Terunosuke Takezai
出生 : 1980-04-07, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan
Rio KIJIMA (ennosuke takezai), who had passed through the differences, deepened the bond of each other, and Haruhiko kusumi (Kenta inazuka). Haruhiko comes to play again in KIJIMA, where he lives in his home. Haruhiko who enjoyed the intercourse in the KIJIMA family, but it was a word of Miyu (Reno Takei). In addition, Natsuki (Ryoko Kobayashi) and Yoji (Tomoya Maeno) are asked for their relationship. The two people raised to kishima's room, but the secret of Gamo den was made from KIJIMA.
Novel writer Rio Kijima and university student Haruhiko Kuzumi are in a romantic relationship. Even after Rio Kijima returned to his hometown, they maintained their relationship by corresponding with each other. Haruhiko Kuzumi recently got a job and their relationship has not been the same. One day, Rio Kijima injures his arm. He meets Shizuo Akemi. Rio Kijima asks Shizuo Akemi to transcribe a story he is writing. This causes Rio Kijima to remember when he and Haruhiko Kuzumi first became interested in each other. Around this time, Haruhiko Kuzumi comes to Rio Kijima.
Kijima Rio
This story takes place about 2 and half years after their first encounter. Kijima moved from Tokyo to his parents' house where his sister and her husband live, and Kuzumi, who was a university student, got a job and works in Tokyo as a member of society The two, who had only communicated by letters, reunited in the countryside where Kijima lives.
An otaku manicurist, an ordinary office lady, a doctor with no love life, and a 30-something still obsessed with an indie idol group all meet through a matchmaking site.
Rio Kijima
Kuzumi Haruhiko is a university student. One day, he causes a bicycle accident. The accident causes novelist Kijima Rio to break his arm. Kuzumi doesn't have insurance or money to pay Kijima for his injury. Kijima then asks Kuzumi to transcribe a story he is writing. Kuzumi is surprised to learn the story is obscene.
Sakurai ex-fiance
Detective Sano
警視庁捜査一課の刑事・加賀恭一郎(阿部寛)は、ひょんなことからバレエ「白鳥の湖」を観にいく羽目になるが、興味の無い上に徹夜明けということも重なり、公演中に居眠りをしてしまう。しかし、途中で目を覚ました加賀は、浅岡未緒(石原さとみ)が演じる黒鳥に目を奪われ、その才能にすっかり魅了される…。 そんなある日、その公演を主催する名門・高柳バレエ団の事務所で、ある男が殺された。居合わせたバレリーナ・斎藤葉瑠子(木南晴夏)が被疑者とされ事情聴取を受けるが、不審者から身を守る上での正当防衛だと主張。被害者の男・風間利之(内田朝陽)と葉瑠子は面識がなく、プリマである高柳亜希子(音月桂)を中心に、バレエ団側も葉瑠子の証言を疑わなかった。 石神井北署の太田刑事(柄本明)は、当初この案件にやたらと首をつっこんでくる加賀に対して冷たい態度をとっていたが、次第にその捜査姿勢や観察眼に一目置くように。徐々に捜査に熱を帯びていく加賀に対し、嫌味を言いながらも冷静になるよう諭しつつ、2人はパートナーとして捜査を進める。 捜査が進む中で幾つかの不審な点が浮かび上がり、事件が混迷を極める中、今度は「眠りの森の美女」のゲネプロ中に、バレエ団の敏腕演出家・梶田康成(平岳大)が毒殺された。果たして、最初の事件と関係があるのか…!?
Set within the Tokyo DisneySea theme park, the love lives of various people are told. Gakkun has been preparing for his accounting license exam. Nao Nanami works in the gift wrapping section of a department store.
