Junpei Mizobata

Junpei Mizobata

出生 : 1989-06-14, Hashimoto, Wakayama Japan


Junpei Mizobata
Junpei Mizobata


輪違屋糸里 京女たちの幕末
Toshizo Hijikata
The story is set 155 years ago, during the battles that ended the Shogun era and through the eyes of young Itosato, we gather an interesting glimpse into a world surrounded by the most arcane women, who for the times they were destined to live, were very similar to the women of today; displaying leadership and strength within the bounds of a society at large. Itosato is a "TENJIN,' who is a courtesan in training just beneath the rank of TAYOU, which carries an Aristocratic title of Supreme Entertainer in the old capital city of Kyoto. There are two more women who play a key role in this story and all three women are in love with men who are commanders within the infamous special police task force, Shinsengumi. A task force that was organized to protect Shogun government under the command of the Kyoto Military Commissioner.
Yuhei Matsumiya
滋賀県に住む女性が東京都葛飾区で殺され、松宮(溝端淳平)ら警視庁捜査一課の刑事たちが担当するが、捜査は難航する。やがて捜査線上に女性演出家・浅居博美(松嶋菜々子)の存在が浮かび上がり、近くで発見された焼死体との関連を疑う松宮は、その遺品に日本橋を囲む12の橋の名が記されていることを発見する。そのことを知った加賀恭一郎(阿部寛)は心を乱し……。 類い稀な推理力で難事件を解決に導く刑事を主人公にした、東野圭吾の人気ミステリー小説を映像化した『新参者』シリーズの完結編。謎に包まれた殺人事件の捜査線上にある女性演出家が浮上したことで、主人公・加賀の母が失踪した理由や父との不和、加賀自身の過去が明かされる。主演の阿部寛をはじめ溝端淳平、田中麗奈、山崎努らレギュラー陣が続投し、新キャストとして松嶋菜々子、伊藤蘭、小日向文世らが参加。テレビドラマ「半沢直樹」などの演出を務めた福澤克雄がメガホンを取る。
Takeshi Yoroi / Hurricane Polymar
Shinji Higaki
Set within the Tokyo DisneySea theme park, the love lives of various people are told. Gakkun has been preparing for his accounting license exam. Nao Nanami works in the gift wrapping section of a department store.
Kota (Satoshi Tsumabuki) hears about an impending 1.5 billion yen gold bar heist from his friend Kitagawa (Tadanobu Asano), a former college classmate, and decides to take part. The gold bar sits in the basement of the HQ of Sumita Bank. Helping Kota and Kitagawa are bank security employee Noda (Kenta Kiritani), a North Korean spy pretending to be a college student (Shim Chang-Min), Kitagawa's younger brother Haruki (Junpei Mizobata) and a former elevator engineer (Toshiyuki Nishida). These 6 men are about to carry the boldest of schemes to bypass the bank's high-tech defense system.
工藤新一 京都新撰組殺人事件
Kudo Shinichi
Kudo Shinichi and Mori Ran are invited to the set of a jidaigeki in Kyoto. On their airplane ride to Kyoto, a murder mystery arises. As well, when they finally reach the set in Kyoto, they become involved in another murder mystery. Will Kudo Shinichi be able to solve the mystery?…
麒麟の翼 ~劇場版・新参者~
Syuhei Matsumiya
名探偵コナン 工藤新一への挑戦状 ~怪鳥伝説の謎
Kudo Shinichi
This story takes place 100 days before Kudo Shinichi became Edogawa Conan. Kudo Shinichi, a high school detective, arrives in Jugoya Town with Mori Ran and others. In this town a legend exists, claiming that a gigantic bull-headed shrike attacks the townspeople and kills them. The town was about to hold a festival in 3 days to put the giant bird's spirit to rest. While being led on a tour of the bull-headed shrike Shrine by Sonoko's parent's friend, Mr. Wakura, a crime related to the legend occurs. Starting with Kosaka, member of the Wakura family are slowly murdered in the same way...
Yo Komiyama
刑事・加賀恭一郎が"新参者"として人形町に赴任する、約2年前のこと。 入院中である恭一郎の父・隆正の病室に、恭一郎のいとこで捜査一課の刑事・松宮脩平が見舞いに訪れる。闘病生活を送る隆正の楽しみは、看護師・金森登紀子との将棋。登紀子から恭一郎が見舞いに来ていないことを聞いた松宮は、恭一郎への不信感を募らせる。 一方、会社員・前原昭夫の電話に着信が。それは、普段はめったにかけてこない妻・八重子からで…。
Shinpei Teramoto
Shinpei (Junpei Mizobata) dreams of being a professional cameraman and lives in Tokyo. One day, he hears that his mother has been hospitalized and returns to Kochi for the first time in five years. At the hospital, Shinpei finds out Sakura (Ayane Omori) who is the younger sister of his ex-girlfriend, has a bad disease, which no one has lived with for more than 5 years. This might be her last summer. Sakura strongly hope to dance at the Yosakoi festival, and five years ago, Shinpei made a promise to her that they would one day dance together. Sakura still remembers the promise and it also gives her the drive to live longer. Shinpei decides to dance once more at the upcoming Yosakoi festival, however. . .
NECK ネック
Tomokazu Shudo
Tomokazu Shudo has his first ever crush on Sugina Mayama, a senior student. Tomokazu has troubles confessing his feelings to the popular student, but one day, he is invited to the research lab where Sugina Mayama works. Tomokazu hopes to use this meeting to express his true feelings for her. To Tomokazu's surprise, when he arrives he first sees a big wooden box in the middle of the dark lab. Sugina tells Tomokazu that he looks scared and then proceeds to push Tomokazu into the box!
Yamaoka Ryuta
Hiroshi is a very very normal second year student of Tomei University. One day, having being dumped by his girlfriend Akemi, for the reason that "You're boring because you're too normal," and after being coerced by his classmate Shun, to change his too normal self, he decides to join Tomei's infamous "Shakespeare Research Team" or "Shaken" for short. The members of that group were comprised of truly unique people including, Ryuta, who believes acting with one's emotion is of upmost importance, Eita, an aspiring actor, Sakurako, a new member and one who loves attention, and Yukiko, the sempai main actress with the Do-S character. Will Hiroshi be able to escape this hell of normalcy? This silly, perverted, serious youth comedy is "Shaken BABY!" -- Fuji TV
Mori Tasuku
In this high school romance Hiro is dismayed to learn her new love Shu will be going away to college in Tokyo. She asks him not to go.
Nishino Atsush
Shibuki Okitsu
Tomoki Sakai is your average junior-high student. Fascinated by the diving skills of Yōichi Fujitani, an elite athlete born into a family of former Olympic divers, Tomoki joins the Mizuki Diving Club (MDC) where Yōichi trains. However, the club is in the red, and its very survival is under question. Beautiful Kayoko Asaki has just returned from the US and joins the club as a new coach, with the mission to save MDC. Her goal is for the club to produce an athlete capable of competing in the Olympics. She brings in Shibuki Okitsu, a skillful diver with a wild streak from Tsugaru. Meanwhile, Kayoko discovers that Tomoki possesses a unique ability called "diamond eyes" and inspires him to begin serious training. Tomoki, Yōichi, and Shibuki have to overcome personal problems and struggle through conflicts and setbacks in the sport to achieve their dreams.