Makoto Watanabe


「100年に一度、村から子供が消える」という神隠しの伝説が残る小さな村。ここに暮らす少年・野田耕太が通う高校に、東京から季節外れの転校生・天童義男がやって来る。無愛想な天童だったが、いつしか耕太は彼と友人になった。だがある日、耕太の仲間のひとりが行方不明になり、やがてひとり、またひとりと消えていく。疑いの目が天童に向けられる中、耕太は彼の潔白を信じる。犯人は誰か? それとも本当に神隠しなのか?
One Day
Patrol Staff
A woman suffers from a rare form of temporary amnesia, lasting for a day. Her shy colleague, who is secretly in love with her, tells her that they are a couple in order to experience being with her for just one day.
Director of Photography
Nagasaki's most recent film
Director of Photography
One day Kyoko watches television and sees a man turning himself in to the police after murdering a family. Something within Kyoko connects with the man, as she recognizes a similar soul. Despite the worries of the killer's lawyer, she approaches the killer and the two start corresponding.
Director of Photography
In the early morning of January 17, 1995, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake struck, and Tadao Furuichi (Hidekazu Akai), who was running a camera store in Kobe City, lost his friends, his house, and his property. Tadao is busy volunteering for the reconstruction of the town, and one day he comes across his own golf bag that survived the earthquake. Feeling a miracle, Tadao decides to challenge the professional golf test before he turns 60.
A Japanese Anthology
博多ムービー ちんちろまい
A musical- style comedy movie set in Hakata.
Director of Photography
Knowing that he has only a month to live, a pianist goes back to his beloved ocean. He meets a girl with a broken leg. She is the daughter of his dearest woman who died many years ago. The relationship between them becomes closer. They rescue a man who tries to commit suicide. When the pianist is nearing his end, that man finds love in the girl's heart...
Director of Photography
幼い息子を死なせて以来、自殺ばかりを考えている解剖医・安藤。ある日、彼は謎の死を遂げた高山竜司の解剖を担当することになった。安藤と竜司は学生時代の同級生だった、竜司の体を解剖した安藤は彼の胃の中から暗号の書かれた紙片を見つける。それは安藤たちが学生時代に流行った遊びで、彼は「DNA PRESENT」という言葉を読み取るのだった。そんな折、玲子が車の事故で息子の陽一と共に死んだという情報が安藤に入っ...
Director of Photography
Three young Japanese drop-outs are comically adrift in New York
Director of Photography
Miharu Tamaki is about to move to Nagasaki due to his parents' divorce. As his final summer vacation in Tokyo draws to a close, he is drawn to an inscription on a high voltage tower reading "Musashino Line Tower 75". With his friend, he resolves to find Tower 1.
香港大夜総会 タッチ&マギー
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Omnibus film, set in a fictional town at 45゜N latitude: Wonder Rubbish; Pao-san to no fukushu; Jonetsu no koya; Kaze wa, dotchi ni fuite iru
Director of Photography
In four chapters, the film anatomises the chaotic life of a radio agony uncle.who is having simultaneous affairs with a sado-masochistic call-girl and the wife of an aggrieved tour-bus driver
Little Noises
Director of Photography
A struggling writer steals poems written by his mute friend to achieve fame and fortune.
Out of the Rain
Director of Photography
The heir (Michael O'Keefe) to a small-town tannery follows a young woman (Bridget Fonda) to the truth about his brother's death.
The Assassin
Director of Photography
The basic plot of this film concerns a secret service-esque man in Mexico battling personal demons who discovers a conspiracy behind an assassination attempt on a visiting American senator.
Director of Photography
A Tokyo psychiatrist is hoping to better his career by marrying the daughter of a prominent doctor. The match is threatened however when an attractive but very troubled tourist guide comes to him for consultation...
Production Supervisor
遥かな昔、謎の異星人「降臨者」が地球に残した3つの「ユニット」と呼ばれる物体。高校生の深町晶は偶然その1つを手に入れ、殖装体「ガイバー」となってしまい、降臨者の遺したデータを悪用し世界征服を目論む秘密結社「クロノス」に追われることとなる。 「調製」と呼ばれる遺伝子操作により強大な力を持った怪人「獣化兵(ゾアノイド)」達との激闘。クロノス幹部の殖装体「ガイバーII」の襲撃。そして獣化兵を遥かに凌ぐ力を持つ「超獣化兵(ハイパーゾアノイド)」。晶は苦戦しつつもガイバーの能力でこれらの強敵を撃退する。 「ガイバーIII」巻島顎人の暗躍もあり、クロノス日本支部を壊滅させるが、世界規模の組織であるクロノスには到底太刀打ちできず、次第に追い詰められていく晶たち。 「獣神将試作体(プロト・ゾアロード)」である村上征樹やクロノス内部の反乱分子達との出会いを経て、晶たちは降臨者がかつて使用していた生体宇宙船(遺跡宇宙船)を手に入れる。しかし最高位の調製体「獣神将(ゾアロード)」で構成された「クロノス十二神将」と総帥アルカンフェルの登場により晶たちはなすすべもなく敗北する。 そして199X年8月17日、世界規模のクーデターの成功により、クロノスの統治する世界が実現した。 それから1年。「巨人殖装(ガイバー・ギガンティック)」という強大な力を得て復活した晶は、人類の命運を担う戦いへと身を投じていく。その彼を中心に敵・味方が交錯する。 かつて敵として戦ったが、クロノスを裏切り晶に味方する「戦闘生物(バトルクリーチャー)」アプトム。再調製を受け十二神将の1人として晶たちの前に立ちはだかる、かつての同志村上。晶から巨人殖装を奪い、自らの軍団を率いて世界の覇者を目指す、野望の男ガイバーIII・顎人。野心を持ち反逆を企てるが失敗し、力を奪われ組織を追われた元獣神将リヒャルト・ギュオーの謀略。ギュオーと手を結ぶ、新たに登場した四人目の殖装体「ガイバーII F」、その女性殖装者ヴァルキュリア。 降臨者自身の手による調製を受け、数万年を生きるクロノスの盟主、獣神将アルカンフェルの真意とは何か。 それぞれの思惑を胸に戦いは続く。
Director of Photography
Two escaped brothers track down and terrorize the family of the judge who sentenced them.
Director of Photography
Natsuko to, rongu guddobai
Director of Photography
A young woman, Natsuko, is interviewed by a camera crew. Meanwhile, a man with a toy weapon is pursued by other men also armed with toy weapons.