Daniel Pemberton

Daniel Pemberton

出生 : 1977-11-03, UK


Daniel Pemberton


Original Music Composer
A biopic of automotive mogul Enzo Ferrari, whose family redefined the idea of the high-powered Italian sports car and practically spawned the concept of Formula One racing.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
世界の歴史を変えた衝撃的な陰謀の裏側を描いた、ありえないけど“ほぼ実話”。 1930年代ニューヨーク、かつてアムステルダムで出会った3人の友人たちが ある殺人事件の容疑者となり、思いがけず全世界に渦巻く 巨大な陰謀へと巻き込まれていくことに―
Original Music Composer
In the West End of 1950s London, plans for a movie version of a smash-hit play come to an abrupt halt after a pivotal member of the crew is murdered. When world-weary Inspector Stoppard and eager rookie Constable Stalker take on the case, the two find themselves thrown into a puzzling whodunit within the glamorously sordid theater underground, investigating the mysterious homicide at their own peril.
Brian and Charles
An endearing outlier, Brian lives alone in a Welsh valley, inventing oddball contraptions that seldom work. After finding a discarded mannequin head, Brian gets an idea. Three days, a washing machine, and sundry spare parts later, he’s invented Charles, an artificially intelligent robot who learns English from a dictionary and proves a charming, cheeky companion. Before long, however, Charles also develops autonomy. Intrigued by the wider world — or whatever lies beyond the cottage where Brian has hidden him away — Charles craves adventure.
Maraschino Ruby
Misty Luggins sets a trap for the Bad Guys, but they were already caught and in custody for another crime; stealing a push pop... allegedly.
Original Music Composer
Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz face a crisis that could end their careers and another that could end their marriage.
ザ・レスキュー タイ洞窟救出の奇跡
The enthralling, against-all-odds story that transfixed the world in 2018: the daring rescue of twelve boys and their coach from deep inside a flooded cave in Northern Thailand.
ハリウッドを斬る! ~映画あるある大集合~
Self - Composer
Movie stars and members of the film industry make fun of several narrative and visual clichés that are as shocking and aesthetic as they are often truly ridiculous.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
While searching for her missing mother, intrepid teen Enola Holmes uses her sleuthing skills to outsmart big brother Sherlock and help a runaway lord.
Rising Phoenix
Original Music Composer
The history and current standing of the Paralympic Games, which has grown to become the world's third largest sporting event.
ハーレイ・クインの華麗なる覚醒 BIRDS OF PREY
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Set over three days, two different couples - each comprising of a teacher and a student - spend a life-changing weekend at the seaside resort town of Scarborough to seek an escape from the constraints of every day life.
Original Music Composer
「トレインスポッティング」「スラムドッグ$ミリオネア」のダニー・ボイル監督と「ラブ・アクチュアリー」の脚本家リチャード・カーティスがタッグを組み、「ザ・ビートルズ」の名曲の数々に乗せて描くコメディドラマ。イギリスの小さな海辺の町で暮らすシンガーソングライターのジャックは、幼なじみの親友エリーから献身的に支えられているものの全く売れず、音楽で有名になる夢を諦めかけていた。そんなある日、世界規模の瞬間的な停電が発生し、ジャックは交通事故で昏睡状態に陥ってしまう。目を覚ますとそこは、史上最も有名なはずのバンド「ザ・ビートルズ」が存在しない世界になっていた。彼らの名曲を覚えているのは世界でただひとり、ジャックだけで……。イギリスの人気テレビドラマ「イーストエンダーズ」のヒメーシュ・パテルが主演を務め、「マンマ・ミーア! ヒア・ウィ・ゴー」のリリー・ジェームズ、「ゴーストバスターズ」のケイト・マッキノンが共演。シンガーソングライターのエド・シーランが本人役で出演する。
The Seven Worlds
The Seven Worlds are oneiric, surreal interpretations of the seven tasting notes of Hennessy X.O: Sweet Notes, Rising Heat, Spicy Edge, Flowing Flame, Chocolate Lull, Wood Crunches, and Infinite Echo. These seven notes are envisioned by Ridley Scott as individual worlds each brought to life through wondrous and extreme physiography.
The Journey
An international operative pursues a mysterious woman to and through Istanbul.
