Marc Silvestri

出生 : 1959-03-29,


COMIX: Beyond the Comic Book Pages
COMIX is a feature documentary on comic books, the comic book world, and the phenomenon surrounding them. It is told through the thoughts and images of some of the greatest talent in the comic book industry like Stan Lee, Frank Miller, Neal Adams, Mark Waid, Marc Silvestri, and John Romita Jr., among many others. COMIX also has tons of interviews with the fans, many in full costumes, as they share their love for the art form, and who have made comics the phenomenon that it is today.
The Image Revolution
Twenty years ago, seven superstar artists left Marvel Comics to create their own company, Image Comics, a company that continues to influence mainstream comics and pop culture to this day. Image began as more than just a publisher - it was a response to years of creator mistreatment, and changed comics forever. The Image Revolution tells the story of Image Comics, from its founders' work at Marvel, through Image's early success, company difficulties during the comics market implosion, and ultimately the publisher's new generation of properties like The Walking Dead. Filled with colorful characters, the film is a clarion call to artists to take control of their destiny.
Executive Producer
ウェスリーは経理事務のルーティン・ワークにウンザリしている一人の若者。しかし彼の運命は、セクシーで謎めいた女フォックスとの出会いによって一変する。突如襲いかかる正体不明の暗殺者から彼を守ったフォックスは、千年前から、神に代わって“運命の意志”を実践してきた秘密の暗殺組織“フラタニティ”のメンバーだった。ウェスリーは、父が組織のトップであったことを知らされ、殺害された父の後を継ぎ王位を継承する選択を迫られる。 父を殺し、自分を襲った暗殺者への復讐を胸に、ウェスリーは過酷な訓練に耐え抜き、父から受け継いだ特殊能力を開花させる。組織の切り札として次々にターゲットを暗殺していく彼は、ついに父を殺した暗殺者に戦いを挑む。しかし父の死の背後には、忌まわしい陰謀が隠されていた。
The Covenant
Four young men who belong to a supernatural legacy are forced to battle a fifth power long thought to have died out. Another great force they must contend with is the jealousy and suspicion that threatens to tear them apart.
NYPD Detective Sara Pezzini's main goal in life was to bring down Tommy Gallo, the hitman who killed her father, her best friend, and eventually her partner. While chasing down one of Gallo's thugs, she acquires the Witchblade, an enchanted armored glove once used by Joan of Arc that deflects bullets, extends into bladed weapons, produces visions, and neatly compacts itself into a bracelet.