Seminosuke Murasugi

Seminosuke Murasugi


Seminosuke Murasugi


大人計画「ドライブイン カリフォルニア」
松尾スズキによる21世紀の不幸を科学する「日本総合悲劇協会」の代表傑作、18年ぶりの再再演。阿部サダヲ、麻生久美子、皆川猿時、谷原章介ら豪華キャストが集結! 裏手に古い竹林が広がるとある田舎町のドライブイン。経営者のアキオ(阿部サダヲ)は妹に対して、兄妹愛とくくってしまうにはあまりにも純粋な想いを抱いていた。妹のマリエ(麻生久美子)は14年前、店にたまたま訪れた芸能マネジャーの若松(谷原章介)にスカウトされ、東京でアイドルデビューするも結婚を機に引退。その後、夫の自殺など数々の経験を重ね、中学生の息子ユキヲ(田村たがめ)とともに地元に帰ってくる。 このカリフォルニアという名のドライブインには、アキオの腹違いの弟ケイスケ(小松和重)とアルバイトのエミコ(河合優実)が働いていた。そして兄妹の父親ショウゾウ(村杉蝉之介)、高校教師の大辻(皆川猿時)、アキオの恋人マリア(川上友里)、若松の妻クリコ(猫背椿)、クリコの不倫相手ヤマグチ(東野良平)などを巻き込み、複雑に時が流れだす……。
The new film, entitled Ousama ni Nare ("Become the King"), features music and an original story by Sawao Yamanaka (guitar and vocals for The Pillows) as well as a script and direction by Shûji Okui. The film stars actor Amane Okayama as Yuusuke, a young man who works in a ramen shop frequented by numerous Japanese rock bands. Yuusuke dreams of being a photographer, and he decides to follow his dreams by becoming a cameraman for live concert events. (Source: Crunchyroll News)
世にも奇妙な物語 ’19雨の特別編
Yasuki Nosaka
EVEN 君に贈る歌
Rin is a popular singer. He is about to propose to his girlfriend Mami, but they get into an argument. Rin runs out of the home and, while walking around, he suddenly goes down in the middle of a crosswalk. Takehito is the vocalist of unpopular indie band "Even" and he happens to see Rin on his hands and knees at the crosswalk. Rin tries to help him get up, but they are involved in a car accident. When Rin wakes up at the hospital, he sees himself laying in the hospital bed unconscious. He realizes that he is in Takehito's body. To Let Mami know that he is in Takehito's body and to send her his love, he begins to write a song with the members of "Even."
蠱毒 ミートボールマシン
Nobody knows where they came from. They parasitize in human beings, take control of them and change their bodies into hideous monsters (Necro-borg). The Necro-borg fight each other until the other dies. Where did they come from? To what end? Yuji and Kaoru, whom both have dark secrets within themselves, get caught up in the horrific battles of Necro-borg. What will their fate be?
ジヌよさらば ~かむろば村へ~
Naoto Kabe
One day, Naoto receives a package. Inside he finds a book, ‘LIVE’. At the same time, he receives an image on mobile phone of his mother being kidnapped and a call from a mysterious man. “If you don’ t want us to inject the killer virus in your mother, find the hints hidden in the novel and head for the goal in the death race!” Naoto starts running to save his mother with the book in his hand.
万能鑑定士Q -モナ・リザの瞳-
Satoru Yamada
マンションの一室で刺殺されたひとりの女 その現場に遭遇した男<亮太>と,謎の美女<アカネ> 男は自分を犯人だと疑う女を自室に監禁し, 事件の解決を試みるが,そんな男に,女は意外な提案をする。 「この事件,わたしが解決してあげる」 お互いの素性を明かさぬまま“危険な”協力関係を結ぶふたり。 事件解決のタイムリミットは,死体が発見されるまでの5時間…。 “男”は何故,殺人現場にいたのか? “女”の正体とは一体,何なのか? 果たしてふたりは真犯人,そして事件の真相に辿りつけるのか?
Dr. Strangeluv
An ambitious anthology film featuring segments directed by over two dozen of the world's leading talents in contemporary genre film. Inspired by children's educational ABC books, the film comprises 26 individual chapters, each helmed by a different director assigned a letter of the alphabet. The directors were then given free reign in choosing a word to create a story involving death.
Takefumi Auchi (Winston Payne)
