Dev Kennedy

Dev Kennedy


Dev Kennedy


Outing Riley
Jack Riley
Bobby Riley is an affable Irish-American guy-next-door, gay and still in the closet. Bobby's discomfort with being openly gay is a source of friction in his relationship with his partner, Andy. His sister, straight-talking lawyer Maggie, knows Bobby's secret, and when their father dies, she persuades him to come out to his three brothers. The revelation doesn't just surprise his brothers, it forces some other family secrets to be revealed.
Detective Williams' Partner
A day in the life of a barbershop on the south side of Chicago. Calvin, who inherited the struggling business from his deceased father, views the shop as nothing but a burden and waste of his time. After selling the shop to a local loan shark, Calvin slowly begins to see his father's vision and legacy and struggles with the notion that he just sold it out.
Dad Tourist
Tall Wannabee
バーニーはせこいこそ泥。ある夜、彼の目の前で飛行機が墜落する。嫌々ながらも、煙の立ちこめる機内から負傷者を救出した彼は、乗客の財布を失敬して姿を消す。事故機に敏腕レポーターのゲイルがのりあわせていたことから、マスコミ挙げての "謎のヒーロー"探しが始まる。しかし、名乗り出たのはバーニーではなくハンサムなホームレス、ババーだった・・・。