Yvette Lebon

Yvette Lebon

出生 : 1910-08-13, Paris, France

死亡 : 2014-07-28


Yvette Lebon


Love and Sex under Nazi Occupation
Love & Sex under Nazi Occupation questions the burning mystery of intimate heterosexual and homosexual relations in times of war... and shows how being close to death reinforces the yearning for passion, for pleasure, for transgression, for desire as a last burst of freedom, as an ultimate call to life. Nearly two hundred thousands children are thought to be born of the union of French women with German soldiers. Women weren't the Germans' only conquests; indeed, occupied Paris swarms with all kinds of homosexuals—from Genet to Cocteau—who treated with the occupier. The fate of those women who were shaved at the end of the war for fraternizing with Germans is the punishment of a France that lied down and slept with the enemy.
I. You. They.
La femme interviewée qui a eu 4 maris
Little did this pretty brunette know when she applied for a babysitting job that her employer was an artist and that everything at his place differed from the outside world. What struck her the most was to find out that her boss had shrunk his wife and kept her in the fridge in order, as he said, to keep her safe from a hostile world!
On the Lam
A young couple of burglars, waiting for trial, marry in jail. Annick writes down her observations of the women's ward. When she hears that her lover must serve a twice as long prison sentence, she plans their escape.
La maîtresse d'Emery
Serge Morgan is a killer working for the American Mafia. After performing a contract in New York for his employers, he takes the plane back to Paris and, during the flight, he gets to know Jane, the rich daughter of an ambassador. Once in Orly Airport he gets seriously wounded by the men of French drug kingpin Henri Emery. He manages to escape them though and takes refuge at Jane's. Passion sets in between the killer and the young lady. As of then, sex will be intertwined with blood and death. For better or worse...
All Mad About Him
Mathieu is a mild-mannered man engaged to a woman whose father is involved in running a house of prostitution. When the father dies, Mathieu inherits the bordello and is unprepared for his new position. He overcomes his shyness and becomes a sexual dynamo when his workers feed him some powerful amphetamines.
Agent X-77 Orders to Kill
A government agent tries to prevent foreign spies from obtaining a scientist's formula for a solid-rocket-fuel.
The Adventures of Scaramouche
Alice - Madame de Popignan
Robert Lafleur (Scaramouche) is an actor in 18th century France who spends most of his time, including when he should be on stage, light-heartedly having love affairs and generally enjoying life. One day, a marquis visits him and asks him questions about the birth mark on his shoulder...
Sign of Zorro
Señora Martinez y Rayol
General Gutierrez, the evil governor of Mexico, terrorizes the people and demands high taxes. The young Ramon Martiney, after discovering that his father was murdered by Gutierrez, dons the mask of Zorro and starts fighting against the injustice.
Ulysses Against the Son of Hercules
Ulysses offends the gods so they send Hercules to capture him and bring him to them.
Cleopatra's Daughter
Queen-Mother Tegi
The beautiful young Sushila is forced into a political marriage with young Pharaoh Nemorat in order to consolidate power. However, the young Pharaoh is beset with mental illness and the marriage becomes dangerous, all the while the chief advisor Kefren and his scheming mistress plot to destroy the unstable pair.
The Night They Killed Rasputin
Rasputin was a lusty steppes peasant, a god revealed, a cunning patriot, all that, or a mystifier? An intriguing biography.
Una gran señora
Madame Giselle Rasy
Charo is a fashion model, in love with enigmatic Adolfo. The fashion house where she works is ruined. In a parade, an English lady confuses her with a countess and invites her to spend some days in Estoril. There, Charo will try to save the company from bankruptcy.
I misteri di Parigi
donna Carmela
Maruzzella is in love with Salvatore, who in turn is infatuated with Donna Carmela, Maruzzella's stepmother. As if that were not enough, Carmela deprives Maruzzella of her inheritance. When Salvatore comes to visit Renato, his old poor and needy schoolmate, the situation takes a strange development.
Girl on the Third Floor
Mme Gontcharoff
A Parisian reporter tries to exonerate a fugitive neighbor of charges he murdered his wife.
The Glorious Avenger
Margot Dixmer
Il Cavaliere di Maison Rouge is an Italian adventure film directed by Vittorio Cottafavi based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas.
Milady and the Musketeers
Milady de Winter
Very stylish Italian swashbuckler - The Three Musketeers from the viewpoint of Milady de Winter
Les amours de Blanche Neige
A young girl nicknamed Snow White is part of the French ski team. She is courted by four international champions who challenge each other on the snow to win her heart. But everything gets complicated with the arrival of an Austrian champion.
Mr. Gregoire Runs Away
Angèle Grégoire
Alex Grégoire is a timid insurance company clerk who shares his uneventful life between his wife Angèle, his colleagues and his passion for crosswords. But all of a sudden his existence changes dramatically. First because he wins a crossword competition. Second because a jewel thief, Charles Tuffal, thinks he recognizes in him a former accomplice. From that moment "uneventful" is not the best adjective to qualify Alex's life anymore...
Madame Tallien
During the Directory, a handful of royalists tried to get the Dauphin Louis XVII to escape from the Temple.
La chèvre d'or
