Marián Zednikovič

Marián Zednikovič

出生 : 1951-08-15, Bratislava, Slovak republic

死亡 : 2007-05-05


Marián Zednikovič (* August 15, 1951, Bratislava - † May 5, 2007, Bratislava) was a Slovak actor. In 1974 he studied acting at the Academy of Performing Arts. After graduating, he started at the Trnava Theater for Children and Youth (today's Ján Palárik Theater), where he played Nevedek, Tom Sawyer or Chlesťakov in Gogoľ's Auditor. In 1980 he moved to Bratislava for the New Stage. He was one of the founding members of the Astorka Korzo '90 Theater. For the character of Vojnický in Čechov's play Ujo Váňa, he won the DOSKY award for the best male performance in 1996. In the theatrical performance Obchod na korze, he played the character of Anton Brtek, for which he won the Annual Prize of the Literary Fund in 2000. He was known for radio, television, dubbing and movies. He has been divorced, he has two adult sons. He died after more than a year of fighting lymph node cancer.


Marián Zednikovič
Marián Zednikovič


Orbis Pictus
In Slovakia, the sixteen year-old Terezka is discharged from her school with a letter to her mother. Along her surrealistic journey to find her mother, Terezka entwines reality and fantasy and meets a man that is hired to burn clothes; a woman buried on the ground; a young bride that is marrying the forty and something year-old widow of his brother to support her family as a tradition in their village; her younger brother that is intern in a special school; a decadent TV comedian and his wife; a powerful mobster in the kitchen of a restaurant; one lover of her mother in her former address; and finally her promiscuous mother that advises her to travel through the world.
Komorný spevák
O krásnej strige
O Jankovi kľúčiarovi
Keď báčik z Chochoľova umrie
Tak sa na mňa prilepila
Run, He Is Coming!
Svätopluk Sysel
A comedy about happiness, Indian magic and adultery. One day Mr and Mrs Sysel happen to solve the problem of lacking enough room in their tiny flat. They break through the wall into their neighbour's comfortable flat, from which they borrow not only additional square feets of space, but things of his personal property as well.
Zostane to v rodine
Citové súradnice
Kára plná bolesti
Inseparable Five
A funny movie about life and adventures of the five inseparable friends from little town in south Czech republic.
Takmer božský omyl
Ako sa husár učiteľom stal
Kráľovná noci v kamennom mori
Zločin Arthura Savilla
Keď jubilant plače
Drevená krava
Navráťte sa k otcom svojim
Zbohom, sladké driemoty
Čo sa stalo v malom kine
Ťažká profesia
Bičianka z doliny
The comedy based on the novel of Zuzka Zguriška whose story takes place at the Myjavske Kopanice.
Človek nikdy nevie
Baranček rovno z rozprávky
V predvečer
If I Had a Girl
Hrtús (voice)
Koncert pre električku
Čierna minúta