Hitoshi Yamaguchi


Hitoshi Yamaguchi is a Japanese director of photography working for Madhouse.


Compositing Artist
Director of Photography
吸血鬼ハンターD ブラッドラスト
Director of Photography
「貴族」マイエル=リンクが、都の名門エルバーン家の少女シャーロットを拉致する事件が発生した。エルバーン家は、"D"に加え、「貴族」たちでさえ恐れる凄腕のハンター一味・マーカス兄妹にもシャーロットの救出を依頼した。 "D"、マーカス兄妹、マイエル=リンクと彼が雇った怪物の用心棒「バルバロイの民」が入り乱れての追跡行の行きつく先、最終決戦の場は、悪名高い女「貴族」カーミラの居城であった。
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A strange virus known as the Demon Virus, attacks the human genetic code, transforming people into monsters with demonic powers. One particular monster is terrorizing the streets of Tokyo. ripping open young women to devour their livers. A famed psychic holds the secret to the identity and purpose of this monster. Now it is up to two molecular biologists. self-proclaimed Bio Hunters Komada and Koshigaya, to reach the psychic and his beautiful daughter before its too late! The Demon Virus is out to conquer the world.
Director of Photography
A young Japanese actress remembers her war childhood in Korea. Her father goes to fight, her baby sister Miko dies of typhoid, her beloved Korean maid Ohana is fired due to a mistake which could cost Chiko her life... By and by Chiko realizes that the country is being ruled by the Japanese and the Koreans are persecuted. When the war ends, the Koreans chase the Japanese rule and the roles change. Now Chiko's family is unwanted. But then the Russians come and this is the end. They have to burn all the pictures to avoid all suspicions... even Miko's picture. But when the Russians come to their house, they decide to flee over the 38th Parallel towards freedom. A group of men, women, children struggles along the mountains, led by the light of the Northern Star. Along the way they meet a Korean man, who is willing to help them to escape the Russian soldiers although his family was killed by the Japanese.
Director of Photography
We are now in the early 18th century, the Kyouhou era, when the merchant culture was flourishing. In Yoshiwara, the red light district of Edo, there is a popular courtesan with good looks and character, called Usugumo. She in fact is a daughter of a Christianized prostitute and Tokugawa Yoshimune (who was a real historical character and the 8th Shogun of Japan), but the power struggle in these times doesn't allow her to be with her father. Her fate is about to change when she meets the blond haired thief, Kikunosuke. With Kikunosuke, a doctor named Aoto Touichirou, who uses the yet unfamiliar Western medicine, and her pet cat, Kotetsu, Usugumo forms a thief group, the Kikugumi. In the meanwhile, a member of a mysterious group appears, aiming for Usugumo...
Director of Photography
Harada Kusuko is a high school girl with a secret crush on the class playboy, Mishima Takeshi.
Director of Photography
DOWNLOAD 南無阿弥陀仏は愛の詩
Director of Photography
An exciting cyberpunk romp directed by Rintaro with veteran animator Kanada Yoshinori about a genius hacker and a gang of hot-rodders.
うる星やつら いつだってマイ・ダーリン
Director of Photography
Assistant Director of Photography
物語は、広島県広島市舟入本町(現在の広島市中区舟入本町)に住む国民学校2年生の主人公・中岡元(なかおか げん “以下、ゲン”)が、当時日本と交戦していたアメリカ軍により1945年8月6日に投下された原爆で、父・大吉(だいきち)、姉・英子(えいこ)、弟・進次(しんじ)の3人を亡くしながらも、たくましく生きる姿を描く。