Legend has it that in the village of PugetMaure, a mysterious goat is the guardian of a treasure once abandoned by the Saracens. Norette, the mayor's daughter, has a golden bell that would reveal the secret. A Parisian journalist is interested in the story. In front of the coalition of villagers, he abandons the treasure and marries Norette.
Le moussaillon
The son of a sailor, who seduced and abandoned the mother, doesn't get along with the new man, a clockmaker, the woman weds. He turns to delinquent behavior and smuggling and leaves on a ship, just like his father.
Paris Romance
Georges Gauthier is an electrician who lives with his mother and his sister Madeleine. He is the son of a womanizing singer who made his mother miserable. For all that, Georges is attracted to show business all the more as he falls in love with Jeanne, the daughter of singer Lormel. Georges is spotted by Cartier, the manager of the Folies Concert and makes his debut as a singer under the assumed name of Jean Papillon.
Mlle. Desiree
Julie Clary
Julie and Désirée Clary are courted by the brothers Joseph and Napoleon Bonaparte. Joseph marries Julie and Napoleon is affianced to Désirée. When Napoleon breaks the engagement and marries Joséphine de Beauharnais, Désirée becomes involved with General Bernadotte.
The Man Who Seeks the Truth
Jean Vernet, an unselfish banker, feels fine : he has a charming mistress, Jacqueline ; a godson, Fernand, that he took in when he was a child and that he has brought up and cherished ever since ; a faithful friend, Lamblin ; and an adorable dog. But things are not so rosy as they look. Adrienne, Jean's sister, hates Jacqueline and is prepared to do everything to separate the couple. Worse, it looks as though Fernand has betrayed his godfather by sleeping with Jacqueline. To know more about those around him, Jean, a modern Volpone, decides to fake deafness.
Maud Wilcox
A British officer poses as a traitor in order to infiltrate a team of terrorists who are sabotaging ships, while a seductive cabaret dancer is working for the mysterious genius who runs the enemy spy ring.
Le chanteur de minuit
Jean Bonnefoy, who has a talent for singing, is unemployed. So he is very happy the day he is offered a post as a music teacher in a college for young women. But he soon realizes the job is only a mixed blessing as a group of girls have set about making life tough for him. Among them is Anny Laforcade, a student who finally changes sides, taking pity on her teacher and falling in love with him. At one point, Jean meets Zébulon, a talent agent who decides to launch his singing career. Zébulon has a far-fetched idea: He asks Anny to disappear for a few days thus making people believe that she has committed suicide out of love for Jean. The latter, who is not aware of the scheme, is devastated.
Abused Confidence
Lydia (Danielle Darrieux) is a student, poor and orphaned, who pretends to be the daughter of a famous writer.
Colonial Canteen
Our hero is the canteen man of the regiment ;with his bossy missus,as infuriating as his military superiors,he reigns ,so to speak ,over the grunts' grub. One fine day,opportunity knocks: his brother has just died;would you believe it,he made a fortune in America ,and our canteen man is the sole legatee: 100 million bucks. Overnight,his life (and his wife's ) change:not only his mates tell him stories to make his heart bleed to get some dough,but two aristocrats,a marquis and an earl,short of the readies,want the canteen man's daughter, a wise girl in love with a deserving young lawyer doing his military service,to become their daughter-in-law ,and to latch on to the girl's dowry.
A guy from the South spends his time chasing sentimental adventures.
Trois artilleurs au pensionnat
Three happy reservists are doing a military period. One evening out and about, thinking they were going back to the barracks, they enter a boarding school for young girls. They exchange their uniforms for the dresses of three teachers, which launches them into a series of incredible adventures for a few days.
The Marriages of Mademoiselle Levy
The tailors Moïse and Salomon Lévy decide to marry Mina, Salomon's daughter to a good match, to save themselves from the competition that Cohen makes for them. Mina will eventually succeed in marrying Pierre, from a marriage of love, without this harming the family business.
Coup de vent
In Pisa, chance forces an old bookseller out of his isolation. He unleashes the fury of the tenants of his building, he undergoes the rigors of the law and he is involved in the adventure of two lovers whose marriage he arranges.
Tino is a painter and occasionally a singer. When he has an opportunity to replace an absent singer, he becomes a sucess as a masqued singer, "Le chanteur masqué". Lisa is a typist who becomes a successful singer, also as a masqued singer, "La chanteuse masquée". Tino the painter falls in love for Lisa the typist, not knowing about her "masqued" activities. On the stage they are rivals.
Michel Strogoff
The Czar charges a man to deliver a message to the Grand Duke behind enemy lines.On his way he encounters a number of adventures.
Zou Zou tries to help her childhood friend prove his innocence after he's accused of murder.
Le chéri de sa concierge
The young Eugène Crochard, whom his entourage believes to be a billionaire following a joke published in a newspaper, is pursued by a cohort of people including his very pretty concierge. Really become very rich, he will end up being loved by the young girl he was secretly in love with. He will become the darling of his concierge.
He Is Charming
A French musical comedy film, one of the many operetta films made in the 1930s. Rejected for the law after cheating with his fellow students, a frivolous youth gets a job as a notary in the provinces where he hires his girlfriend and they have a fine musical time.