ブレグジット EU離脱
Political strategist Dominic Cummings leads a popular but controversial campaign to convince British voters to leave the European Union from 2015 up until the present day.
Original Music Composer
スパイダーマン、死す── スパイダーマンことピーター・パーカーの突然の訃報により、ニューヨーク市民は悲しみに包まれる。13歳のマイルス・モラレスもその一人──彼こそがピーターの後を継ぐ“新生スパイダーマン”だが、その力を未だに上手くコントロール出来ずにいた。そんなある日、何者かにより時空が歪められる大事故が起こる。その天地を揺るがす激しい衝撃により歪められた時空から集められたのは、スパイダー・グウェン、スパイダーマン・ノワール、スパイダー・ハム、そしてペニー・パーカーと彼女が操るパワードスーツ。彼らは全く別の次元=ユニバースで活躍する様々なスパイダーマン達だった。
Original Music Composer
5年の刑期を終え、晴れて仮出所を果たしたデビー・オーシャン。かつて“オーシャンズ”を率いたダニー・オーシャンを兄に持つ、生粋の強盗ファミリーの一員だ。出所して早々、刑務所の中で考え抜いたプランを実行に移すべく、デビーの右腕となるルーと共に個性豊かな犯罪のプロたちに声をかけ“オーシャンズ”を新結成するデビー。集まったのはいずれも一流の才能を持ちながら冴えない生活を送っている、ハッカー、スリ師、盗品ディーラー、ファッションデザイナー、宝飾デザイナーたち。彼女たちのターゲットは、世界最大のファッションの祭典“メットガラ”でハリウッド女優(アン・ハサウェイ)が身に着ける1億5000万ドルの宝石! しかしそこには、網の目のように張り巡らされた防犯カメラ、屈強な男たちという世界一厳しいセキュリティが立ちはだかる。たった一秒の狂いが命取り。しかも世界中に生配信されるこの祭典のさなかに宝石を盗み取るという、前代未聞で型破りな計画は果たして成功するのかー? そしてこの計画に隠された更なるデビーの計画とはー!?
Eve Before
Original Music Composer
This unsettling story of new motherhood, featuring a powerful performance from actress Jessica Biel, is experimental director Quentin Jones' first foray into narrative film.
Original Music Composer
「ウォーターゲート事件」の全容と事件を内部告発したFBI副長官の姿を、リーアム・ニーソン主演で実話をもとに映画化したサスペンスドラマ。アメリカ合衆国史上初めて任期半ばで辞任に追い込まれたリチャード・ニクソン大統領。その引き金となったウォーターゲート事件の捜査の指揮にあたったFBI副長官マーク・フェルトは、なかなか進展しない捜査の裏にホワイトハウスが捜査妨害をしていることを察知し、事件自体がホワイトハウスの陰謀によるものであることを悟る。大統領に忠実なL・パトリック・グレイFBI長官に捜査協力が期待できない中、フェルトは事件の真相を明るみにするため、大胆な決断をする。フェルト役を「96時間」「シンドラーのリスト」のニーソン、妻オードリー役を「トスカーナの休日」のダイアン・レインが演じる。監督は「コンカッション」「パークランド ケネディ暗殺、真実の4日間」のピーター・ランデスマン。「オデッセイ」「ブレードランナー」のリドリー・スコットが製作。
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
アーサー王をめぐる伝説をベースにしたアクション。王であった父を殺されてスラム街で生きてきた男が、聖剣エクスカリバーを手に親の敵である暴君に立ち向かう。メガホンを取るのは、『シャーロック・ホームズ』シリーズなどのガイ・リッチー。出演に、テレビシリーズ「サン・オブ・アナーキー」などのチャーリー・ハナム、『コールド マウンテン』などのジュード・ロウ、『イン・アメリカ/三つの小さな願いごと』などのジャイモン・フンスーらが結集。壮絶なソードバトルの数々に圧倒される。
Original Music Composer
An adaptation of Milena Agus' eponymous novel set after WWII, "Mal de Pierres" ("Mal di Pietre") spans 20 years, following the destiny of a passionate, free-spirited woman who is in a loveless marriage and falls for another man.
