Seiji Arihara

出生 : 1948-01-01, Akita Prefecture, Japan


Seiji Arihara (有原 誠治, Arihara Seiji, born in 1948) is a Japanese anime director, storyboarder, screenwriter and former animator. He was born in Akita prefecture. After working at Shin-Ei Animation, he moved to Mushi Production where he stayed for a long time until he left.


NAGASAKI 1945 アンゼラスの鐘
1945年8月9日、爆心地から1.4キロ離れた病院で働く青年医師・秋月辰一郎は自ら被爆しながらも必死の治療を続ける。 苦悩から生まれた人類愛への目覚め、そして再生へと向かう40日間。 美しいアンゼラスの鐘が時を告げた浦上天主堂近くの浦上第一病院で起こった真実の物語。
NAGASAKI 1945 アンゼラスの鐘
1945年8月9日、爆心地から1.4キロ離れた病院で働く青年医師・秋月辰一郎は自ら被爆しながらも必死の治療を続ける。 苦悩から生まれた人類愛への目覚め、そして再生へと向かう40日間。 美しいアンゼラスの鐘が時を告げた浦上天主堂近くの浦上第一病院で起こった真実の物語。
越後の昔ばなし あったてんがのぉ
A collection of four folk tales from Koshiji (from 2005, part of Nagaoka), Niigata prefecture (Echigo is the old name of Niigata). The Azuki Mochi and the Frog, Satori, The Fox's Lantern, The Three Paper Charms.
An indentured Chinese laborer, brought to Japan to work in a coal mine during WWII, manages to escape his captors. He hides out in the Japanese countryside, so far from human habitation that he does not realize when the war ends, with ultimately tragic results.
An indentured Chinese laborer, brought to Japan to work in a coal mine during WWII, manages to escape his captors. He hides out in the Japanese countryside, so far from human habitation that he does not realize when the war ends, with ultimately tragic results.
つるにのって とも子の冒険
A young girl named Tomoko visits the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. There she has a mysterious meeting with Sadako, the little girl who was 2 years old when the U.S. dropped the bomb on her city during WWII and 11 when she died from the effects of radiation poisoning. Sadako takes Tomoko on an eye-opening journey.
つるにのって とも子の冒険
A young girl named Tomoko visits the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. There she has a mysterious meeting with Sadako, the little girl who was 2 years old when the U.S. dropped the bomb on her city during WWII and 11 when she died from the effects of radiation poisoning. Sadako takes Tomoko on an eye-opening journey.
つるにのって とも子の冒険
A young girl named Tomoko visits the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. There she has a mysterious meeting with Sadako, the little girl who was 2 years old when the U.S. dropped the bomb on her city during WWII and 11 when she died from the effects of radiation poisoning. Sadako takes Tomoko on an eye-opening journey.
Raining Fire
Based on accounts of the firebombing of Fukuoka. The year is 1945. Everything as usual in the Fukuoka city. Some places in Japan have already been scorched by the fire of war, but here it is relatively peaceful and calm. The school still working, and the boys play war in their spare time. Daichi and his friend are the commanders of rival squads. One day a newcomer appears in the class - Yoriko, a girl evacuated from Tokyo. Yoriko takes life very seriously, she has good reasons - her childhood ended after the loss of loved ones in the bombing. Children get to know each other and become friends. They, as the rest of the city, do not yet know that on June 19 their life will be divided into "before" and "after".
Raining Fire
Based on accounts of the firebombing of Fukuoka. The year is 1945. Everything as usual in the Fukuoka city. Some places in Japan have already been scorched by the fire of war, but here it is relatively peaceful and calm. The school still working, and the boys play war in their spare time. Daichi and his friend are the commanders of rival squads. One day a newcomer appears in the class - Yoriko, a girl evacuated from Tokyo. Yoriko takes life very seriously, she has good reasons - her childhood ended after the loss of loved ones in the bombing. Children get to know each other and become friends. They, as the rest of the city, do not yet know that on June 19 their life will be divided into "before" and "after".