Nobuhiro Yamashita
出生 : 1976-08-29, Handa, Aichi, Japan
Nobuhiro Yamashita was born on August 29, 1976 in Aichi, Japan. He is a director and writer, known for The Matsugane Potshot Affair (2006), Hazy Life (1999) and Linda Linda Linda (2005).
It is summer vacation but high schoolers Kokoro and Miku have been instructed by their PE teacher, Yamamoto, to clean the swimming pool. The pool has been drained of water and it is covered with sand from the baseball team’s field next door. Thus, under the blazing sun, they are meant to sweep the sand but distractions abound as Chizuru and Yui join them and stray in their path. Together, they initially discuss school life, love and makeup but it isn’t long before their worries begin to overflow and their thoughts intersect…
Let's Go Karaoke!
After Kaji, a mutual friend and actor, passed away, the director Kinoshita (Hiroshi Yamamoto), the scriptwriter Tsuboi (Keishi Nagatsuka), and the actor Funaki (Takeshi Yamamoto) leave Tokyo to visit Kaji’s hometown. After attending the wake, the three go bar-hopping at an izakaya (tavern) and hostess bar in a town they’ve never been to, but they cannot find a way to cope with Kaji’s death. The next day, they go to Kaji’s parents’ house and receive, from his younger sister, Junko, a fan letter addressed to him. The letter is from a young Korean girl, and apparently, Kaji read it many times over before he passed away. The news of the death of Kaji, who was not a famous actor even in Japan, had no way of reaching a fan in Korea. The three are left at a loss as to how to tell her the news.
After Kaji, a mutual friend and actor, passed away, the director Kinoshita (Hiroshi Yamamoto), the scriptwriter Tsuboi (Keishi Nagatsuka), and the actor Funaki (Takeshi Yamamoto) leave Tokyo to visit Kaji’s hometown. After attending the wake, the three go bar-hopping at an izakaya (tavern) and hostess bar in a town they’ve never been to, but they cannot find a way to cope with Kaji’s death. The next day, they go to Kaji’s parents’ house and receive, from his younger sister, Junko, a fan letter addressed to him. The letter is from a young Korean girl, and apparently, Kaji read it many times over before he passed away. The news of the death of Kaji, who was not a famous actor even in Japan, had no way of reaching a fan in Korea. The three are left at a loss as to how to tell her the news.
Four-year-old Shimako gets separated from her parents at Ikebukuro Station. Guided by an owl statue, she skips across Toshima Ward and embarks on a small adventure.
Four-year-old Shimako gets separated from her parents at Ikebukuro Station. Guided by an owl statue, she skips across Toshima Ward and embarks on a small adventure.
山田孝之と佐藤健が兄弟役を演じ、作・狩撫麻礼、画・いましろたかしによる伝説的コミック「ハード・コア 平成地獄ブラザーズ」を実写映画化。山田が主演のほかに自らプロデュースも務め、「映画 山田孝之3D」などでも組んだ山下敦弘監督がメガホンをとる。あまりにも純粋で不器用なために世間になじめずに生きてきた男・権藤右近。群馬の山奥で怪しい活動家の埋蔵金堀りを手伝って日銭を稼ぐ彼にとって、心優しい仕事仲間・牛山だけが心を許せる相手だった。右近の弟でエリート商社マンの左近は、そんな2人の無為で自由な日々を歯がゆい気持ちで見守っている。ある日、右近と牛山は、牛山が暮らす廃工場で、古びた1体のロボットを見つける。その分野に詳しい左近が調べると、実は現代科学すらも凌駕する高性能なロボットであることが判明。彼らはロボットと不思議な友情を築いていく一方で、その能力を使って巨額の埋蔵金を密かに発見してしまう。個性派俳優・荒川良々が牛山役を演じる。
Interview with Yamada Takayuki about his life, career and interests.
Interview with Yamada Takayuki about his life, career and interests.
Nobuhiro Yamashita shoots the adaption of the City Lights manga by Hiroyuki Ohashi with three members of the Nogizaka46 idol pop band. The story is told on three levels: Documentary-style on-set where we see the film being made and the idols struggling with their roles, the resulting movie which revolves around three girls in a psychic research club discovering a classmate with super powers who turns out to be an alien and a stage adaptation of the film with the same characters.
Nobuhiro Yamashita shoots the adaption of the City Lights manga by Hiroyuki Ohashi with three members of the Nogizaka46 idol pop band. The story is told on three levels: Documentary-style on-set where we see the film being made and the idols struggling with their roles, the resulting movie which revolves around three girls in a psychic research club discovering a classmate with super powers who turns out to be an alien and a stage adaptation of the film with the same characters.
Omnibus film "Bungo Sasayakana Yokubo" features 6 different short stories set under 2 different themes ("Mitsumerareru Shukujotachi" & "Kokuhaku Suru Shinshitachi").
