Jean-Pierre Becker

Jean-Pierre Becker

出生 : 1958-04-05,


Jean-Pierre Becker


Two Snails Set Off
A forest full of animated animals encourage a pair of snails, who are fully clad in black because they are in mourning for a dead leaf, to celebrate the new spring and reclaim the colors of life. Based on the children's poem by Jacques Prévert entitled "Chanson des escargots qui font à l'enterrement" ("Song of the snails who are on their way to a funeral").
Murder In Aveyron
Robert Gastié
A man is murdered in Laguiole, Aveyron, Aubrac country. The young Elisabeth Richard, deputy prosecutor of Rodez, is handling the case. She has to deal with the hostility of a police officer, promoted on his own strength and not keen on the idea of being subjected to a young woman. Elisabeth especially has to unravel the tangles of ancestral antagonism and family secrets in order to unmask the culprit. The film is both a criminal investigation and a social painting.
What the Day Owes the Night
Algeria, the 1930s. Younes is nine years old when he is put in his uncle's care in Oran. Rebaptized Jonas, he grows up among the Rio Salado youths, with whom he becomes friends. Emilie is one of the gang; everyone is in love with her. A great love story develops between Jonas and Emilie, which is soon unsettled by the conflicts troubling the country.
La Loi De Mon Pays
Émile Seban
Philippe, about thirty, discovers that he is becoming bald. For this backward adolescent musician, the loss of his hair is a real disaster. When he asks his dermatologist how much time he has left, this one tells him that only his father detains the answer to this question.
Fruit Store Owner
Nina's House
Starting in 1944 in the wake of the Liberation and continuing into the '60s, 'houses of hope' were established to lend a semblance of continuity to youngsters orpahaned by the war. Nina's Home takes place between September 1944 and January 1946 in an orphanage housed in a chateau outside Paris. At the outset, the country residence is run by Nina who has a core population of French Jewish children whose parents are probably dead. Food is scarce. News of the Concentration Camps hasn't hit yet, but some months later, a contingent of youths arrive form the liberated camps. The children are a disparate, wild, damaged group and conflicts ensue. Nina's challenge is to help them make their first delicate moves toward the future and in the process restore all of them, including herself, to life.
Le garçon de café
Louis and his Daddy are driving back home. Daddy is a past master at clowning, which does not necessarily make Louis laugh. At times Daddy gets awfully mad, picking on people who don't deserve it. That also does not make Louis laugh. But Daddy IS sweet. He knows how to soothe Louis when he is very very upset. And he can rock-a-bye his baby with a song by Niagara. Daddy has been rather slipshod lately. And ill-shaved. And has had hair-raising nightmares. Louis can burst into tears just because a little girl refuses a sticker he wants to give her. What's wrong with Louis and his Daddy? Written by Guy Bellinger
『アメリ』のジャン・ピエール・ジュネ監督とオドレイ・トトゥが再び組んだ、重厚で純粋な愛の物語。第一次世界大戦で兵士となり、行方不明となった恋人マネクを、自らの直感を頼りに探し求める女性マチルドの姿が描かれる。原作はフランスの著名なミステリー作家、故セバスチャン・シャプリゾによる1991年の作品。 2004年 第77回 アカデミー賞 美術賞 2004年 第77回 アカデミー賞 撮影賞
The Costly Truth
Investigating judge at the 3rd Criminal Chamber of Marseille, Françoise Larchey is the wife of Jean-Pierre Larchey, a famous architect of the Coast. The couple has a son, Valentin, seventeen years old... The death of Edith Mesniel, a local political figure, puts the town in turmoil. But when Emilie, Edith's only daughter and Valentin's girlfriend, confides to Françoise that her mother's death was not accidental, Madame le Juge decides to look into the case. By attacking this case, Françoise disturbs many people. She receives death threats, her son and Emilie are also threatened but she refuses to give up. And she discovers little by little that the mafia infiltrated in all the country.
Homeless Man
Michel, a psycho-analyst, falls asleep while listening to his patient Olga, a kleptomaniac and a sexual pervert, tell him how she likes her husband beating her. When he wakes up, he finds Olga having been choked to death. He now has to deal with a body, with Olga's rich husband who thinks she stole money from him, and with all his patients' insanity that haunts him.
A Saturday on Earth
Employé fabrique
A series of seemingly unconnected events and 50 important speaking parts make this film a jigsaw puzzle to be solved by the viewer. Martin and Claire were separated in childhood, and are brought together by a series of coincidences. A tragic car crash is central to the story, but seemingly unimportant events can hold great significance. Through a montage of different film stock and techniques director Diane Bertrand creates pieces of a puzzle, from which the viewer has to piece together a story. That's the premise of the film, and it is solvable. You just have to work a bit...
Le fils préféré
Jean-Paul Mantegna, the son of Italian immigrants now living in Nice, is a hunted man, riddled with debt and involved in borderline illegal companies. To extricate himself, he has to rely on Philippe and François, his two brothers, and on Raphaël, his father; a family torn by disputes and tragic events. However, by rebuilding family unity, Jean-Paul also discovers the secret of his own destiny...
ジャンヌ・ダルク 薔薇の十字架
Jean d'Aulon
ジャンヌ・ダルク 愛と自由の天使
Jean d'Aulon
「彼女たちの舞台」などで知られるヌーヴェル・バーグのJ・リヴェットが、15世紀フランスに実在した非運の英雄、ジャンヌ・ダルクの波乱に満ちた生涯を、前編の本作と、後半の「ジャンヌ/薔薇の十字架」の全編約四時間に及ぶスケールで描いた超大作。本編では神の啓示により、自らが王国を救う使命を帯びた存在であることを知った彼女が、王太子シャルルの信頼の下、オルレアンを解放するまでを描く。  尚、本編はオリジナルより約一時間短い二時間の短縮バージョンである。真の完全版は「ジャンヌ・ダルク/I戦闘 II牢獄」としてこの後に公開されている。
Coming out from jail, Lucas has decided to change his life and behave like a good citizen. But when he is taken hostage in a bank by a hare-brained robber, no cops can believe he is not part of the action.