 男涙の親衛隊
Director of Photography
Cherry blossoms are in full bloom. It is time for college students to go on a drinking spree under the cherry tree - It's "Hanami" time! Two freshmen and a sophomore are ordered to stake out a spot for the entire pep squad. Plans are initiated from the night before; three of them have to pull an all-nighter. Once the night falls, the sky turns pitch black. Rival pep squad of the Roka College emerge from the darkness and an all-out turf war begins.
Director of Photography
In the summer of 1947, various men and women gather at a mansion in the countryside at the invitation of Kazuma Utagawa. They are artists, novelists, poets, painters, playwrights, actresses, etc. Then the murders begin, one after another. The incident seemed to have no continuity...
発禁本「美人乱舞」より 責める
Director of Photography
A somewhat liberal adaptation of the life of painter Shuu Ito, the film focuses on his sexual torture of two wives and a prostitute. Ito chronicles the sessions in journals, shares his pseudo-Sadean philosophy, and drives women mad with equal hell-bent intensity.
レイプ25時 暴姦
Director of Photography
A serial rapist takes on a young protégé to his craft as he is pursued by a homosexual gang seeking vengeance for an attack on their leader.
花芯の刺青 熟れた壷
Director of Photography
Ms. Yoshino, respectable lady and attractive widow, leads a quiet and peaceful life with her teenage daughter Takako. However, their lifes change radically when fate confronts both with the young Hideo. While spending time with Takako, the latter is more attracted to her mother, and she in turn starts to feel the same, because he reminds her of his late father, a kabuki actor with whom she had an affair in the past.
真夏の夜の情事 悶え
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno : A wife works two jobs to support her husband’, who is cheating on her.
Director of Photography
江戸川乱歩猟奇館 屋根裏の散歩者
Director of Photography
The landlord of a boarding house in 1923 Tokyo, is keen on spying on the bizarre close encounters taking place beneath his roof. One day he sees a prostitute killing a customer, and decides he's found his soulmate.
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno. A high school girl yearns to have her first sexual encounter.
大江戸 (秘)おんな医者あらし
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1975.
トルコ(秘)最前線 密技96手
Director of Photography
Tamaki is reunited with her wayward brother Yoichi when he rescues her from a gang-bang by three hoodlums. Then Yoichi seduces Yuni the daughter of his sister's boss, and they run away with a million yen from the till. Tamaki's former husband visits her as a customer but he still can't get it up so she has to keep on working. Yoichi and Yumi come home to face the music with all their money gone. Toshiro the massage parlor operator has his hoodlums run the boy out of town, and since he isn't Yumi's real father he gets ready to seduce her himself. Just as Toshiro is taking the frightened Yumi into a room, there's a yell of "Fire!" and people start running. Yumi gets away. Tamaki, with her fire whistle in hand, smiles as she leads Toshiro to bed.
(秘)海女レポート 淫絶
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
続・レスビアンの世界 愛撫
Director of Photography
Naomi, who runs a boutique, is a lesbian and has been having homosexual relationships with her staff, Reiko, and a married woman, Miyako. Her friend Mari, a singer, is also a lesbian, and this is a complicated love story between two women that begins when Reiko falls in love with her one-sidedly.
大人のオモチャ ダッチワイフ・レポート
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1975. Nobutaka Masutomi stars as a doctor who develops a robot love doll to keep a team of Antarctic researchers company, but is displeased with the result despite the product’s success. His desire to create a more realistic doll leads the doctor to model one after an attractive college student (Maya Hiromi). Naomi Oka co-stars, and the screenplay was by Atsushi Yamatoya, who had directed the subgenre’s most notorious cult film, Koya No Dacchi Waifu, in 1967.
Director of Photography
The young and beautiful Sada Abe, the daughter of a rich merchant, is banished for losing her virginity after being raped by a college student. Sada wanders the city, becoming a geisha and eventually meeting Kichizo, a posh restaurateur who falls under her spell. Together, they embark on a week-long sexual escapade filled with dangerous obsessions. Their complete descent into each others desires culminates in a shocking crime of passion which captures the city's headlines. Based on a real event from 1936.
