Timothy Marlowe


Executive Producer
The Step Daddy
A thriller film directed by Thomas J. Churchill.
Badge of Honor
Two Narcotics Detectives find themselves in an intense investigation lead by a determined Internal Affairs Detective after a child is wrongfully shot dead in a violent drug bust.
これまでも『沈黙の処刑軍団』などでタッグを組んできたスティーヴン・セガールとキオニ・ワックスマン監督が再び協力して放つ入魂のアクション。主人公が、闇組織とCIA相手に激しい戦いを展開する姿を描き切る。『大脱出』などのヴィニー・ジョーンズや『アイアン・フィスト』などのバイロン・マンらが共演。1992年のシリーズ第1作『沈黙の戦艦』から20年以上が経過しても、勢い衰えぬ力作に魂が震える。 無敵の傭兵(ようへい)ジョン(スティーヴン・セガール)は、ウクライナで台頭してきた闇組織に所属するある男性の暗殺をCIAから依頼される。彼はいとも簡単にミッションをこなすが、組織が狙う女性ナディアを助けたことから逆に自分も相手に追われるハメに。CIAの作戦担当官ヴァン・ホーンを通じて彼女の返還を求められるが、ジョンはその申し出を断る。
Rise of the Damned
Six years after a violent car crash claimed her parents' lives, Jesse is still trying to put her life back together. The situation is complicated by the fact that her parents virtually vanished, as did the accident wreckage, so there's no evidence for the police and certainly no closure for her. Jesse meets her fears head-on when she and a group of filmmakers break into an abandoned mental institution, she immediately experiences a visceral deja-vu. The asylum seems somehow connected to her missing parents and furthermore, the building is far from deserted. The group discovers that a sinister doctor has taken up residence in the building's vast underground and he is using extreme science trying to bring his wife back from the dead! The basement also contains the countless remains of the doctor's failed experiments, all of which are now slowly coming back to life when they make contact with a murky substance that has begun to leak out of several holding tanks!