Lee Seung-hun

Lee Seung-hun


Lee Seung-hun


Staff sergeant
北緯38度線・・・暴雨の非武装地帯内の最前方境界警戒所「GP(Guard Post)」にて、身の毛もよだつ恐怖の残虐劇が繰り広げられる。突如凶暴化した兵隊が、20名の兵士が抹殺したのだ。事件の真相を突き止める為に派遣された捜索隊は、嵐の為に施設に閉じ込められてしまう。参謀総長の息子・ユ中尉の捜索を命じられていたノ捜査官は、迷宮の様なGPの中で彼を発見する。しかし、事件はまだ終わっていなかった…。本国では公開1週目でボックスオフィス第1位を獲得したサスペンスアクションホラー。
Korean Boy
A young boy learns Tae Kwon Do, not only to defeat the gangsters threatening his family, but also to defeat the man who killed his father.
The Doofus Detective And The Twin Light Brothers
Miss Jin, a female detective, meets the head of a human trafficking organization in an undercover plan to destroy it. But she falls into their trap and gets caught. Jin's younger brother and two young men who both have unrequited love for Jin try to save her, but they fail due to the appearance of The Twin Light Brothersrothers. However, Detective Kim defeats The Twin Light Brothers and rescues Jin from the villain's lair.