In the middle of the urban jungle, Darko, a young and handsome undocumented immigrant meets Alina, a mysterious woman who leads a steady life in Germany. Despite social and cultural differences, they share an immediate erotic connection. They start a passionate affair and very soon Darko finds himself absorbed in magnetic attraction.
Berlin, 1934. Many men are forced to live their hidden homosexuality. Erich, a photographer, has an appointment in his photo studio with Wolfgang, a Nazi soldier, with whom he shares a loving, tumultuous, and passionate relationship. For both of them, this should not be a problem, but appearances deceive.
Best prospects for young Nika Kreschinski: She is an assistant in the PR department of the renowned Seckbach Bank and is engaged to Fritz , the son of the house. But shortly before the planned wedding , the orderly life of the career woman is thoroughly shaken up: her father Herby,an old hippie, appears on the scene because the Seckbach Bank wants to turn his Greek dropout island into an amusement park ...