Harry Van Gorkum

Harry Van Gorkum


Harry Van Gorkum


Accidentally in Love
Edie finds true love in London just days before she is to return to the US. They are separated, but as fate would have it, they reunite 6 years later in the US.
Broken Halos
Father Murphy
A former police officer begins experiencing haunting visions and hearing voices he believes to be prayers. He does his best to drown them out, until an unexpected group of new friends helps him hear his own calling.
Eruption: LA
Professor Irwin
Struggling screenwriter Josh Kendricks finds himself the star of his own disaster movie when super volcanoes begin erupting all over Los Angeles Now Josh, along with wacko-scientist-turned-novelist Quinn Irwin and Hollywood diva Kat Rivers, must band together to get Quinns' research to the mayor and save the city before it blows in one final eruption.
The 12th Man
British naval commander
After a failed anti-Nazi sabotage mission leaves his eleven comrades dead, a Norwegian resistance fighter finds himself fleeing the Gestapo through the snowbound reaches of Scandinavia.
Dark Intentions
Dr. Bob Everett
Molly is struggling with being a new mom, but after meeting Beth, things temporarily improve only to turn sinister as Beth's dark intentions are brought to light.
Ticketed Driver
The Last Legion
As the Roman empire crumbles, young Romulus Augustus flees the city and embarks on a perilous voyage to Britain to track down a legion of supporters.
S.S. Doomtrooper
Sergeant Digger
A genetically bred Nazi super soldier fights Allied troops.
撃鉄 GEKITETZ ワルシャワの標的
Jerome Van Aken
This story is about a freelance agent (Seagal) who is the courier of a package from France to Germany. He soon finds that many people want to get their hands on it.
Double Agent
Carrier Reporter
Avenging Angelo
Kip Barrett
A woman who has recently discovered that she is the daughter of Angelo, a major mafia boss, decides to wreak vengeance when he is killed by a hitman. She's aided by his faithful bodyguard, with whom she soon falls in love.
Master burglar Max Hopper is released early after three years and soon gets an exceptional job: stealing an advanced computer-chip from the IQ Industries headquarters. His first attempt fails; when he enters in cop uniform during an emergency board meeting, a fire quickly spreads- he considers it a godsend opportunity and stays, but soon has his hands too full saving other lives and just surviving to concentrate on the chip; only the owner, his wife who just filed for divorce and a few employees remain, but it soon turns out one of them stole company secrets but the arsonist and/or another chip-thieves are among them.
Deep Core
Alan Morrisey
A powerful laser machine rips the core of the earth causing earthquakes and tsunamis, and only one man and his team can save the planet from destruction. Will they succeed?
DragonHeart: A New Beginning
Lord Osric of Crossley
When Geoff, an orphaned stable boy (Chris Masterson), discovers Drake (voice of Robby Benson), the world's last living dragon, he realizes that his dream of becoming a knight in shining armor can now come true. Together, they soon face challenges that turn them into heroes. But caught up in the excitement of their new lives, Geoff and Drake fail to see the hidden dangers that surround them.
Escape Under Pressure
A luxury cruise liner is requisitioned by the Greek government in an attempt to give safe passage to national treasures worth millions of pounds. The liner is attacked by an art collector who finds out about the plan. During the hijack the liner sinks to the sea floor and so begins a fight for survival as the remaining air begins to run out.
Face the Music
Puzzles Levy
Dan Stone's band may have just been dumped from their record label, but they're still young and they still feel like they've got a few hits left in them. Of course, everybody knows that nothing rockets a band to the big time better than the death of a lead singer, and when the band agrees to fake Dan's death in exchange for some well-timed publicity, the plan pays off better than they ever might have expected. The trouble is, a beautiful female reporter has been assigned to investigate the mysterious death, and now, as her reporter's instincts lead her ever closer to the truth, the "dead man" realizes that the girl of his dreams is also the girl who could destroy his career if news breaks of the band's elaborate ruse.
“A FREEZE IS COMING!” すべてを氷づけにしようとする怪人Mr.フリーズがゴッサム・シティーに出現。事もあろうに、誘惑フェロモンと猛毒キスを武器にするポイズン・アイビーと手を組んだ! 対するバットマンも、ロビンとバットガールという味方を得て迎え撃つが!3代目バットマンに選ばれたジョージ・クルーニー、初登場のバットガールにアリシア・シルヴァーストーン、注目の悪役にはアーノルド・シュワルツェネッガーら、豪華スターが共演。機能性がアップしたバットモービルや、より奇抜さを増したゴッサム・シティーなど、本シリーズならではの斬新なデザインも充実。