4人の男女がルームシェア生活を送る都内の2LDKマンション。ある昼下がり、近所で起きた連続暴行事件のニュースを見ているのは、大学3年生の良介(小出恵介)と、人気俳優と恋愛中のフリーター琴美(貫地谷しほり)。夜になると映画会社勤務の直輝(藤原竜也)と雑貨店で働く傍らイラストレーターとしても活動する未来(香里奈)が帰宅する。そしてリビングに集まった4人が繰り広げるのは良介の恋愛相談。やがて、会話が一段落すると一同は思い思いの行動へ。健康第一の直輝はジョギングへ、未来は寝室、琴美は恋人の俳優が主演するドラマの鑑賞、良介は片想いの相手へ告白しようと意気込むのだった。数日後、琴美は居間に佇む金髪の美少年サトル(林遣都)と出会う。2LDKに4人が暮らすことへの疑問を口にするサトルに琴美は答える。“ここはインターネットの掲示板のようなもの。イヤなら出て行けばいい“ 。酔っ払った未来が連れ込んだサトルは、こうして部屋に住み着く。だが、サトルが連続暴行事件の犯人ではないかと疑う未来。直輝はそれを一笑に付す。一方、隣が買春宿ではないかと疑った良介は、潜入操作を実行するが、占い師だったことが判明。直輝の名で占いをしてきたという。その結果は、”あなたは変化を求めて世界と戦っているが、その戦いは世界が完全に有利“というものだった。ある日、遅めの出勤途中にサトルを見かけた直輝は彼を尾行。だが、行動に疑問は持つものの、結局はサトルに何も言えずに終わる。翌日、直輝が目覚めると、大切にしていたビデオを消去されたことから、サトルを部屋から追い出せと、未来が怒鳴り込んでくる。リビングに出て行くと、琴美から妊娠を告白され、それを恋人の丸山に伝えて欲しいと頼まれる。良介からは、片想いの女性と付き合うことになったので、田舎に戻って働きたいと相談を受ける。そして直輝は、誰もが自分を頼ってくることをグチるのだった……。
Kohei Nakakura
A radio DJ, Mai starts a new program called, "Love Letters from the Drawer" to assist people who need an extra push to send out their simple yet very important message for their loved ones. The show was inspired by her own experience after reading a letter from her father after he died. Through her radio show, various characters come to light as everyone awaits for a miracle to happen. A miracle which can occur only by them expressing their true feelings... The movie is full of emotions and music plays an important part of it. It has a great cast that represent the many faces of love. Parents, sons, lovers, and friends. The movie takes you to several locations within Japan, you can get a look at the beautiful coast and shrine, as well as the city sights
Yuri, who works at the ticket window at a ferry terminal, is one-eyed. One day, she is held at knifepoint and locked away in captivity by an enigmatic man named Kwon, who has missed a ferry. At the very moment Yuri learns that Kwon has supernatural powers. As Kwon and Yuri become closer to each other, Yuri's friend, Akiyama, accidentally finds the secret of Yuri's supernatural power. Yuri has the ability to go back in time. As the price for her supernatural ability, Yuri becomes blind in one eye. In the meantime, Kwon gets shot by mysterious men. Yuri, who has started feeling affection for Kwon, tries to save him using her special power again.
鈴子は短大を卒業したものの就職できずに仕方なくアルバイトをしている。どうにかしてこの生活から抜け出そうと考えている中、ひょんな事件に巻き込まれてしまう。 「百万円貯まったら、この家を出て行きます!」 と家族に宣言。百万円を貯めるたびに、次から次へと引越しをして、1人で生きていく決意をする。 海の家での短期アルバイト、桃園で桃をもぎり、ホームセンターで働き、ちょっぴり恋をする― 行く先々の街で様々な人たちと出会い、笑ったり、怒ったり素敵な恋をしながら、自分だけの生き方をみつけてゆく一人の女性の物語。
Keita Fukushima
Sayaka Miyamoto (Nao Matsushita) and Keita Fukushima (Terunosuke Takezai) attend the same university and believe their love for each other will never end. However, as time goes by and they graduate, their future starts to part as they both begin moving forward to capture their own dreams. Now in the beautiful city of Barcelona, Spain, the former lovers cross paths once again.
Two of the greatest names in the world of Japanese Action Cinema are reunited in the latest film from Japan's action maestro, Kenji Tanigaki. One is "the streetfighter" himself Sonny J.J. Chiba most recently seen in Kill Bill, while the other is Yasuaki Kurata from Fist of Legend, Legend of A Fighter and many other Hong Kong classics. Legend of the Seven Monks brings the two master martial artists together for one final time. Only thier destiny awaits.
Remake of Yoshitsune to Benkei, a story about a young prince (Takezai) learning the arts of samurai warfare alongside his assigned bodyguard (Hayashi) while at the same time, tries to marry his beloved (Kinoshita) in times of war.
Kotaro Shirai
A Trial-series cyborg pretends to be Kenzaki (Kamen Rider Blade), who quickly discovers the fraud and fights him. During their battle, the other Riders bicker humorously about which Blade is the fake, which constantly results in their attacking the real Kenzaki. As with all Hyper Battle Videos, this serves to explain in detail the Rider's various powers and abilities.