When Henry fails yet again to hand in his homework for the umpteenth time, he has no idea that this will set off a chain of events which will see him forming an unlikely alliance with Moody Margaret, the infuriating girl next door, and his irritating little brother Perfect Peter, outwitting corrupt School Inspectors and toppling an evil Headmaster, winning a talent contest and facing his ultimate nemesis with no way out.
Sixteen-year-old Poppy has everything her unlimited credit cards can buy, and a spoiled attitude to match. After a final thoughtless prank, her exasperated father ships her off to boarding school in England. There, Poppy meets her match in a stern headmistress and a class full of girls who will not tolerate her selfishness.
As the Roman empire crumbles, young Romulus Augustus flees the city and embarks on a perilous voyage to Britain to track down a legion of supporters.
David Norton is used to being in control. As a best-selling author, he decides the fate of his characters, their lives and their deaths. But what happens when his fictional world becomes all too real?
A coming-of-age story of a teenage girl from a liberal upbringing who moves to a conservative baptist community in rural 1950s America.
Glenda, an unemployed misfit, falls in love with Freddie, her goldfish. As her search for work flounders, her love for Freddie deepens and she feels her place is at his side…
First Assistant Editor
First Assistant Editor
ボンドは、石油王のロバート・キング卿に返金される大金を奪取する事に成功。キング卿が大金を確認するためMI6に訪れる。ボンドがMへの報告中、その大金に爆弾が仕掛けられていることに気づき止めようとするが間に合わず、キング卿は爆死した。ボンドは犯人と思われる女暗殺者を追うが、激しいボートチェイスの末、女暗殺者は気球と共に自爆する。 真犯人は009に銃弾を頭に撃ち込まれるも死なず、そのせいで痛みを感じない体となった不死身のテロリスト「レナード」だと睨んだMI6は、キング卿の娘であり、レナードに誘拐された経験があるエレクトラ・キングが次に狙われると判断。ボンドに彼女の警護を命じる。 そんな時、レナードによって核弾頭が盗まれ、キング社の石油パイプラインにその核弾頭が仕掛けられる。
First Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Sound Editor