Executive Producer
A zombie outbreak has fallen upon the land in this reimagining of Jane Austen's classic tale of the tangled relationships between lovers from different social classes in 19th century England. Feisty heroine Elizabeth Bennet is a master of martial arts and weaponry and the handsome Mr. Darcy is a fierce zombie killer, yet the epitome of upper class prejudice. As the zombie outbreak intensifies, they must swallow their pride and join forces on the blood-soaked battlefield in order to conquer the undead once and for all.
Executive Producer
Two common criminals get more than they bargained for after kidnapping the wife of a corrupt real-estate developer who shows no interest in paying the $1 million dollar ransom for her safe return.
Executive Producer
Everybody has one—the sibling who is always just a little bit behind the curve when it comes to getting his life together. For sisters Liz, Miranda and Natalie, that person is their perennially upbeat brother, Ned. But as each of their lives begins to unravel, Ned's family comes to realise that Ned isn't such an idiot after all.
Executive Producer
聞いていて不快な音楽やポルノグラフィー、そして焼けたふんを地面にたたきつけることがお気に入りの一風変わった男であるヘッシャー(ジョセフ・ゴードン=レヴィット)。ある日、自動車事故で母親を亡くしたばかりの少年TJ(デヴィン・ブロシュー)と、その父ポール(レイン・ウィルソン)のもとで暮らすことになったヘッシャーは、親子にとって特異な存在であったが……。 アナーキーで変わり者のヘッシャーと名乗る男が、母の死から立ち直れない13歳の少年とその父や、人生を見失った女の前に突然現れ、彼らの傷ついた人生を彼なりのワイルドな行動の数々で過激に再生していく過程を、ヘビーメタルの爆音サウンドと共に描くヒューマンドラマ。若手映像作家スペンサー・サッサーがメガホンを取り、愛と再生の寓話(ぐうわ)で長編デビューを果たした。『ブラック・スワン』のナタリー・ポートマン、『インセプション』のジョセフ・ゴードン=レヴィットら演技派スターたちの共演も見逃せない。
Executive Producer
During a weekend, two shady businessmen flee to the Cayman Islands to avoid federal prosecution. But their escape ignites a chain reaction that leads a British native to commit a crime that changes the nation.
Casting Assistant
The events of a crisis hotline business on one crazy night during the Christmas holidays.
Casting Assistant
Casting Assistant
Casting Assistant
A middle-aged couple suspects foul play when their neighbor's wife suddenly drops dead.
Executive Producer
Denise White, a former Miss USA contestant who rose to the top of the male-dominated world of professional sports management by establishing herself as a tireless defender of her high-profile clients when their images were in serious peril.