インドネシアの山奥で過去最大と呼ばれる巨大金脈を発見し、 一攫千金の夢を成し遂げた探鉱者、ケニー・ウェルス。倒産寸前だった彼の会社はV字回復。 ウォール街の巨大投資銀行から全世界の金山を牛耳ってきた黄金王までがケニーの成功を賞賛し、 それを連日報じる全米のメディアは、彼を一躍スターへと押し上げた。 そんな中、報じられたのは衝撃のニュースだった。170億ドルの金塊が一夜にして消えた―。 「オレは何も知らない!」ケニーの主張も空しく、会社の株価は大暴落。 混乱の中、メディアや株主からの追求は激しさを増し、そして遂にFBIの捜査が始まった。 騙したのは、誰だ―。
Original Music Composer
コードネーム U.N.C.L.E.
Original Music Composer
Cuban Fury
Beneath Bruce Garrett's under-confident, overweight exterior, the passionate heart of a salsa king lies dormant. Now, one woman is about to reignite his Latin fire.
Original Music Composer
新クライモリ デッド・フィーバー
Original Music Composer
Driving to a music festival in Ireland, a young couple gets trapped in a country maze on their way to a remote hotel, where an unidentifiable sinister force torments them.
Original Music Composer
Thriller charting the moral collapse of a police family. Two cop brothers, smothered by the shadow of their former police chief father, must investigate a crime they themselves have committed.
Drunken Guitarist
Thriller charting the moral collapse of a police family. Two cop brothers, smothered by the shadow of their former police chief father, must investigate a crime they themselves have committed.
Ghost Recon: Alpha
Original Music Composer
Ghost Recon: Alpha sees a team led by Ghost Leader infiltrate a trade at a Russian depot between a general and a mysterious other figure.
Original Music Composer
In post–War England, a writer and sometime-ghost hunter investigates a reported haunting at a boys boarding school.
Enemies of the People
Original Music Composer
The Khmer Rouge slaughtered nearly two million people in the late 1970s. Yet the Killing Fields of Cambodia remain unexplained. Until now. Enter Thet Sambath, an unassuming, yet cunning, investigative journalist who spends a decade of his life gaining the trust of the men and women who perpetrated the massacres. From the foot soldiers who slit throats to Pol Pot's right-hand man, the notorious Brother Number Two, Sambath records shocking testimony never before seen or heard. Having neglected his own family for years, Sambath's work comes at a price. But his is a personal mission. He lost his parents and his siblings in the Killing Fields. Amidst his journey to discover why his family died, we come to understand for the first time the real story of Cambodia's tragedy.
Factory Farmed
Short film made for the SCI-FI-LONDON 48 hour film challenge 2008 in association with the SciFi Channel.
Heroes & Villains: Napoleon
Twenty Four year-old Corsican refugee Napoleon Bonaparte is a lowly artillery captain in the French army at the siege of Toulon. Destitute and relying on his success in the new and dangerous revolutionary society, his mother and siblings become embroiled in Napoleon's struggle. The opponents are the English but the enemy are the revolutionaries authorities who seek to keep him in his place. Using his astonishing tactical mind, his sheer audacity and extraordinary military bravery, Napoleon emerges victorious and sets out on a path that would one day lead him to the throne of France.
Cult Killer
On January 7th 2005, 29 year old Rick Rodriguez murdered his former nanny and then killed himself on a lonely desert highway. Hours earlier he had videoed his suicide note and this final message provided a remarkable insight into a deeply damaged life. It also lifted the lid on one of the most notorious religious cults to emerge out of the 1960s counter culture: The Children of God sect.
The Haunted Airman
An injured RAF pilot, confined to a wheelchair is committed to an eerie hospital where he starts to loose his mind.
Original Music Composer
The documentary recounts the world's first nuclear attack and examines the alarming repercussions. Covering a three-week period from the Trinity test to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the program chronicles America's political gamble and the planning for the momentous event. Archival film, dramatizations, and special effects feature what occurred aboard the Enola Gay (the aircraft that dropped the bomb) and inside the exploding bomb.
Born With Two Mothers
A provocative drama about an IVF mix-up which results in a white woman giving birth to a black boy.
Fat Girls and Feeders
A look at the sub-culture of "feeders" - men who are continue feed large women to encourage them to gain more weight to the point where the women become immobile and risk their lives. Featuring interviews with both the male feeders and the women they feed.