Set Decoration
ウルトラマンベリアルとの戦いからしばらく経ったある日、突如光の国にベリアル軍のデルストが襲来し、そこから降り立った3体のダークロプスがゼロを襲うが、ウルトラマンゼロとウルトラセブンが力を合わせてこれを撃退。残骸を回収・分析したところ、光の国のある宇宙には存在しない物質で構成され、それから発せられる波動でマイナスエネルギーを別の宇宙へ送っていることが判明。ゼロはこれを作り出した者の正体を探る任務に単身志願する。 セブンから万能武器ウルトラゼロブレスレットを授けられたゼロは、仲間たちに見送られて未知の宇宙へ旅立つ。到着した先は、ゼロに倒されたはずのベリアルが銀河皇帝カイザーベリアルとして君臨するベリアル銀河帝国が暴虐の限りを尽くす、アナザースペース(異世界宇宙)だった。
Nakagawa shot “Coming Future” on the nights of December 24 and 25, 2010 in Shibuya, making it his location for an idealized Bohemia in the heart of Tokyo. Interesting interviews/discussions with Kenji Murakami, Nobuhiro Yamashita, Kenji Onishi, Tetsuaki Matsue and more... By far the most interesting sequence is with Kenji Onishi (“A Burning Star”). Wielding a super-8 camera, Onishi documents his own interview, taking random shots of street-life and buildings. He leavens his monologue with statements bordering between cliché and outré. “A movie that aims to make a message is boring.”
The series features Ueno taking on five roles in five episodes. As the title suggests, each episode involves a bag of some kind, such as a guitar case or a mysterious delivery package.
Master of Club
2012年。彗星が地球に激突するまであと5時間。人々が方々へ避難し静まり返った街で唯一つ営業を続けるレコード店があった。そこにいるのは、店長と不気味な車椅子の客、谷口。“もうすぐ世界が終わる”と語る谷口に、店長は“正義の味方が世界を救う”と返す。店内には70年代に解散したマイナーなパンクバンドの曲“FISH STORY”が流れていた。1982年。気の弱い大学生、雅史は仲間と車で合コンに参加。その最中、1人が“FISH STORY”という曲にまつわる不気味な噂を語り始める。無音になる1分間の間奏の間に、女性の悲鳴が聞こえるという。
Based on renowned Japanese writer Natsume Soseki's same-titled short story collection, Ten Nights of Dreams brings ten fantastical dream sequences to film with great visual and psychological panache. Representing the combined efforts of eleven directors, this outstanding anthology delves into the surreal subconscious with ten madly imaginative, reality-subverting visions that range from wonderfully wacky to nightmarishly unsettling.
高校を舞台にガールズバンドの奮闘をさわやかに描いた青春人間ドラマ。出演は『ほえる犬は噛まない』『TUBE』のべ・ドゥナ、『バトル・ロワイアル』シリーズの前田亜季、『ローレライ』の香椎由宇、そしてロックバンドBase Ball Bearのベーシスト・関根史織。監督は『リアリズムの宿』の山下敦弘。ハイティーンの女の子たちの心の微妙な心の揺れや高揚を繊細に描き出す。
高校を舞台にガールズバンドの奮闘をさわやかに描いた青春人間ドラマ。出演は『ほえる犬は噛まない』『TUBE』のべ・ドゥナ、『バトル・ロワイアル』シリーズの前田亜季、『ローレライ』の香椎由宇、そしてロックバンドBase Ball Bearのベーシスト・関根史織。監督は『リアリズムの宿』の山下敦弘。ハイティーンの女の子たちの心の微妙な心の揺れや高揚を繊細に描き出す。
Daisuke and his girlfriend have failed at selling a smelly health drink named Akajiru in Tokyo, amassing five million yen in debts. In order to recover financially, they retreat to Daisuke's island hometown.
Daisuke and his girlfriend have failed at selling a smelly health drink named Akajiru in Tokyo, amassing five million yen in debts. In order to recover financially, they retreat to Daisuke's island hometown.
Ozaki is a police detective and part-time adult video 'juice actor', whose only job is ejaculation. One day, adult video director Yamashita is told about Ozaki. Yamashita also learns Aiko, a newcomer adult video actress, has special taste for detectives. Stupidly, Yamashita thinks he can make a good adult video by pairing them...
The manager of McDonald's, who has been missing for three weeks, suddenly arrives at the apartment of a young couple.
Tsutomu meets Kee outside a Pachinko hall. The two strike up an unlikely friendship.
Tsutomu meets Kee outside a Pachinko hall. The two strike up an unlikely friendship.
Tsutomu meets Kee outside a Pachinko hall. The two strike up an unlikely friendship.
Hiroshi brings a foreign woman to his small apartment after a student party. The woman soon falls asleep from drunkenness and the sexual fantasies of the man left alone begin.
A conversation between two disgruntled young men in a small apartment. They seem to be on good terms with each other, even if they are in a whispering mood. They finally fart and play with each other. One of the young men is played by Nobuhiro Yamashita himself.
A gross and gorey portrayal of a young woman who gradually rots and zombifies in a restroom... for no particular reason, just like that.
A young salesman dives in and makes a sales pitch. He is led into a small company in an apartment building, but he can't see the face of the woman who is guiding him, or the man from the company who is dealing with the salesman. Besides, someone or something is sitting backwards in the back of the room.
Karin, 11 years old, is abandoned by her father at her grandfather’s house, the monk of a small town in the Japanese countryside. Her grandfather asks Anzu, his jovial and helpful although rather capricious ghost cat, to look after her. The meeting of their strong characters causes sparks, at least at the beginning…
Set in Kyoto, Japan, a love story takes place between Hajime (Masaki Okada) and Reika (Kaya Kiyohara). Hajime is a handsome young man, who is usually a second quicker than everyone else and straightforward. He works at the post office. Reika is a young woman, who is usually a step slower than everyone else. After Valentine's Day, Hajime wakes up and is unable to remember what happened that day.