Yevgeniya Dmitriyeva


Atomic Ivan
Vanya, a young scientist, has spent all his life in a satellite town next to one of the biggest nuclear stations. Just like his parents, Vanya works at the nuclear station, but only because his girlfriend, Tanya, also works in the facility. When the ambitious Tanya decides to end their relationship, Vanya must find his resolve and steer himself to true love.
Operation Righteous
A corner of Hell hasn't been meeting its quota of damned souls, so Lila, a beautiful female demon, is sent to corrupt a moral man by making him irresistible to women. But Lila hadn't counted on falling for him herself.
Azaliya Viktorovna
Zaza, tired of life, a single mother, comes from the provinces to pay an unannounced visit to her son who is studying in Moscow. As a result of several coincidences, she is forced to spend the night in the apartment of her neighbor - a handsome and many years younger Anton. This is where a passionate romance begins. Anton awakens in Zazie all the deeply hidden feelings, desires and femininity. The effect of these changes is dazzling.