20XX年。凶悪犯罪の増加に対応するため、日本政府は新たな司法システム『序審裁判』を導入した。これは、弁護士と検事の公開法廷における直接対決で、証拠と証拠をぶつけあいながら、三日以内に被告人の有罪・無罪のみを先行決定する制度である。 成歩堂龍一は25歳の新米弁護士。ある日、綾里法律事務所の所長で成歩堂の良き理解者でもあった上司の弁護士・綾里千尋が、「長年追いかけてきたある事件の新たな証拠を見つけた」というメッセージを残すが、その後千尋は殺害された。容疑者として逮捕されたのは、千尋の妹で見習い霊媒師の綾里真宵だった。彼女の弁護を引き受けた成歩堂は、無実を証明するため、かつての幼馴染でもあるエリート検事・御剣怜侍と対決し、見事無罪を勝ち取った。 その法廷の後、成歩堂の元に御剣が殺人容疑で逮捕されたという知らせが入る。成歩堂は御剣に弁護を名乗り出るが、御剣を起訴したのは彼の師匠で40年間無敗の経歴を誇る伝説の検事・狩魔豪だった。そして審理を重ねていくうちに、15年前に起きた「DL6号事件」が今回の殺人事件と深く関係していることを知る。
Quirky Guys and Gals
The movie consists of 4 stories each telling how people survive on life-death choice. The story titles are: Cheering Girls, Boy? meets girl., Claim Night! and The House Full Of 'Abandoned' Businessmen.
必死剣 鳥刺し
The All-Japan Darts Tour has entered the finals. In front of the crowd, Sawada Minako will throw the last dart. Amidst the tension and excitement, Minako recalled the two months of experience.
エコエコアザラク B-page
Misa Kuroi continues her search for the demon Ezekiel and investigates a strange situation involving a wheelchair-bound doll maker named Ryo.
エコエコアザラク R-page
A journalist named Takashi arrives at a rural town to investigate a string of mysterious accidental deaths. Around the same time, a young woman arrives dressed in a sailor suit school uniform. Her name is Misa Kuroi, a powerful witch who’s been sent by the leader of her black magic cult to seek out and destroy a powerful demon of destruction called Ezekiel. Eventually, Takashi and Misa cross paths and decide to work together to solve a supernatural mystery.
Follows the ups and downs of four female friends in Tokyo looking for love and trying to cope with the responsibilities in their lives.
Live-action adaptation of a madcap manga about art, opposites, love and a whole lot of cosplay.
Fukuda (story "Sacrifice")
Dark Tales of Japan is a collection of five short horror films that are directed by five notable Japanese film directors, which are told by a mysterious old lady in kimono on a late-night bus traveling on a long isolated mountain road.
日常恐怖劇場・オモヒノタマ 念珠
(segment "Prayer Beads")
This horror anthology is featuring nine independent episodes, each 30 minutes long, that are revolving around bad karma and terror.
Bizarre love triangle about a girl, Yuki who transforms into a tentacled creature that feasts on human blood. She manipulates the guilt-ridden Fumio to do her bidding, only for a strange romance to blossom between them.
黄昏流星群 星のレストラン
Hiromi works in a posh French restaurant. One day, he meets an ordinary-looking old man who has a discerning palate. He is no ordinary cook, and can pinpoint the exact problems with Hiromi's dishes. His name is Tatematsu Ippei, a legendary chef renowned for his work in France once upon a time. After a food poisoning mishap, his fiance Sophie had left him and he cut himself off from the culinary world. Hiromi is engrossed with Ippei's cuisine and asks for lessons. Meanwhile, Sophie, now the wife of the director of a top tableware manufacturer, comes to Japan. Ippei cooks a banquet for her using Hiromi's restaurant as a front. Sophie notices that the food is made by Ippei, her former lover. The two meet and enjoy a short-lived reunion, but go on to live their own separate lives.