Akiko Hinagata

Akiko Hinagata


Akiko Hinagata
Akiko Hinagata


西村京太郎トラベルミステリー67 箱根紅葉・登山鉄道の殺意
Yumiko Kishimoto
Detective Kamei of the First Investigation Division receives a request from lawyer Shinichi Nakamura, the son of his deceased close friend, to re-investigate a car accident. Akiko, the wife of Yasuo Furuki, a painter from Hakone, died in the accident 5 months earlier by crashing into a guardrail. Nakamura's client, Akiko's younger sister Yuki Izeki, suspects that she was actually murdered by Furuki for insurance money. Overwhelmed by these thoughts, Yuki had sent an email reading "I'll never forgive that man. I'm going to kill him and avenge my big sister," announcing a murder to Nakamura. In the middle of their conversation, Nakamura receives a call from Hakone PD confirming that Yuki had turned herself in that morning...
Inspector Souichi Habu 4 ~The Man Called Poisonous Habu~
山村美紗サスペンス 「狩矢父娘シリーズ(17) 京都・開運ツアー殺人事件!」
Haruka Nonomura
悪夢ちゃん The 夢ovie
Noriko Higuchi
平成ライダー対昭和ライダー 仮面ライダー大戦 feat.スーパー戦隊
ヘルヘイムの森とはまったく異なる世界の調査をすることになった葛葉紘汰 / 仮面ライダー鎧武は、シュウと名乗る少年に遭遇する。その時、本郷猛 / 仮面ライダー1号が現れてシュウを連れていってはならないと告げ、しかも紘汰をライダーと認めないと言い放つ。1号を始めとした昭和ライダーは何のために行動しているのか、紘汰には理解できなかった。 そんな中、紘汰はある理由から平成ライダー15人の力を結集しようと幾つもの世界を渡り歩いていた門矢士 / 仮面ライダーディケイドと接触。一連の事件はすべて地下帝国バダンが人類滅亡を画策した結果と語って力を貸す様に依頼するが、そこに再び昭和ライダーたちが現れ、バダンを生み出した根源は平成ライダーと主張。 平成ライダーと昭和ライダーの互いの主張は相容れず、遂に昭和ライダーは平成ライダーに戦いを挑む。 そして、平成昭和の区別なくライダーを倒す仮面ライダーフィフティーンの出現と烈車戦隊トッキュウジャーおよびキョウリュウレッド / ダイゴの参戦により、遂に平成ライダーと昭和ライダーの勝敗の行方が明らかになる。
BOX 袴田事件 命とは
Chizuko Hashiguchi
Based on the true story of former professional boxer Iwao Hakamada who has spent over 40 years incarcerated on death row. Iwao Hakamada was arrested for the June 10, 1966 murder of a family in Shizuoka . Iwao Hakamada has always insisted on his innocence and many others also believe Iwao Hakamada has been falsely accused ...
Yoko Sakaki: 24 years old. Occupation: Ghost Negotiator. With her tomboyish attitude and severely bad mouth, she helps ghosts leave this world by shouting at them. But, that work is almost done - she and her boyfriend Toshio are about to get married, and their dream is to open a tofu shop together. However, she has kept her profession a secret from him, instead telling him she is a flight attendant... While out with him one night, Yoko gets a call from work telling her that a ghost has appeared in Hachioji... She goes to bust the ghost with her unreliable new partner, Yanagida, but can she hold on to her relationship at the same time?
極道の妻たち 地獄の道づれ
それいけ!アンパンマン 勇気の花がひらくとき
本当の勇気を持つ者が手にすると、星を作ることが出来る魔法の杖・スタースティック。それを使うことが出来ないキラキラ星のお姫様・キララ姫は、キラキラ星を飛び出して本当の勇気を探す旅に出る。 旅に出てすぐ危ない目にあった彼女はアンパンマンに助けられ、彼に連れられてやって来たアンパンマンワールドでしばらく生活することに。 一方その頃、「鉄の王子様」に扮したばいきんまんは、鉄の星の住人を騙してジャイアントモグリンを作り、アンパンマンを倒そうとアンパンマンワールドへ向かっていた。
At the end of the Heian period, Musashibo Benkei, a warrior monk who hated the Heike clan, was humiliated by his fellow monks and left the mountain monastery. Soon, Benkei competes with the Heike warriors on the Gojo Bridge in Kyoto and takes away their swords. One night he tried to stop a young man who had a beautiful sword on his belt and fought him, but he could not win. Knowing that this young man Ushiwakamaru (Minamoto no Yoshitsune) is looking for an opportunity to overthrow the Heike clan, Benkei asks him to let him join him.
クレヨンしんちゃん ヘンダーランドの大冒険
Akiko Hinagata
Tomoko Ôishi
In different parts of Tokyo, four young and seemingly healthy people suddenly die of heart failure at exactly the same moment. Reporter Kazuyuki Asakawa decides to investigate the deaths, and discovers that the four had stayed at a rural inn together just a week earlier. At the inn, he comes across a strange video that ends with a message saying that anyone who watches it will die exactly seven days later. Now the clock is ticking for Asakawa. Can he break the curse in time?