Sokyu Fujita

出生 : 1949-09-18, Tsuyama, Okayama Prefecture, Japan


アメリカに負けなかった男~バカヤロー総理 吉田茂~
Eiichi Nishimura
第二次世界大戦前、駐英大使の吉田茂(笑福亭鶴瓶)は、極東情勢の悪化に心痛めていた。時を同じくして、世界各国を飛び回っていた白洲次郎(生田斗真)も、世界情勢の機微を敏感に感じとっていた。白洲と親交の深い吉田は、娘・和子(新木優子)らが見守る中、戦争回避に向けて動くが、その甲斐も虚しく、日本は第二次世界大戦に踏み切った。 1945年、終戦。敗戦国となった日本は、アメリカを中心とした連合国の占領の下、“復興”に向けて歩み始める。総司令部GHQと向き合う外務大臣のなり手が誰も見つからない中、先の大戦に猛反対し投獄された過去を持つ吉田に、白羽の矢が立つ。かくして吉田は、外務大臣として、のちに総理大臣として、日本の独立と復興を担うことになる……。吉田は白洲を参謀に据え、最高司令官マッカーサーらと必死の交渉をする。過度な内政干渉など、幾度も緊迫した事態に陥るが、和子や麻生太賀吉(矢本悠馬)、のちに総理大臣となる「吉田学校」の池田勇人(佐々木蔵之介)、佐藤栄作(安田顕)、田中角栄(前野朋哉)、宮澤喜一(勝地涼)らの助け、内縁の妻こりん(松嶋菜々子)の献身的な支えを受け、日本の独立に向け尽力していく。混乱を極めた激動の時代に、戦後日本の“復興”へ命を懸けて邁進する吉田茂と周囲の人物たちの戦いを、娘・和子の視線から描く骨太ヒューマンドラマ。
終着駅の牛尾刑事VS事件記者冴子 生存者
Kozo Ota
The body of Kazuyoshi Kawagishi, a construction company worker, is discovered stabbed to death in Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo. Detective Masanao Ushio of Shinjuku West PD begins an investigation and finds that the murdered Kawagishi was an honest person who didn't have any troubles. Kawagishi worked for a company in Kofu City in Yamanashi, leaving behind his wife and daughter on Awaji Island in Hyogo. He seems to have started working as a laborer 3 years ago, having fallen on hard times when the company went bankrupt. Saeko Kawamura, Ushio's reporter friend, calls him wanting to talk about the case. According to Saeko, Kawagishi was one of the survivors of the "bus hijack arson case" that happened three years ago. In the bus hijack arson case, a man who was hallucinating under the influence of dangerous drugs set fire to an intercity bus going to Shinjuku and departing from Kofu Station...
Elder (voice)
Investigator Maeda
西村京太郎スペシャル 日本一周「旅号」殺人事件
Hiroshi Hamano, a professor at a medical university, is found dead. Going by the results of the autopsy, it appears he committed suicide by jumping off a roof, but going by eyewitness testimony and physical evidence at the scene, Detective Kamei suspects murder. A ticket for a train trip around Japan is found in the professor's pocket. However, nobody then could have known the shocking truth hidden behind the tour the dead man was supposed to attend...
Fear and Trembling
Monsieur Haneda
Amélie, a young Belgian woman, having spent her childhood in Japan, decides to return to live there and tries to integrate in the Japanese society. She is determined to be a "real Japanese" before her year contract runs out, though it precisely this determination that is incompatable with Japanese humility. Though she is hired for a choice position as a translator at an import/export firm, her inability to understand Japanese cultural norms results in increasingly humiliating demotions. Though Amelie secretly adulates her, her immediate supervisor takes sadistic pleasure in belittling her all along. She finally manages to break Amelie's will by making her the bathroom attendant, and is delighted when Amelie tells her the she will not renew her contract. Amelie realizes that she is finally a real Japanese when she enters the company president's office "with fear and trembling," which could only be possible because her determination was broken by Miss Fubuki's systematic torture.
Blood Oath
Mr. Matsugae
On an obscure Pacific Island just north of Australia, the Japanese Empire has operated a prisoner of war camp for Australian soldiers. At the close of World War II, the liberated POWs tell a gruesome tale of mass executions of over eight hundred persons as well as torture style killings of downed Australian airmen. In an attempt to bring those responsible to justice, the Australian Army establishes a War Crimes Tribunal to pass judgement on the Japanese men and officers who ran the Ambon camp. In an added twist, a high ranking Japanese admiral is implicated, and politics become involoved with justice as American authorities in Japan lobby for the Admiral's release. Written by Anthony Hughes