In a dystopian future, a nation of bio-titans has been created and the female sex and procreation have become obsolete. As the Earth turns toxic, the bio-titans are eager to colonise the cosmos on board a colossal spaceship, taking with them only one female body kept barely alive as a reminder of the troubled past. But everything changes when the immortal calligrapher Krypton, tasked with creating an indestructible copy of the entire written heritage of his kin, sees a forbidden book turn into a feisty girl, Gargara.
Dr. Stefanov is in the middle of a huge media scandal due to a patient's death. Antonia is a young journalist who bravely embarks on a journey to uncover what truly happened.
When American Ranger John Cutter fails to save a family being held hostage and loses his entire team in a confrontation with infamous Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Rodin, he is discharged from the army.
Dinner Guest
Tech Guy
Two schools, located in one building, are in a state of war. Alex and his friends assume the constant fighting with the elite school as a social riot, while Stephan, the literature teacher, desperately tries to show the guys another solution. Is it possible to convince them?
Gun Dealer
An imprisoned ex-US Special forces operative in Eastern Europe, is offered his freedom and money to rescue an American woman, who has been kidnapped by a ruthless warlord. But, shortly after freeing her discovers that the kidnap story was just a ruse to bring her out into the open.
Bhodi Bhundhang
War Inc. is set in the future, when the fictional desert country of Turaqistan is torn by a riot after a private corporation, Tamerlane, owned by the former Vice President of the United States, has taken over the whole country. Brand Hauser, a hit man who suppresses his emotions by gobbling down hot sauce, is hired by the corporation's head to kill the CEO of their competitors.