Lubomir Mykytiuk

出生 : , Ukraine


Walter's Way
A reverse-coming-of-age drama that explores themes of independence, identity and control through Walter Clark, a 78 year old on a quest to renew his driver's license.
The Poet
At the dawn of World War 2, a Rabbi's daughter and a disenchanted German soldier fall in love and are separated by the war. They struggle on a perilous journey to find one another.
Distant Drumming: A North of 60 Mystery
Gerry Kisilenko
Teevee Tenia has a plan - he intends to persuade Lynx River to dump the RCMP and establish an all Dene Police Force. But Corporal Michelle Kenidi is concerned: will a Dene Police Force in Lynx River be answerable to Canadian law, or to Teevee? When an elderly tourist is found beaten to death, Michelle’s concerns deepen as her suspicions fall upon Teevee’s friend, Matthew Fowler. As Michelle pursues the investigation, painful events from the past come alive. For the community of Lynx River, the investigation holds the town’s very future at stake.
Another Country: A North of 60 Mystery
Gerry Kisilenko
While in Calgary on business for Lynx River Resources, Teevee Tenia is in the wrong place at the wrong time. A troubled young native woman reaches out to him for help and sets him up for a murder charge. Teevee is the perfect fall guy – young, alone and native. While Teevee struggles to hold his own in the urban justice system, Corporal Michelle Kenidi frantically searches for evidence that will exonerate him. Her efforts are thwarted and Teevee escapes and flees back to Lynx River. Michelle is left with a terrible choice: to turn Teevee in, or to betray the justice system that she has built her career on. Her only chance is to uncover the truth.
Master Spy: The Robert Hanssen Story
True story about the cat and mouse game between the FBI trying to find a Soviet mole in their ranks and Robert Hanssen, one of the top FBI agents and said mole
Left Behind II: Tribulation Force
Rabbi Tsion Ben Judah
After millions vanish, a group of people must band together to form the Tribulation Force and prepare themselves for the worst seven years the planet has ever seen.
Dr. Gavril
第四次中東戦争の最中、イスラエル空軍に所属する1機のA-4が戦術核爆弾を搭載して基地を離陸するが、飛行中にアラブ連合軍の2K12地対空ミサイルによって撃墜される。パイロットは死亡し、機体も空中で大破するが、搭載されていた戦術核は原形を留めたまま砂漠の砂中に埋もれてゆく。 それから月日は流れ、ロシアで前大統領が急死しチェチェン紛争に関して強硬姿勢も辞さない新大統領ネメロフが就任し、米ロ両国の緊迫した関係を改善するため米国はCIAの長官キャボットとその補佐のジャック・ライアンをロシアに派遣する。しかし、両国の間で生じた相互の不信はぬぐえず、これを利用したネオナチやKKKを中心とした勢力が戦争を起こそうと策動を始めた。
No Angel
Tony Belvano
An adman, his lover and a shady developer are subject to the desires of a wily beauty.
The Arrow
Jan Zurakowski
The story of the Avro Arrow, the world's fastest fighter plane built in 1950's Canada, and how the project was dropped due to political pressure from the United States.
Heritage Minutes: Avro Arrow
Jan Zurakowski
Canadian aerospace scientists design and test the world's fastest and most advanced interceptor aircraft.
Giant Mine
CBC's dramatic account of the tragedy of Yellowknife's Giant Mine, in which 9 miners were killed during a bitter labour dispute.
Still Life
Lieutenant Topolski
The alleys of downtown Manhattan become a modern killing field when corpses begin turning up, disfigured and gruesomely posed to appear as pieces of art.In the frightening climate of the "Art Killer", Peter Sherwood, a struggling musician, is hired to compose for a patron of the arts, and thinks his dreams are coming true. But as the body count continues to rise, the clues surrounding the murders oddly begin to lead police closer and closer to Peter and his new job. Suddenly, all eyes are on Peter and he must scramble to find the real killer - before he becomes his next masterpiece.
The Big Town
Gem Club Gambler
It is 1957. J.C. Cullen is a young man from a small town, with a talent for winning at craps, who leaves for the big city to work as a professional gambler. While there, he breaks the bank at a private craps game at the Gem Club, owned by George Cole, and falls in love with two women, one of them Cole's wife.
The Pedlar
The Pedlar
The Pedlar is a dramatic film based on the short story by W.D. Valgardson, A Place of One's Own. Tired of the rootless, lonely existence of a travelling merchant, a man searches for a place to settle down, and someone to share his life.
Paper Wheat
This film, based on the play of the same name, portrays the harsh lives of early Saskatchewan settlers and the foundation of the co-op movement on the Prairies.