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1975.
Director of Photography
A wife charges her husband with sexual battery. He escapes from the police and goes into hiding. In three years, she divorces him and tries to put the pieces of her life back in order, when suddenly he returns. Obsessed with rage and hatred, he kidnaps her and brings her to a house in a remote wooded area. There he disciplines her vehemently, subjecting her to increasingly shocking forms of sexual torture, tetherings, suspensions and humiliations. Astonishingly, through the rage and lust, the pair develops a relationship that pushes the boundaries of lurid passions and perverse obsessions.
くノ一淫法 百花卍がらみ
In historical times, the Shogun family employs a group of Iga ninjas to take over the Akizuki clan's lands. The Akizuki hire the Fumi ninjas, a group of female warriors who enhance their fighting ability with sexual magic such as the "white snake spell". When the Akizuki emerge victorious, Tsukinojo, the leader of the Fumi ninjas, marries Lord Akizuki.
男女性事学 個人授業
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1974.
Director of Photography
昼下りの情事 噂の看護婦
Director of Photography
A nurse is raped in a doctor's office. The caresses of the perpetrator keep coming to his mind after the assault. She will start a search for the perpetrator that will show her a darker side of her medical institution.
(秘)女子大生 SEXアルバイト
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1974.
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1973.
番(バンカク)格 女子高校生のSEXと暴力の実態
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno.
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1973.
昭和おんなみち 裸性門
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1973.
恋の狩人 欲望
Director of Photography
Toda, a disillusioned journalist that was once a part of the student movement, recalls his former youth when he meets a confident young woman through his work.
実録白川和子 裸の履歴書
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1973.
昼下りの情事 変身
Director of Photography
戦国ロック 疾風の女たち
Director of Photography
Scantily clad female warriors battle thieves to save a small village. Director Yasuharu Hasebe crossed the Seven Samurai legends of Shichinin No Samurai with his own popular Naraneko Rokku series and dressed it up with some of the most popular softcore pinup queens of the day.
Director of Photography
Oshichi (Setsuko Ogawa), the daughter of a green grocer, is only seventeen years old but is known as one of the most beautiful girls in Edo. She is betrothed to Sakubei (Tatsuya Hamaguchi) but does not love him. One day, the whole city is flooded by one of the worst rain storm in its history. Oshichi, and her parents are given shelter at a temple where she meets Kichisaburo (Ryuji Mori), a young priest. It is love at first sight for both of them. The storm finally abates. Oshichi's parents decide to return to their home on the following day. That night, Oshichi gladly gives herself to Kichisaburo but they are found by her mother who warns them never to divulge their secret. Learning that her plan to move up the date of her marriage to the rich pawnbroker's son, Oshichi feels that she can never be united with Kichisaburo unless she takes things into her own hands.
Director of Photography
Parody tale of notorious Edo-period Robin Hood named Nezumi Kozo (Rat Man), a thief who robs from the rich and showers the money on the poor. In this entry, he's also a drunkard who sometimes forgets why he's broken into the house in the first place. This is especially true if there's a pretty girl to be seduced.
OL日記 牝猫の匂い
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1972.
Director of Photography
The wife of a struggling artist is raped and begins painting a series of erotic images in an attempt to exorcise her demons. However the men in her paintings all have the same face as her rapist, and as her work becomes more popular the man begins to take on folk-hero status...
After yakuza boss Kurata dissolves his own criminal empire, a rival kingpin offers a position to Kurata's top operative, Tetsuya "Phoenix Tetsu" Hondo. When the fiercely loyal Tetsu declines, Otsuka taps unstoppable Tatsuzo the "Viper", a ruthless gun-for-hire, to assassinate him. As the Viper trails his target through the countryside, the agile Phoenix Tetsu grows concerned that one of his former associates has betrayed him.
探偵事務所23 くたばれ悪党ども
Color Timer
Tajima is a private detective in charge of his own company, Detective Bureau 2-3. When warring criminal gangs go overboard by robbing U.S. military munitions, Tajima steps in to stop what the cops can't.